I wonder if she considers Cisco's password recovery procedure a "backdoor".  With physical access to any Cisco router I can reset the enable password and then do anything I want.  But, just like single user mode, it's very well documented.  If it's an important piece of equipment you should physically secure it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Amy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2001 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [techtalk] About prettyphysicslady on the linuxchix techtalk list...

You say 'back door', most of us say 'recovery feature'.
Ah well. Most of us consider backdoors to be those that can
accessed *remotely* since that is what truly counts in
most of our lives. As we have continued to say ad nauseum,
there is no such thing a *truly* secure machine if a good
system admin or hacker is at the console, root workaround or not.
And Cisco wouldn't put the same feature in it's IOS
if it weren't a FEATURE that was needed when you have
console access. But quite frankly, I am getting sick of this
argument, and just want it to stop. This ain't a security
hole, folks. I guess if you don't like the feature, then fix
it. I just don't understand why this person doesn't take
all of this advice she has been given and just secure her
darn machine and stop bothering us about why it isn't as
secure as Windows (bwahaha). Take it up with the distro
developers. Or even better, make you own distro where it
isn't the default setting! That's the great thing about
Linux...we, the people,  have access to the code and can
do such things.

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