Ok, I got the point.
I will wait a little bit but i'm happy if there is no complicated
process to follow for editing typos at a larger scale (22 is a small
start but I've exemples with thousands of typos which are hopefully
associated to millions of well-written and documented values).
Le 10/09/2016 à 15:35, ajt1...@gmail.com a écrit :
On 10/09/2016 11:42, LeTopographeFou wrote:
I've noticed several typo errors in tag values. I would like to fix
them when it is obvious.
let's try that again but without pressing "send" instead of "edit" :)
In the case of "tunnel=buildig_passage" it's pretty obvious what the
previous mapper meant.
The only caveat I'd add (which you may not have mentioned only because
it's so obvious) is to check that the thing that you're fixing
plausibly matches a building passage - if someone's drawn a doodle in
the middle of the Atlantic and added a "tunnel=building_passage" tag
I'd just delete it rather than "fixing" the tag.
When I did something similar to odd "barrier" values in the UK a
little while ago there was a roughly 3-way split - in a third it was
obvious what the mapper had meant, so I just fixed those; in another
third it wasn't, so I messaged the previous mapper or added a note,
and in another third the source was just "Bing" and the mapper wasn't
active any more so I just used my idea of what the imagery suggested
to me.
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