a.org/wiki/Airport_apron . Taxilane seems to be a
valid word for that, and already in use by some in OSM, so I'm all in
for it.
Le 01/02/2024 à 11:18, Warin a écrit :
Typically on an airport the planes parking position is marked by a
small circle, the is usua
The issue with building=stilt_house is that two things are mixed in one
key. I would prefer stilts=yes (2945 occurences) + building=* or place=*
or highway=* or even landuse=* for a full redidential area.
Le 25/11/2020 à 09:59, Alan Mackie a écrit :
This probably isn't to
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:garden:type) (with this one
you are close to what you are looking for, but it's not a garden...
Le 04/07/2019 à 08:59, joost schouppe a écrit :
I stumbled upon some planters that are privately operated, on public
domain, conta
My understanding is that surface=* can be used to describe any type of
surface of a way/node, so yes it is ok to use it for turning_circle even
if the Wiki might not explicitely suggest it (feel free to edit it).
Le 02/01/2019 à 19:23, Tod Fitch a écrit :
I am implementing a
a proposal which would lead to the tourism=accomodation schema.
But I think that whatever we do (new schema vs existing schema) an
"Accomodation" wiki page (routing to hotel/motel/... tags) will be
helpfull to today route to existing tags and maybe tomorrow explain the
new schema.
el free to start it and people will collaborate.
Merry Christmas to everyone, a time to remember how fascinating is the
Planet we are trying to map.
Le 23/12/2018 à 21:37, bkil a écrit :
Unfortunately, if we only included the objective criteria based on a
high interact
ages which will never (?) be aligned.
Le 23/12/2018 à 12:05, bkil a écrit :
Thank you for the insight, I'll try to figure out a better wording
there. I'm also considering to improve the wording of the guest house
and hotel articles in the future, though I'll
is point.
Whatever I'm in favor of having a consistent hospital, hotel, school...
mapping system.
Le 29/09/2017 à 17:11, Bryan Housel a écrit :
If you draw a “Hotel” in iD, you’ll see that it gets a `building=yes`
tag added to it.
(Users can change this if
ing). Same for
Hospitals. For me iD is already ready.
But one may propose a new translation to replace "Hotel" by "Hotel
Grounds" to be consistent with how hospitals are proposed in iD.
By the way this is how I tag hotels now so +1 with the proposal.
then it strengthens the first guess that is is probably more
a theme park than a collection of attractions, even if there is no
roller coaster.
Having said that I don't know what will be "Ghibli theme park" but it is
just to say that I would not focus only on rides.
d shall be consistent in which key
to encourage. As soon as direction=* is valid I would encourage it as
the primary method, would not deprecate the second one but explain it is
one way of avoiding ambiguities in some cases.
Le 20/03/2017 à 17:19, Jean-Marc Lioti
rio shop=estate_agent and office=estate_agent would
coexist, each one with its own meaning (or another mecanism to
differenciate an open shop from a limited-access office, both working to
sell/manage real estates, would be devised). Same principle can be
applied to insurances, law firms... whi
Thank you Dave and sorry if I've been so strict :-).
FYI: I've made the fix, plus some others to clean a little bit the
tunnel values. Everything is explained here:
go under different arches?
Le 17/09/2016 à 14:45, Colin Smale a écrit :
I would expect that the situation where the flow direction conflicts
with the traffic direction is likely to be quite short - under
bridges, around obstacles etc. In these cases we could always call on
according to taginfo, 0.23%) with oneway=yes.
Is there any undocumented purpose? Is it ok and safe to delete
oneway=yes tags for streams?
The same question can apply to drains, ditches, canals...
Tagging mailing list
ted values).
Le 10/09/2016 à 15:35, ajt1...@gmail.com a écrit :
On 10/09/2016 11:42, LeTopographeFou wrote:
I've noticed several typo errors in tag values. I would like to fix
them when it is obvious.
let's try that again but without pressing "send" instea
By the way the subject of the mail was "Typo fix for
tunnel=building_passage and how to proceed in the future" and not a
discussion on which tag to choose, so I restore it to not confuse
people. Please don't associate with my question something else ;-) .
variations, even if they are
wrong. It can also help to highlight errors in some tools.
Le 10/09/2016 à 13:23, Simone Saviolo a écrit :
Yes, an obvious one: a building_passage *goes through a building* :)
Semantically it is quite important to distinguish between a
wiki is unclear on this point.
So I've made a proposal here for a first edit:
Thank you for your feedback
* vote is ok
* don't worry, document and do when it's ob
there is also forward:stop and backward:stop
Le 02/09/2016 à 23:11, Svavar Kjarrval a écrit :
On fös 2.sep 2016 20:54, André Pirard wrote:
On 2016-09-02 22:20, Svavar Kjarrval wrote:
JOSM doesn't allow the user to ad
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