> I beg to differ. You are running Windows, using Outlook Express, I'm
> not certain that you're any sort of authority on Linux operating
> standards. Linda currently has her box configured in the following
> manner:
> Port State Service
> 21/tcp openftp
> 22/tcp o
> > Fourth, perhaps you should think a bit harder about what you are doing
> > when you make sexist remarks about the presumed physical appearance and
> > social habits of female scientists on women's forum of all places?
> Actually, it struck me as reasonable to assume that someone who
> op
On Sun, 13 May 2001 11:40:24 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>The secure free Unixes, btw, are the *BSDs and Debian. Get one of the
>active sysadmins on this list to give their recommendations, if it
>bothers you as much as it seems to.
the security on a *nix system/box -always- depends
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 09:31:05PM -0700, Marisa Mack wrote:
> Port State Service
> 21/tcp openftp
> 22/tcp openssh
> 23/tcp opentelnet
> 25/tcp opensmtp
> 80/tcp openhttp
> 110/tcpopenpop-3
> 111/tcpopen
On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 09:23:07PM -0400, coinneach graced me with:
> All right that's enough! You are way out of line.
I beg to differ. You are running Windows, using Outlook Express, I'm
not certain that you're any sort of authority on Linux operating
standards. Linda currently has her box co
e of equipment you should physically
secure it.
-Original Message-From: Amy
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 9:38
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [techtalk]
About prettyphysicslady on the linuxchix techtalk list...
You say 'back door'
You say 'back door', most of us say 'recovery feature'.
Ah well. Most of us consider backdoors to be those that
accessed *remotely* since that is what truly counts in
most of our lives. As we have continued to say ad
there is no such thing a *truly* secure machine if a
Amy wrote:
> I just don't understand why this person doesn't take
> all of this advice she has been given and just secure her
> darn machine and stop bothering us about why it isn't as
> secure as Windows (bwahaha). Take it up with the distro
> developers. Or even better, make you own distro whe
Coinneach MacSandair wrote:
> First, PrettyPhysicsLady is NOT being unreasonable. It IS a back
> door. And we're not talking about using boot floppies or recovery CD's
> or cracking the stupid case to erase the CMOS to override the BIOS
> password here -- we're talking about a serious mist
is *NOT* a backdoor. Backdoors are hidden, secret ways in to a
system. This isn't hidden. It isn't secret. It's very well
known and is a recovery method. It's *NOT* a "series mistake in the
default shipping configuration". This is a recovery mechanism almost every
UNIX system has
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