On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Julia Coolman wrote:
> I installed limuxppc 2000 on my 333 mhz imac from the downloadable CD
> image a few weeks ago and have been unable to get my ethernet (yay dorm)
> connection up. most of the documentation for redhat (close to linuxppc)
> i've found says nicely how to set up ppp, but not ethernet...
> so after running netcfg and setting eth0 to active at startup and pluggin
> in DNS and subnet mask and router numbers from MacOS i look in
> boot.log and see
> network: bringing up interface lo succeded
> ifup: determining IP information for eth0
> network: bringing up interface eth0 failed
How did you install the card, at installation or after installation? What
kind of card do you have? It's possible that it's not loading the right
module. Or it could be that it's passing it invalid irq and io
parameters (some modules need this I believe).
Check in your conf.modules for aliases. You may also have
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules and you want to check that as well. After all
that... instead of rebooting, as root go to (in a redhat configured
system) /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart... this should try to bring up
your network again....
> and in messages
> ifup: ./ifup: /sbin/pump: command not found
If you do a 'whereis pump' in the console, and it doesn't give you
anything but "pump:" back, then it wasn't installed properly in
installation or was never installed. Get the rpm and install it.
> and in dmesg
> eth0: BMAC at 00:50:e4:96:e2:04
This message could come up because the card may not be
installed/configured correctly. I'm not sure, anyone else have ideas ?
What does BMAC stand for...?? (I'll find out..)
If you know that you've got it installed properly, check it's
configuration. Do an 'ifconfig' and check everything there...
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