Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Hazards

2020-12-05 Thread Michael Patrick
w fast one should take that stretch of road. :-) and Michael Patrick <

Re: [Tagging] Proposal to change key:man_made to key:human_made

2020-11-15 Thread Michael Patrick
er and inventory the various collections by many iterations of queries,to assess the impact of a replacement change, but it would be impossible to know for sure if those results were correct. Michael Patrick > <

Re: [Tagging] Deprecate water=pond?

2020-11-13 Thread Michael Patrick
> I am surprised nobody has suggested a pondness or lakicity scale yet. > It isn't unusual outside of OSM for relative percentages of the different meanings to be accounted for. For example for Great Pond ( ) with a s

Re: [Tagging] religious bias - Re: Feature Proposal - Voting - (Chapel of Rest)

2020-11-05 Thread Michael Patrick
No one has to guess or derive terms - 'chapel of rest' is a specific national-ish flavor of the more general service of 'viewing_arrangments' by the organization responsible for a funeral. The origins of 'chapel of rest ( and why that specific term was coined and used ) basically were born out of

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (Chapel of rest)

2020-09-27 Thread Michael Patrick
om> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 > > Funeral viewing room sounds like a room where you can view the funeral. I > suspect modern ones have very large screens and nice sound effects. > > Mvg Peter Elderson > > > Op 27 sep. 2020 om 19:39 heeft

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (Chapel of rest)

2020-09-27 Thread Michael Patrick
HomeAndCrematory/Spa%20-%20Crem%20w%20View%202018-07-01.pdf زيارة مشاهدة الجنازة ( Arabic ) goes to 'Funeral watch visit', i.e. it survives round trips through google Translate. 'Chapel of Rest' seems to be one of those terms like 'Take the goat to the butcher and have

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (Chapel of rest)

2020-09-24 Thread Michael Patrick
for some cultures ( I once went to one in Detroit, where the open casket and reception line was right there with tables of people eating brunch ('wake')). Michael Patrick <

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 130, Issue 21

2020-07-07 Thread Michael Patrick
ailable: "Worldwide inventory of human settlements (urban & rural) using one global coverage of SAR data with 0.4 arcsec (~12 m) ground resolution collected by the satellites TerraSAR-X / TanDEM-X in 2011-2013." Michael Patrick <

Re: [Tagging] Are we mapping ground on OSM?

2020-07-05 Thread Michael Patrick
can get a fair idea what's going on. Your mileage may vary. Michael Patrick <> Virus-free. <

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Urgent Care

2020-04-05 Thread Michael Patrick
faces: Yes, it's complicated. Most things in the real world are. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Clearer definition of tunnel ...

2020-03-23 Thread Michael Patrick
> To me a tunnel is different from a pipeline in regard of structure and building technique. Of course, we also have to consider pipelines inside of tunnels ( Thttps:// ) and cryogenic transmission lines which have pipelines inside of pipelines inside of

Re: [Tagging] Pumps (wells and many other things)

2020-03-19 Thread Michael Patrick
d that time, and the concept of 'pump' became a first order category of it's own, a technology and commodity, designed rather than a trial and error tradition. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Pumps (wells and many other things)

2020-03-18 Thread Michael Patrick
detailed instructions how to approach building a typology for the .many other things', one at , there are similar simpler cookbooks out there. Michael Patrick Data Ferret __

[Tagging] nomoj de internaciaj objektoj / nazwy obiektów międzynarodowych / names of international objects

2020-01-06 Thread Michael Patrick
entry has changed? There aren't any 'neutral' natural languages. They have many roots, continually incorporate words from other languages, and some die off. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 123, Issue 48

2019-12-14 Thread Michael Patrick
ture types you mention, this source can probably provide you the various transliterations of geonames in a region. For larger scales, depending on the country, the local board may provide similar data. Reference: ( Open Access ) "A quantitative analysis of global gazetteers: Patter

[Tagging] How to tag Seveso sites ?

2019-11-09 Thread Michael Patrick
> I was wondering how to tag Seveso sites. [1] Read the actual directive, and drill down. Basically, it's up to each nation to decide the categorization. And if you dive further down into that, the reporting requirements may or may not give you

Re: [Tagging] Billboard or something else

2019-10-30 Thread Michael Patrick
n a normal parking sign has 'variability' of states built into the message. Ref: Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 121, Issue 97

2019-10-26 Thread Michael Patrick
at the scale of human beings, not a very useful one. There isn't land and sea, there is land, sea, and a third 'coastal', which is land and sea changing several times a day and dramatically on a monthly and annual basis. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Proposal: Access Aisle

2019-10-24 Thread Michael Patrick
> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Proposal: Access Aisle > > > Sorry Clifford, but these are simply footways for pedestrians and can > be > mapped as such. I don't see anything that makes it necessary for a > new tag > They aren't simple, if you've ever had to incorporate all the various design featu

[Tagging] Areas of bare soil (clay, silt, loam) such as badlands?

