Re: [Sursound] ENVELOP - 3D Sound, on - SUB frequency range

2015-04-23 Thread Richard Lee
There is an important reason to maintain full Ambisonic capability to below 20Hz. It is a MUSICAL one. Go to a service at a large cathedral with good organ. At the end of the service, the organist will play something to show off while everyone is leaving. You can walk around and listen at va

Re: [Sursound] Infra sound & Sub bass

2015-04-24 Thread Richard Lee
The question isn't whether 'music' has frequencies below 1/zillion Hz. It's whether such content adds to the MUSIC. This is the case ONLY with organs reproduced properly. You can check this with DBLTs. The speaker that has come out top in every single DBLT it has been in nearly 2 decades (som

Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 82, Issue 2

2015-05-12 Thread Richard Lee
The strict answer to your question is in Gerzon's "The Design of Precisely Coincident Microphone Arrays for Stereo and Surround Sound" There's a corrected copy at You might have to

Re: [Sursound] Converting 16 mic array recording to B format

2015-05-14 Thread Richard Lee
Duu.uuh!! states "the microphones of the array ... are not calibrated with respect to each other, and so gain variations are to be expected: we found that the energy in some channels is consistently higher than in other channels. Algorithms working on t

Re: [Sursound] Converting 16 mic array recording to B format

2015-05-17 Thread Richard Lee
Fons, have you heard any music recordings with EigenMike? No one seems to have tried. Elko has a standing invitation to bring EM to any venue that Aaron & Eric are recording world class orchestras in good halls ... I mean obscure Mid West bands in non-descript halls :) They can reliably recor

Re: [Sursound] Converting 16 mic array recording to B format

2015-05-19 Thread Richard Lee
Mathias, can you please post these recordings on The Furse-Malham *.AMB format allows up to 3rd order These would be the first publically available live HOA recordings of music from a HOA mike and may re-surrect the discussion of HOA decoders Which Soundfield did you use? What wa

Re: [Sursound] Directional confusion between different B-format players

2015-06-17 Thread Richard Lee
How is the Oktava Tetrahedral mike calibrated? In what form are the calibration files? Can you post a copy of the User Manual for it? has no info at all. ___ Sursound mailing list Sursound@music.

Re: [Sursound] SoundField rental in Spain

2015-06-26 Thread Richard Lee
> A known floor noise of the dr-680 in high gain is from the phantom power, and the?Busman mod changes some components on the preamps, like some condensers and the opamps, and those condensers could be the solution on that kind of noise, but not all. The biggest noise on dr-680 mk1 is poor phan

Re: [Sursound] Modified SoundField Mk IV

2015-10-18 Thread Richard Lee
> Interesting: I endorse Rudy's mods described in #641 and #650 Ken Farrar did something similar to his #641 mods in the Mk5 ... but I think his post should be titled "Where Beach Bums & Angels fear to Tread" :) _

Re: [Sursound] Modified SoundField Mk IV

2015-10-19 Thread Richard Lee
oundField Mk IV What's the difference between #641 and #650?? Dave On 19 October 2015 at 06:38, Richard Lee wrote: > > Interesting: > > I endorse Rudy's mods described in #641 and #650 > > Ken Farrar did some

Re: [Sursound] WFS in a small box?

2015-11-29 Thread Richard Lee
This is likely an implementation of Ambiodipole / Stereo Dipole / Transaural There's pretty pictures on the ISVR website that show 'some' measure of wavefield (soundfield?) synthesis takes place .. certainly more than with the usual +/-30 stereo.

Re: [Sursound] Never do math in public, or my take on explaining B-format to binaural

2016-01-29 Thread Richard Lee
Just to bring everyone down to earth .. There are two easily reproduced experiments first carried out by prominent members of this group which put these effects into perspective. They are the Greene/Lee Neckbrace and Malham/Van Gogh Experiment The first shows 'real life' Fixed Head Localisati

Re: [Sursound] Soundfield MK IV Disassembly

2016-03-29 Thread Richard Lee
> I have a question for the keepers of ancient wisdom: how does one remove the capsule assembly from a Soundfield MK IV microphone? I have one on which the 1 kilohm "capsule heater" resistor has gone open circuit. The cone on the MK V and newer is split and comes apart pretty readily, but the M

[Sursound] OT Stereo stage width - Was: Static stereo source in rotating soundfield, possible?

