I will probably reopen an explosive case but I would like to know where
we are reguarding shop=estate_agent vs office=estate_agent.
On the discussion page for the original proposal
there is already some debates on this one but because the tag office was
not yet created, shop has been prefered. And probably also because
concensus was not strong enought toward office.
Several years after this debate, the wiki page of the approved one
(shop=estate_agent) have been tagged as "to be merged", both shop and
office are documented and here are the statistics:
* office=estate_agent
(status in use) => 17 227 use
* shop=estate_agent
(status approved) => 3 818 use
On editor side both JOSM and ID use office=estate_agent (unofficial) and
do not recognise shop=estate_agent (official). This will definitively
not help the approved one to grow.
Consequently it looks like the "in use" one is killing (has already
killed?) the "approved" one.
=> Is there any ongoing plan to clarify the situation? Any up to date
discussion page/proposal I did not found yet?
If one ask for my opinion, I would tend to say that we shall not think
by purpose of the company but by purpose of the place we map (OSM is all
about mapping right?):
* a shop is where you can buy something, regardless it is a desk in
the midddle of a room or nice rows of shelves with products and
prices. Consequently a "place" at the corner of the street where you
can enter and buy a real estate would be a shop.
* an office is where people are working, usually at desks, and are not
primarily dedicated to wait for customers, welcome them and sell
products. Consequently, the headquarter of this real estate chain
(or a building dedicated to an administrative or internal service)
would be an office.
If everything (selling and administrative) is at the same place, I think
that shop should be prefered (but one can use both on the same object).
This is like the HQ of a bank or a post company: it's more an office
than an amenity (and sometimes there is no counter nor ATM inside).
In this scenario shop=estate_agent and office=estate_agent would
coexist, each one with its own meaning (or another mecanism to
differenciate an open shop from a limited-access office, both working to
sell/manage real estates, would be devised). Same principle can be
applied to insurances, law firms... which are suffering from the same issue.
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