The amount of time someone spent at an incline is important for some pedestrians, so I'd use an option that splits the way and sets the incline tag.
sidewalk=slide might be related to a tag I've wanted for a while. I think I would personally call that a ramp, so maybe a use of a tag like ramp=yes would be worth discussing. There's two big benefits I can name right away: - It becomes easier to incrementally map l to armchair map these features. User A tags ramp=yes on a footways (armchair mappable), User B can then use a QA tool and add incline=up/down (armchair mappable), user C can add incline=a number (must map on-site). - It becomes possible to distinguish infrastructure built as a ramp (like this slide or a wheelchair ramp) from any other segment of footway that just happens to be steep. Does ramp=yes seem like an appropriate (hypothetical) tag for this situation? On Thu, May 16, 2019, 4:02 PM Alessandro Sarretta <> wrote: > Hi everybody, > > I'm mapping various sidewalks and I'd like to tag the portion of the > sidewalk that slides down from a higher level to the ground, and then maybe > goes up again. This happens usually in correspondance with driveway > entrances (how do you tag them?). You can see an example here > > > For wheelchair accessibility it would be important to characterize it with > an incline tag: when the incline value its e.g. >5% the accessibility can > be considered limited, and so on. > > One of course could split the sidewalk for a 1 m section and assing a > specific incline value to it; this might lead to a very fragmented way and > sometimes it would be easier to simply add a node and assign an incline > value to it. Even the simple information that there's a portion of the > sidewalk not horizontal (without a specific value) can be useful. > > I've thought about using a node on a footway=sidewalk with > *sidewalk=slide* + *incline=<value> *or something similar. > > I thought also about using the tag kerb, but in this case it isn't a real > intersection with the road, so it doesn't seem to be appropriate to me. > > Do you have any experience on that or suggestions? > > Thank you in advance, > > Ale > > > _______________________________________________ > Tagging mailing list > > >
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