2016-04-01 Thread Richard Lee
Aaron Heller wrote > Marc Lavall, Eric Benjamin, and I put together a Trifield (three speaker > stereo) plugin and demo'ed it a Burning Amp last fall. It is hosted at > There are also some plots that use Gerzon velocity and energy localization

Re: [Sursound] Using Ambisonic for a live streaming VR project

2016-06-13 Thread Richard Lee
> The main mechanisms for disambiguating 'cones of confusion' (and this includes front-back reversals) are: pinnae effects (Batteau) and head-movements (Wallach) - so, without either of these mechanisms at play, one would expect directional ambiguity. You can test the relative importance of the

Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 96, Issue 3

2016-07-04 Thread Richard Lee
Can you give us more detail about these tests and perhaps put some of these natural recordings on The type of soundfield microphone used .. and particularly the accuracy of its calibration ... makes a HUGE difference to the 'naturalness' of a soundfield recording. Some good exam

Re: [Sursound] External phantom battery source for TetraMic PPAc

2016-07-23 Thread Richard Lee
> The Tetramic spec declares 3.5mA x 4 capsules (=15mA) @48V - that's 720mW > But to power through the PPac it's 9-12V @<10mA - that's 90- 120mW - a big difference. The P48V current consumption is pessimistic. Powering directly bypasses the regulation required for P48V. You also avoid noisy

Re: [Sursound] External phantom battery source for TetraMic PPAc

2016-07-24 Thread Richard Lee
> Most days I would agree with you: but there is always Murphy's Law to contend with, and the specific case of this states that a PP3-powered recording device will fail only when a unique event is to be recorded. Ha! In my limited experience, Murphy is MUCH more likely to strike at rechargeabl

Re: [Sursound] The BBC & Quadrophony in 1973

2017-01-07 Thread Richard Lee
If anyone has recordings of any of this Matrix H, HJ, UHJ stuff, please post a copy on with a good description of what it is and the circumstances. I don't think UHJ is dead yet as the biggest present market for music is 2 channel stuff for headphones and UHJ gives excell

Re: [Sursound] Ambisonic Mic Comparison

2017-06-26 Thread Richard Lee
There's a number of issues brought up in this thread which Core Sound have been aware of for some time and have been attempting to address. But its difficult for a small company to make major changes on the small turnover. For what its worth, the 'new' PPAc will give around 1dB improvement in

Re: [Sursound] Hardest wearing outdoor speakers

2019-01-24 Thread Richard Lee
> If you needed speakers for a permanent outdoor installation with speakers than need to last decades - does such a thing exist ? > However here the real issue is who will provide a maintenance package/guarantee for 35 years ? If you want to keep the same speakers for 35 yrs, your maintenance co

Re: [Sursound] Hardest wearing outdoor speakers

2019-01-25 Thread Richard Lee
> Behringer ms10s that withstood months of tropical storms in the Amazon - so Have you got that model number right? I still think the cheapo solution is the way to go .. but it would be good to know what has worked for you .. even if it isn't 35 yrs. I get MS20 and loads of other stuff but no

[Sursound] Question regarding UHJ Encoding - Decoding

2011-04-30 Thread Richard Lee
I have questions about UHJ decoding too. Richard, how did you get your decoding eqns? My question is about It has separate decoding eqns for 2 & 3 channel UHJ. They are consistent except for Y Y = 0.763*D + j*0.385*S 2-channe

[Sursound] Mark Decker & "The Bells!"

2011-04-30 Thread Richard Lee
IIRC, Mark Decker recorded a BBC radio drama where a man is killed by being tied up in a bellfry with the bells pealing away. Can't remember the title but I remember reading a web page where he describes this experience which was his first use of a Mk4 Calrec Soundfield. I'd appreciate a link t

Re: [Sursound] Question regarding UHJ Encoding - Decoding

2011-05-05 Thread Richard Lee
> This sqrt(2) factor is an endless source of confusion. It seems silly that W > should be divided by sqrt(2) in recoding to restore its value, which was > multiplied by this in the encode to UHJ. This sqrt(2) factor is WRONG. Where do people come up with such myths? The Encoding eqns on http:

[Sursound] Book on Michael Gerzon, audio pioneer and music recordist

2011-05-28 Thread Richard Lee
Steve Thornton is selling a coffee table book based on his encyclopediac photographic record of OUTRS and other stuff. Be the first to brag a limited edition hardcover link which goes back to A. Blumlein Loadsa stuff on the rise & fall of quad, surround and the early history of Ambisonics

