I've heard theories saying that everyone is upgrading their old PCs to get
ready for y2k, and of course, they're upgrading to the most modern stuff,
K6-2, P2 and P3 processors, which require PC100 ram, so if the people are
willing to pay twice what the ram normally costs, why not raise the
The real reason, the bottom line is, THE BOTTOM LINE. They raised prices
because they thought that the market would stand it. It is obvious that the
market will not.
>I heard that memory prices were going up in the US because companies were
>saying that the earthquake in Taiwan cut the suppl
IIRC, the IEEE standard is max 100 meters (328 feet).
That is correct...if you need to go further than that, you can add another
segment, using either a bridge, a router or a hub.
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I have noticed that ocasionally Homail will insert a small HTML tab in the
messages. I have yet to determine what causes this, but the portability of
the website appeals to me (I can have my linuxchix wherever I go) I
apologize if any of my messages are skrewy...
Hi, everyone,
It is r
I am running GIMP/Win on a Windows 2000 box. Runs great. The only problem I
have found is that if I try to manipulate more than one graphic, whether
concurrently or not, in the same session, that I get memory errors. Do not
know if it is not interacting with Windows memory manager properly,
I remember having a modem discussion a few years ago (95?) before I ever
bought my first computer, and I was told that Hayes was the way to go...I am
not sure if this information is still current/relevant.
Hayes has (since almost a year ago) been liquidated for debts. The pieces
ent to basi
You can download a full-featured trial of GHOST...and use it for free for
like 30-days. This might be the way to go if you will only use it once.
Sorry, I'm a real cheapo! would rather reinstall than spend $63,
esp. since I'll probably only use it once :-)
Thanks though!
What was the problem with NT partition?
It holds a Microsoft product...and only a Microsoft product...
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The only thing that I notice is it looks a bit 'watery' when i scroll
through a
page quicklybut at least i can fit a decent number of windows on my
now. YAY!
Do you have a Trinitron monitor? I have noticed that the Trinitron
technology tends to appear wavery when you scroll fas
Have been following the thread on splitting files to floppy. Would this
work to split the installation files? Or, is there a specific way to create
floppy disks to do an install on a machine wihtout a CD-Rom? I have an old
486 that I am considering setting up, and it does not have a CD, and
Ran a Lucent Winmodem on my Windoze system at home. Did not noticeably
slowdown my system (PIII/500, 292MB)...but when I fried that modem and
replaced with a USR hardware modem (old 56K, NOT V.90), I noticed that my
connection speeds increased, and I have had less problems with some of my
why in lapttops...processor power and battery power are more scarce in a
laptop than they are on a desktop machine...the average new desktop machine
has processor to spare...
Ian wrote:
Possibly in laptops? But other that that I'd agree.
That's a great idea. I'd give up some CPU for that, and my room mate
would drool also, because he just got an SGI and is starting to get into
graphics. I guess anyone who's ever waited for something to be rendered
would appreciate that project. (:
Wait for the playstation 2 to come out...s
> A Brunette, a Redhead, and a Blonde escape a burning building
> by
> climbing to the roof. Firemen are on the street below, holding a
> blanket for them to jump in.
> The firemen yell to the Brunette, "Jump! Jump! It's your only
> chance to
> survive!" The Brunette jumps and SWISH!
i must apologize for this posti accidentally hit the wrong button...
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nopeon my address list...
The 'Send' button? ;)
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"You are the product of a mutational union
of ~640Mbytes of genetic information."
You must be blondeno offense, but did we hit a nerve??
DO NOT DO THIS --- techtalk is not for jokes -- PARTICULARLY
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The only benefit, I see with this device, is entertainment. There is nothing
else to it. If it is entertainment only, then it is better off with
Microsoft platform.
Subba- So basically you are saying that the ppl out there who do not run a
M$ os do not have the right or the desire to watch
I have just started off learning something on Linux. Any clues as to where I
start, how I start, hours of work the experts here have put in to to reach
that kind of techno. status?
