Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-11-19 12:19 GMT+01:00 Simon Poole : > While I'm a bit undecided on if we need an education reform at all and > you need to make clear what the voting is actually on, the underlying > proposal is far from ready for any kind of vote or usage at this point > in time. > I agree with all points.

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Erkin Alp Güney
> What about dance / music (singing / instruments, ...) / schools? > Academies? Conservatories? Professional schools? education=specialty > Subtags how to tag the specialization (if any), about the degress you > can get, institutes and faculties, etc.). These tags already exist. Institutes and fac

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-11-20 11:04 GMT+01:00 Erkin Alp Güney : > > > What about dance / music (singing / instruments, ...) / schools? > > Academies? Conservatories? Professional schools? > education=specialty > I'm not convinced. Why is there an education=driving or administrative, but an academy of fine arts (si

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Marc Gemis
What is the difference with the rejected Education 2.0 proposal from 2016 ? Aren't we repeating all the arguments again ? m. On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 12:03 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > > 2017-11-20 11:04 GMT+01:00 Erkin Al

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - More RFC - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Erkin Alp Güney
20-11-2017 14:03 tarihinde Martin Koppenhoefer yazdı: > > > 2017-11-20 11:04 GMT+01:00 Erkin Alp Güney >: > > > > What about dance / music (singing / instruments, ...) / schools? > > Academies? Conservatories? Professional schools? > education=specialty >

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Erkin Alp Güney
No, I have expanded it to cover all educational institutions now, primary focus being separating cram schools, as cram schools are usually not allowed to award a diploma and they should not be listed when searched for other education institutions. 20-11-2017 14:19 tarihinde Marc Gemis yazdı: > Wh

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - More RFC - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-11-20 12:21 GMT+01:00 Erkin Alp Güney : > > Yes, it is a collection. OpenStreetMap tagging should allow quick > searches on particular kinds of places. University colleges will now be > members of university relations and their buildings will be tagged > education=school+school_level=tertiary

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - More RFC - Education Reform

2017-11-20 Thread Erkin Alp Güney
relation:  type=site  education=university  name=Università degli Studi Roma Tre  brand_name=UniRoma3  campus:  education=university  name=Università degli Studi Roma Tre  brand_name=UniRoma3  both buildings:  education=school  school_level=tertiary  name=Facoltà di Architettura  faculty=arch

[Tagging] Additional sub tags for survey mark

2017-11-20 Thread Warin
Hi, There have been attempts in the past to add sub tags to man_made=survey_point To me there are 2 'types'. they are quite different; Triangulation (or 'trig point') that are visible over quite some distance (say over 2 km), u

Re: [Tagging] Additional sub tags for survey mark

2017-11-20 Thread Andrew Harvey
Being able to distinguish different types of survey marks and points is very much needed in OSM, it would be great to see this formalised on the wiki. I like the idea of modelling it after Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects#Control_Points_.28CATCTR.29 as that seems

Re: [Tagging] Additional sub tags for survey mark

2017-11-20 Thread Warin
On 21-Nov-17 12:07 PM, Andrew Harvey wrote: Being able to distinguish different types of survey marks and points is very much needed in OSM, it would be great to see this formalised on the wiki. I like the idea of modelling it after

Re: [Tagging] Additional sub tags for survey mark

2017-11-20 Thread Andrew Harvey
On 21 November 2017 at 12:29, Warin <> wrote: > > I think that triangulation points are not normally used this way? Where > required the placement of the equipment on the exact centre of the point > may mean that the structure needs to be disassembled. > I'd think any triangula

Re: [Tagging] Additional sub tags for survey mark

2017-11-20 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On 21 November 2017 at 12:48, Andrew Harvey wrote: > > > I'm not sure, I've only seen two types the brass disk in the footpath, > gutter, road etc. and the rock or cement pillar with a plate on top, > sometimes with a black mental circle which can be seen from a distance. > Your proposed tags prov