> you've a typo here, and it is worth pointing it out, that's meant to be 4000 years according to the link... interesting links.
> Since pumps have been a manufactured commodity for about 400 years ( > https://www.worldpumps.com/general-processing/features/a-brief-history-of-pumps/ > there is an abundance of existing typologies and taxonomies dealing with > pumps. > Operative word here is 'commodity', as opposed to custom one off devices. When something becomes an item of commerce, multiples are made, and differentiate into distinct categories, which in turn means that industry begins to develop a lexicon based on some mutually understood classification system. For ocean going vessels, this started with Lloyds of London in 1760 eventually evolving into today's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Association_of_Classification_Societies ... sometimes it maybe some sort of central publication like my copy of the 1556 "De Re Metallica" that unifies the lexicon: ( https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780486600062-us.jpg ) *"Originally published in 1556, Agricola's De Re Metallica was the first book on mining to be based on field research and observation — what today would be called the "scientific approach." It was therefore the first book to offer detailed technical drawings to illustrate the various specialized techniques of the many branches of mining, and the first to provide a realistic history of mining from antiquity to the mid-sixteenth century. For almost 200 years, Agricola remained the only authoritative work in this area and by modern times it had become one of the most highly respected scientific classics of all time. A book more often referred to in literature on mining and metallurgy than any other"* The central work for picking around that date was probably Decarte's Hydrostatics Manuscript ( https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Descartes-Hydrostatics-Manuscript-AT-X-69_fig1_323533598 ), but there was a lot practical ground level stuff happening around that time, and the concept of 'pump' became a first order category of it's own, a technology and commodity, designed rather than a trial and error tradition. Michael Patrick Data Ferret
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