You could try O'reilly's Running Linux and and Administrator's Guide
Both are invaluable books for the newbie an
>I've recently sent a few posts that have not shown up, does anyone >else
>have this problem ever?? Should I be concerned/?
How long has it been since these posts were sent? Occasionally when I send
a post I get responses before I even get the post backsomething to do
with the way the
Heh. depends on your experience level. I remember when I was first
learning linux (redhat 2.something, I think), there were a couple of times
when I screwed something badly enough that it was easier (and faster) to
reinstall than to learn enough (on an unusable system) to make the system
>Well, while you'll encounter it a lot more in the Windows world, >it's
>still valid for any OS when you're not entirely sure what >you're doing. :)
True...but my point was...it is much easier to repair a component in Linux
than it is in Windows.
>We bought one of their boxes, and except for a video card which >seems to
>like coming loose, it's a nice box.
Must be an earlier AGP mobodamn contact sensitive things...have seen
boards that the vibrations from the power supply and processor fan will work
the VC out...and system loses
>We stopped buying Dell servers because their hard drives pop out >randomly
Have never heard of anything like this. We have two Dell servers...4300
Poweredge, and they are pretty good machines...got another 128 MB PC100 to
put in them, but Dell sold us buffered RAM, and the boards do not suppo
So, in short, I need the riva drivers, but they are not available. I
had hoped someone else might have an Xserver for TNT2 3D acceleration,
or know where one might be located. Also, any sticky issues concerning
configuration of the server or OpenGL with the server would be helpful.
I also have
RTFM is a rude way of telling someone to check the documentation
What is RTFM? If it's not too much trouble?
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If you are going to buy a new monitor, go ahead and shell out the small
extra amount to go up to a 21"...you can find good ones at good
prices...look through the archives, we had a discussion on prices and
quality early on in the life of techtalk...
Also...most of the larger monitors will tell you exactly wht the viewable
area of the CRT is. (I have yet to figure out why a 15" LCD has a 14"
viewable) Average is...21"- from 18.5"-19", 19" has 18", 17" has 15.7-16",
15" has 13.4-14" Hope this helps...
But, as stated, you are the one tha
But, you have to be careful of the trinitron anywhere where there might be
electrical interference, or vibration. The type of mask that Sony uses on
the tubes is highly susceptible to said interference.
I've noticed the skew and fuzz less on Trinitron-based monitors. I
forget the technical d
trueand the resolutions on those screens are comparable to the
resolution on a TVpretty sucky, not adaquate for AutoCAD at all.
Objections :-). I once read a test of a CAD workstation (PC hardware)
which had a monitor with an
Have you tried to finger it?
Hey All,
I'm using an RCA digital cable modem and was wondering
if anyone knew how to retrieve the MAC addr from it. It
has no IP associated to it like a CISCO would so I'm not
quite sure what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Harry Hoffman
Why do you say Celerons suck? In side by side comparisons, the end user can
only tell a difference between Celeron and Pentium II/III machines in FPU
intensive applications. And even then, the difference is not extreme. MP3
decoding is more dependent on the decoder you use than it is in your
How would you use a USB keyboard in DOSDOS does not support USB, right??
>All that having been said though, I'd try to find out what type
>of hardware is driving the keyboard. Can he boot into DOS? Guess >that
>wouldn't really mean anything since there may be a standard >keyboard
Your soundcard is an Ensonic 1879. Creative Labs bought Ensonic...good luck
finding a driver that worksCreative is not doing legacy support very
My soundcard won't work in debian, not sure what kind of soundcard I have,
when I boot into windows, all it says is ES1879 Plug and P
Buying a Compaq "loaded" is kinda a misconception. Every Compaq server I
have ever received comes in a box, with a box of software. (EZ-Load, they
call it.) And Compaq's loads (in my experience), are anything but easy.
>I heard today that Compaq was going to be putting FreeBSD on their
Internal clocks work by counting the cycles in electricity. If you look in
the BIOS, there may be a setting for "clock cycles" or something similar.