2019-10-22 Thread Michael Patrick
Reference: Badlands , Encyclopedia of Geomorphology , > but this is rather specific and may not be well-known outside of North > America: 'Badlands' exist all over the world. They might have local nomenclature, but they are specific type of landform recognized by the interna

[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (Phone)

2019-10-07 Thread Michael Patrick
r agree, if the blind men with the ear, the trunk, and the tusk ask questions of someone that can see the whole elephant, they can come up with a functional meaning that covers the at least the head. There's probably no 'tagging' situation in OSM that wasn't solved by the resolu

Re: [Tagging] Gorges, Canyons, Ravines: natural=valley or new tag?

2019-08-14 Thread Michael Patrick
ng services so you can look at the features. 6. Google Image search can be helpful if you are more visually oriented: > ravine, gorge and canyon are synonyms They are not, sometimes, in certain parts of the world ravines and gorges ar

Re: [Tagging] shop=window(s) incorrectly deprecated in favor of craft=window_construction ?

2019-07-11 Thread Michael Patrick
raw materials, ships them and distributes them wholesale regionally, and retails them over the counter to individuals from their showroom. The benefits to data providers and consumers are fairly obvious. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___

[Tagging] lit=yes/no threshold

2019-07-06 Thread Michael Patrick
perfectly safe. This is a well researched topic, since, like 1285, when English King Edward I forced property owners to clear highway edges of trees and shrubs. :-) Michael Patrick Geographer <

Re: [Tagging] Wiki page for natural=mountain_range

2019-05-09 Thread Michael Patrick
// ). There already exists classification keys for these landforms which are used in automated terrain analysis. ( see the classic , which validated the defining features mentioned

[Tagging] Stop the large feature madness

2019-04-18 Thread Michael Patrick
ng about the local 'International District': +1 on "There is no single True Name" Kenny, that was an absolutely wonderful post on New England geographies. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tag for a plateau or tableland?

2019-04-18 Thread Michael Patrick
Thoughts? I scanned the NGA name server, and plateaus seem to be large areas, and mapped as points. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Stop the large feature madness

2019-04-18 Thread Michael Patrick
e limit. You hit the nail on the head. Humans have just so much attentional bandwidth. > OSM started as a very local enterprise, but the world is much wider, so we should rethink how to deal with them, because the world is not gonna shrink...

[Tagging] Stop the large feature madness

2019-04-17 Thread Michael Patrick
> ... As a rule of thumb i'd say something that can at least coarsely be > surveyed on the ground by a single mapper during a single day is > usually suitable to be mapped as a distinct named feature, provided it > is otherwise verifiable of course. ... If everyone on Earth joined OSM and limited

[Tagging] Tag for a plateau or tableland?

2019-04-17 Thread Michael Patrick
ar to discover the actual geomorphic classification terms used for classifying land forms in a particular area. There are also geologic maps sometimes available: Micha

Re: [Tagging] airport check in counters

2019-04-13 Thread Michael Patrick
il. Internationally, there are crosswalks between the USA references and the coding schemes used in the rest of the world, if one wants to localize, but the differences are mostly at the level of distinguishing 'leaf tea' from 'bubble tea'. Michael Patrick Data Ferret Mic

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Runway Holding

2019-03-31 Thread Michael Patrick
In a simulation environment, OSM would provide an excellent data source." - it would be 'excellent' only if it conformed to the real and virtual data models already in the world. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 113, Issue 24

2019-02-05 Thread Michael Patrick
> A 'top-down' process where some > data analyst or small team prescribes the tagging would no doubt have > resulted in a tidier and more consistent model - but it would likely > have let to a more limited one, with less mapper engagement. Moreover, > it would have embodied the cultural assumptions

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 113, Issue 23

2019-02-05 Thread Michael Patrick
>. Another insists that before betas can be mapped, we need a whole taxonomy of Greek letters, LoL! Actually, you would also need the Albanian variations of the Greek alphabet to accommodate place names, just to be thorough. :-) Michael ___ Taggin

Re: [Tagging] Drain vs ditch

2019-02-02 Thread Michael Patrick
d down to Renfrewshire all have documentation of what terms mean in those local contexts, for example. Almost always, a single word will be immediately overloaded when used world wide.Human languages have compound words, adjectives, verbs and adverbs for a reason, and tagging schemes have equivalents. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Classification ( and symbols ) according to context ( relative importance, size, or other 'context' )

