Thanks Nick,
On 17/05/19 01:47, Nick Bolten wrote:
The amount of time someone spent at an incline is important for some
pedestrians, so I'd use an option that splits the way and sets the
incline tag.
sidewalk=slide might be related to a tag I've wanted for a while. I
think I would personally call that a ramp, so maybe a use of a tag
like ramp=yes would be worth discussing.
There's two big benefits I can name right away:
- It becomes easier to incrementally map l to armchair map these
features. User A tags ramp=yes on a footways (armchair mappable), User
B can then use a QA tool and add incline=up/down (armchair mappable),
user C can add incline=a number (must map on-site).
- It becomes possible to distinguish infrastructure built as a ramp
(like this slide or a wheelchair ramp) from any other segment of
footway that just happens to be steep.
Does ramp=yes seem like an appropriate (hypothetical) tag for this
I've assumed that ramp should be used only with some steps, but actually
the definition in the wiki
( it's wider: " It's
*usually* used on staircases".
To me it seems quite a useful option.
But would it be ok to use it on a node instead of a way segment?
On Thu, May 16, 2019, 4:02 PM Alessandro Sarretta
< <>>
Hi everybody,
I'm mapping various sidewalks and I'd like to tag the portion of
the sidewalk that slides down from a higher level to the ground,
and then maybe goes up again. This happens usually in
correspondance with driveway entrances (how do you tag them?). You
can see an example here
For wheelchair accessibility it would be important to characterize
it with an incline tag: when the incline value its e.g. >5% the
accessibility can be considered limited, and so on.
One of course could split the sidewalk for a 1 m section and
assing a specific incline value to it; this might lead to a very
fragmented way and sometimes it would be easier to simply add a
node and assign an incline value to it. Even the simple
information that there's a portion of the sidewalk not horizontal
(without a specific value) can be useful.
I've thought about using a node on a footway=sidewalk with
/sidewalk=slide/ + /incline=<value> /or something similar.
I thought also about using the tag kerb, but in this case it isn't
a real intersection with the road, so it doesn't seem to be
appropriate to me.
Do you have any experience on that or suggestions?
Thank you in advance,
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