Make sure that it is set to the proper cycle speed for your area (Anybody
remeber who uses what cycles?) Off the top of my head, I cannot
OuchOk, then why does my BIOS, and a couple of other machines want to
know what the cycle time is for power?
You have a good point, thoughmakes sense, but cannot figure it out...
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 18:03:29 GMT, &quo
Linux 2.0.34 i586)
X-Accept-Language: en
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Precedence: bulk
J B wrote:
> OuchOk, then why does my BIOS, and a couple of other machines want to
> know what the cycle time is for power?
> You have a good point, thoug
What would you plug the machine into if you are using DC for distribution??
I do not know.
I have no idea. It's possible that one some systems, the clock
switches to line frequency. Line frequency is not very stable (it's
The best Newbie guide I have found is the Linux Newbie Administrators Guide
(NAG) it is at http://sunsite.auc.dk/linux-newbie/
Can someone recommend a good online guide for a new Linux/Unix user? A
couple of friends who have accounts on my system haven't had much (or any,
in some cases)
Does anybody have any experienece dual-booting Windows 2000 and Linux? I
have read there are some difficulties, but not been able to find any more
info than that.
Am looking for difficulties, experiences, advice, etc
Get Your Pr
Thanks for the response. Was this with Windows 2000, or with NT 4.0?
>I just followed directions for dual booting Linux & NT and didn't >have any
>trouble (at least not related to the dual boot). I used >the Windows boot
>manager so I don't know if LILO has issues.
That would be wonderful, thank you.
>If you want I can point you to the pages I followed...
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I have messed with Dell, Gateway, Toshiba, Compaq, Micron and a couple of
off-brand laptops. The most impressive laptop (and closest in performance
to a desktop machine) is the Micron Transport (we have NX). Granted, they
are a little more pricey than the Dell, etc...but IMHO, it is worth it
...And if it is indeed a WinModem that you are SOL.
They are completely incompatible with Linux
This is not technically completely correct. There are a couple of programs
out there that enable the software modems undr Linux. Then only problem
with them is...1) they eat so much processing
Login to to anon with "anonymous" and no password...it will let you in and
download...did it earlier in the week from one of the mirrors...
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This is more a topic for grrltalk or issues, but it matters not whether (as
someone stated not too long ago, and I must steal now) your gentalia points
inward or outward.
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Tania Morell wrote:
> > Rik
> >
> It really is very hard to decipher who is male and
> female b
Hey everyone, this needs to be moved to either issues or grrltalk...
Some of us could be complex computer programs living on a kick ass server
connected to an OC-12. Woo hoo! AIs make the best h4X0rs! ;)
On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, srl wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Tania Morell wrote:
> >
Welcome to the joys of beauracracy. I think the only better one is when the
system decides that you are deceased. Try convincing the US government that
you are, indeed, NOT dead.
Original Message Follows
From: Davida Schiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'[EMAIL
1. Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever,
because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but
we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever."---Miss
Alabama in the
Before I get flamed for it, that list of quotes was not intentionally sent
to the techtalk list. Oopssorry!
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Actually, THAT was the reason I was apologizing. Were I to intentionally
post, it would have been to grrltalk, not techtalk.
>Not to mention...this is the techtalk list.
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Ok...a friend is doing her first install on a Pentium Pro 200. She had a CD
of Mandrake 6.5, but the burn was not good, so she FTP'd 7.0.
Any suggestions as to how to do the NFS install (this is on a big, fast
network (fiber backbone, 3Com NIC), so bandwidth will not be a
problemJust need
We were not that lucky. It has propagated, and now the Texas DOT is
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techtalk mailing list
>they don't offer the actual certification tests however, but the
>tests themselves run (i believe) $200 or so a pop...
The tests are $100 each from Sylvan Prometric, and the schools usually do
not include the tests, unless it is a special dealeven the $2000 per
course schools usually do n
Netware is an extremely stable and capable OS. I would bet that your friend
is using Netware 4.x, which is known as a dog. I have used Netware products
from 2.18 up to 6 (still in early beta) and they are very stable and
extremely fast. Netware 6, upon its release will add some functionality
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