2019-01-23 Thread Michael Patrick
ategorized ( seen always seems to be the magic number ), it works fairly well, without any reliance on arbitrary population count boundaries and nomenclature ( village, city, etc. ) based on a single European country and language. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-15 Thread Michael Patrick
se Float' under RVs? Seriously, this term is a great example of a regional difference. In the U.S., it's equine dental / foot care. Michael Patrick Data Ferret > ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-15 Thread Michael Patrick
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( ). Frequently they will have crosswalks or otherwise note the differences and similarities between different regions and countri

[Tagging] Creating shop=caravan

2019-01-14 Thread Michael Patrick
hold, but the in this case the overwhelming use of the term in official, commerce, and common use would indicate it should be included in parallel, but certainly not at the expense of 'caravan'. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Trailhead tagging

2019-01-11 Thread Michael Patrick
e considered even a thin itself, because it really is a only 'reference' to other non-trail networks. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Quick Building tracing question...

2019-01-11 Thread Michael Patrick
rpening ( ), contrast adjustment, etc. very simply just by altering the layer transparency - tasks that aren't possible in JOSM. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Quick Building tracing question..

2019-01-10 Thread Michael Patrick
om a WW II military training manual, some of the 'key' guides now are thousands of pages long. Michael Patrick Data Ferret > ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal – RFC – place=peninsula

2018-12-26 Thread Michael Patrick
> Is there an upper cut-off where things stop being a peninsula? Hmmm ... not really. And it doesn't have to be the same body of water either - the Upper and Lower Peninsula of Michigan State are isolated by the collective waters of the Great Lakes. The Iberian Peninsula in Europe, the Korean Peni

Re: [Tagging] how to map soft story/soft storey buildings properly?

2018-12-20 Thread Michael Patrick
, if it followed a format ( like one of the VSMs) that provided the complete set of characteristics.And those tags should be prefaced with something like 'GEM_soft_story' that makes it clear they are part of a set, not an end conclusion about the building's risk. And you would hav

Re: [Tagging] Building names, historical/original owner?

2018-12-15 Thread Michael Patrick
> I have a question about `name=` and variants of names. I've been reading a lot of local history and in the architecture/history world, houses are generally named for the first resident that they were built for. E.g."Johnson house" and are referred to in this way even after many generations of new

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 111, Issue 60

2018-12-09 Thread Michael Patrick
ve <>. And it is a beautiful sound. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] leisure=hammock_hook (Sérgio V.)

2018-12-09 Thread Michael Patrick
on'. My preference would be the hammock_hangout, if you were to use some variant of leisure=hammock_hook, it maybe should be hammock_hooks (plural), because just a single hook available entails a less than optimum hammock experience. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Can OSM become a geospacial database?

2018-12-09 Thread Michael Patrick
k the convention of separation of data and symbolization (heavily dependent on the specifics at the endpoint). There are people in the community that are *far* more knowledgeable than me on these themes, I suggest you reach out to them. For me, a mental model of monolithic OSM

Re: [Tagging] How to tag shared waterway highway

2018-12-08 Thread Michael Patrick>. Not roads,but a trails, In Montana, with some access restrictions, one can traverse any property below the high watermark <>. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing li

Re: [Tagging] Can OSM become a geospacial database?

2018-12-08 Thread Michael Patrick
Atomic & Nuclear Physics", "Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow"- in the U.K., I recall, you get a BEng in Nuclear Engineering out of some of the trade apprenticeships. The Federal Grades are linear, and particular grades are selected that match specialization and trade for a given

Re: [Tagging] Can OSM become a geospacial database?

2018-12-06 Thread Michael Patrick
w users in the beginning. There seems to be some sort of perception that standard classifications discourage diversity, but the opposite is true. As new concepts appear, they can be preserved and not force fit to the existing biases of previous categories - because there is a way to do that without disturbing the bulk of the existing base. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Can OSM become a geospacial database?

2018-12-06 Thread Michael Patrick
guilds and registries ). It might be worth a few minutes to seek those out, and adopt from those. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] telescope types ... more type nonsense

2018-11-28 Thread Michael Patrick
> Other problems .. > "A large fraction of such astronomical gamma rays are screened by Earth's atmosphere." All done by satellite these days And don't leave out neutrino telescopes

[Tagging] How to map a sliding section of the Alaska Pipeline

2018-11-25 Thread Michael Patrick
'positioning' something for an action. Here the 'rails are rails' in two uses ( ), but only one is the 'conventional sense' of a rail line - the other rail is for positioning. Michael Patrick

[Tagging] Tracks for moveable large objects

2018-11-23 Thread Michael Patrick
ay / rail line (etc.) - i.e. primarily positioning <> vs. transport. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] (Tramtrack_on_highway)

