> Generally mapping bare ground beyond the specific established tags
mentioned earlier is often hard without local knowledge.  Imagery taken
during dry season will often read like bare ground while there is often
fairly extensive plant growth (like natural=grassland) that dries up and
looks indistinguishable from bare ground even on high resolution imagery.

The local, regional, or global Copernicus time series datasets are
specifically meant to overcome this.

"The Water Bodies product detects the areas covered by inland water along
the year providing the maximum and the minimum extent of the water surface
as well as the seasonal dynamics. The area of water bodies is identified as
an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System

The global ones are built of higher resolution datasets with variable
accessibility. Like the JRC’s Global Surface Water (MWE-GSW) Dataset at
https://global-surface-water.appspot.com/map ... "...location and temporal
distribution of water surfaces at the global scale over the past 3.6
decades, and provides statistics on their extent and change ..."

I did a cursory look-see at several places in the Western U.S. Basin and
Range region using only the ROI preview capability in the portal ,
especially Sevier Lake in Utah ( most of these 'lakes' tend to be of a
single type, though ) . In combination with other Copernicus and NASA
datasets one can get a fair idea what's going on.

Your mileage may vary.

Michael Patrick

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