Actually, THAT was the reason I was apologizing. Were I to intentionally post, it would have been to grrltalk, not techtalk. >Not to mention...this is the techtalk list. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? J B
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Linda Walsh
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Isn't this a techlist? Janus
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Nils Philippsen
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Tania Morell
- RE: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Roehr, Susan N
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? J B
- Re: [techtalk] Fwd: Blondes??? Tania Morell