2018-11-22 Thread Michael Patrick
Not at all unusual related to streets in urban areas, perhaps less so for arterials, although the Seattle Streetcar certainly is on some of the most heavily trafficked streets: Seattle Streetcar:,-122.3340738,3a,75y,25.69h,89.73t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sD9tuOXn1X

Re: [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC

2018-10-31 Thread Michael Patrick
Globally, US DOT, the World Bank, ASFAIK all EU countries, have settled on GTFS, or eventually will on some future version. So there are two cases: 1. Transit Services that use GTFS 2. Transit Services that do not use GTFS For Case 1, the General Transit Feed Specification Reference declares tha

Re: [Tagging] Area with restaurants, hotels, cinemas - is it landuse=commercial?

2018-10-30 Thread Michael Patrick
://> as a minimal schema to make sense of the semantics of LULC. The EU also has a similar LULC harmonization under the INSPIRE framework <>. Michael Patrick Data Ferret _

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 108, Issue 162

2018-09-27 Thread Michael Patrick
nd Amsterdam were pretty organic. :-) It seams it can be applied in any ad hoc way to any water between two locations, even nested and overlapping manners, at any scale. Precise ambiguity, good for OSM. :-) Michael Patrick Geographer . ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Tagging a named river bend

2018-09-27 Thread Michael Patrick
> It does not communicate the quality of "riverness" at all. This bend may or may not lend its name to a locality but it is primarily a feature of the river, not the name of a settled place. Generally, the term 'Reach' is most appropriate for subsections of flowing water: (From https://www.usgs.go

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Michael Patrick
you want' with it, and the folks I've met from NGA are very supportive of the OSM project. Hope some of this helps form your proposal. Michael Patrick, OSM Seattle Data Ferret > ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Fwd: Feature Proposal - RFC - Line clamps

2018-08-08 Thread Michael Patrick
e simplest antonym for 'suspension' conductor on bottom ) case is 'pin' ( conductor on top ), and if you want 'spool' for the minority conductor in the middle. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Lake or Pond

2018-07-20 Thread Michael Patrick
s numerous 'Lake Something's which are impoundments that barely would would classify as ponds, basically created by real estate developers as bulldozer scrapes into the local water table. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@ope

[Tagging] US Forest Service (USDA) and logging

2018-07-17 Thread Michael Patrick
And 'private' timberland is about the same amount of area as the public timberland. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] The endless debate about "landcover" as a top-level tag

2018-06-09 Thread Michael Patrick
by ordinary folks has a considerable volume of academic work available on Google Scholar, if anyone wanted to apply it to OSM. A huge thanks for everyone who contributed to this discussion, I learned a lot about OSM. Michael Patrick Data Ferret ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=cannabis

2018-03-16 Thread Michael Patrick
wal or are undergoing some sort of change their status is changed from "Active" to "Pending (Issued)." Please include "Pending (Issued)" when filtering to see all currently active licenses Michael Patrick Data Ferret <

Re: [Tagging] Forestry/logging

2017-04-10 Thread Michael Patrick
entory is is a non-trivial task <>, especially maintaining it. A better way to handle this would be a federated page that layers OSM and the forestry web service(s). Michael Patrick Data Ferret OSM Seat

[Tagging] Tagging earthquake vulnerabilities of buildings: Developing world

2015-03-17 Thread Michael Patrick
IMHO, as long as they are operating in their area, I'd leave them alone and see how it evolves. If it really is to complicated, they will soon figure it out themselves. Most I'd do is ask them to put up a wikipage explaining the intent and application. Michael Patrick Seattle OSM _

Re: [Tagging] Accuracy of survey

2015-01-01 Thread Michael Patrick
al interval required to interpolate and detect sea level extremes between the phasing of the tides and the satellites, look angles, etc. Michael Patrick Geospatial Analyst <> ___ Tagging

[Tagging] RFC - Extended tags for Key:Surveillance

2013-02-15 Thread Michael Patrick
e overlapping properties and aspects of physical objects ( especially on a worldwide basis, IMHO you can get a head start by not re-inventing the wheel. Michael Patrick ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Bridge types

2013-01-11 Thread Michael Patrick
le span > somewhere in the middle over the navigation channel. In that case, it's > certainly useful to distinguish between the movable and the fixed spans, as > it defines the location of the channel. > I've noticed around here maintenance, reconstruction like seismic refittin

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 40, Issue 15

2013-01-11 Thread Michael Patrick
ame named 'bridge, is each way segment named the same but separately? Or just the primary distinctive feature? Could you tag the I-90 Bridge from Seattle to Bellevue as an example (Tunnel - beam - viaduct - float - beam - etc.)? Thanks, Michael Patrick On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 4:00 AM,