I took line 8 straight from a HOWTO on Shell Prompt
Programming, and modified it slightly so that it left just the tty?
part, it works fine from the command prompt but when I go to
login with the new /etc/profile it tells me I'm missing a trailing ' " '
... Any help would be greatly appre
On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, J Grant Boling wrote:
> I took line 8 straight from a HOWTO on Shell Prompt Programming, and
> modified it slightly so that it left just the tty? part, it works fine
> from the command prompt but when I go to login with the new /etc/profile
> it tells me I'm missing a trail
Have you checked to see if you have any lock files in your /tmp directory?
On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, dez wrote:
> Good Morrow techtalk,
> After successfully( for a couple of months) using the multiple display
> startx -- :1 -bpp 16
> i get an error saying the ser
On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Julia Coolman wrote:
> I installed limuxppc 2000 on my 333 mhz imac from the downloadable CD
> image a few weeks ago and have been unable to get my ethernet (yay dorm)
> connection up. most of the documentation for redhat (close to linuxppc)
> i've found says nicely how to se
> Hardcore backpack. Then again, I have no fasion
> sense, and the backpack is a part of my body ;)
That and in oly you'd fit right in
Speaking of neat backpacks I now am the proud owner of a frame pack with a zip-off
too bad it has wheels and a handle (people keep telling me that th
When I've been upgrading the last couple of times via capt or even just
getting package lists via apt-get update, I am seeing a lot of this:
iput: device 00:01 inode 4096 still has aliases!
Sometimes it is device 00:00 with different numbers, sometimes device
03:07 with different numbers... 00:0