I agree that it's very confuddled. I'm going to start a new thread soon
after I make some updates to the proposal, primarily for clarity and
covering some of the most common questions that have come up here. I'd like
to steal your examples, if you don't mind, for the wiki.
The response you receive
Hi everybody,
I'm mapping various sidewalks and I'd like to tag the portion of the
sidewalk that slides down from a higher level to the ground, and then
maybe goes up again. This happens usually in correspondance with
driveway entrances (how do you tag them?). You can see an example here
I've run into a bunch of similar issues, where they just use asphalt to
make an incline to the street level. I've been tagging them as
kerb=lowered. It probably isn't exactly correct, but it does tell a
wheelchair users that they can reach the street level. (Assuming the
incline isn't too steep of
The amount of time someone spent at an incline is important for some
pedestrians, so I'd use an option that splits the way and sets the incline
sidewalk=slide might be related to a tag I've wanted for a while. I think I
would personally call that a ramp, so maybe a use of a tag like ramp=yes
... and there was me thinking that you were trying to tag something like
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48259964 :)
Best Regards,
Tagging mailing list
Hi Ale,
You mean the travelling direction or across derection?
I once used incline:across for across direction:
It's a bit thrilling experience even walking there ;)
Hi Clifford,
On 17/05/19 01:37, Clifford Snow wrote:
I've run into a bunch of similar issues, where they just use asphalt
to make an incline to the street level. I've been tagging them as
kerb=lowered. It probably isn't exactly correct, but it does tell a
wheelchair users that they can reach t
Thanks Nick,
On 17/05/19 01:47, Nick Bolten wrote:
The amount of time someone spent at an incline is important for some
pedestrians, so I'd use an option that splits the way and sets the
incline tag.
sidewalk=slide might be related to a tag I've wanted for a while. I
think I would personally