[Sursound] HD Harwood: "Stereophonic Image Sharpness", WW vol74 1968 p207-211

2011-05-28 Thread Richard Lee
Anyone got a copy of HD Harwood: "Stereophonic Image Sharpness" (Wireless World, vol 74, 1968, pp.207-211) ? ___ Sursound mailing list

Re: [Sursound] the recent 2-channel 3D sound formats and their viability for actual 360 degree sound

2011-07-20 Thread Richard Lee
> It is true that 1st order ambisonics doesn't consider distance, with all sources being reproduced at the distance of the speakers, . > synthesis, the ambisonic encoding equations do not include distance, Both of these are untrue. For the second, see the Appendix of BLaH3 "Is my decoder Amb

[Sursound] the recent 2-channel 3D sound formats and their viability for actual 360 degree sound

2011-07-24 Thread Richard Lee
There's loadsa good stuff being discussed here. If I can comment on just one or two > When listening to this through a speaker rig, we hear this boost and tend to interpret it as meaning the sound is close especially in a dry acoustic with a Greene-Lee head brace etc., etc.,. However, sur

Re: [Sursound] Questions regarding a very early 'Ambisonic' LP

2011-08-12 Thread Richard Lee
The change to UHJ at that time is very small and was made just to get rid of the need for another phase shifter in the decoder (IIRC). Any of the Classic Decoders, the Integrex, Minims, A&D etc will decode this properly. I for one would be most interested in a copy of the recording as it repre

Re: [Sursound] mic body and tetrahedral array

2011-08-13 Thread Richard Lee
> How does the eq make the capsules more(virtually)coincident? has details. The phase as well as the amplitude has to be corrected. > What would the noticable audible negative side effects of an ambisonic mic be which was not adju

Re: [Sursound] Questions regarding a very early 'Ambisonic' LP

2011-08-22 Thread Richard Lee
> Now, if it is BMX then it should be decodable in the same way I decode QS (and SQ) as QS was based on RM If it was from Calrec in 1974, it is more likely to be based on RM which was based on QS (rather than the other way). If the recording was made in a nice hall, you can hear the difference

Re: [Sursound] Questions regarding a very early 'Ambisonic' LP

2011-08-23 Thread Richard Lee
> Peter also mentions the Meridian software decoder, which is not available. However there are plenty of software decoders available for download. Duu.uuh! Mr. Elen, could you please provide some links to these. I've already checked the Unobtainium Software website for software UHJ decoders.

Re: [Sursound] SoundField: from Calrec to MBHO, what year?

2011-09-24 Thread Richard Lee
1989 was when Steve Jagger, Ken Farrar and some of the other original Calrec mob bought the company back from AMS. They left the Soundfield with AMS. AMS had problems making the mike consistently. When Soundfield Research took over, they dug Lynne out of retirement. She used to make the Soun

Re: [Sursound] SoundField: from Calrec to MBHO, what year?

2011-09-26 Thread Richard Lee
Daniel, Lynne wasn't the only girl assembling & covering the capsules but she was the best. > The capsules, though, do seem to have had a makeover, at least as far as I can see through the grill with the aid of my trusty LED keyring torch. The front edges of these are now bevelled, unlike those

Re: [Sursound] UHJ decoding and shelf filters

2011-12-15 Thread Richard Lee This is now only of historical interest. My latest thinking on Shelf Filters is encapsulated in BLaH3 "Is my decoder Ambisonic?" where Aaron's clarity puts me to shame and explains why I'm still a beach bum. The only useful info there which isn't

Re: [Sursound] UHJ decoding and shelf filters

2011-12-15 Thread Richard Lee
> The actual shelf gains (the difference between LF and HF gain for any > component) don't tell the real story. Changing the LF or HF gain for all > components by the same amount doesn't modify the decoding, it just results in > some EQ. Du...uh! I stand corrected. Shelf filters change the ra

[Sursound] Gilbert Briggs & Wharfedale

2011-12-28 Thread Richard Lee I never met the Old Man but still cherish a letter in reply to a query of mine on how to enter the British loudspeaker industry. Like all who had even the slightest contact with him, his warmth, generosity and encouragement were never

Re: [Sursound] preservation of relevant materials

2012-02-15 Thread Richard Lee
> More and more it seems that the modern incarnation of BBC is interested in ambisonic, and whatnot. >From my beach in Oz, I have a sense that this new BBC Ambi interest is from TV >rather than Radio. In my Jurassic days, there was a strong atmosphere of "never the twain shall meet". I would

[Sursound] ST450 capsule assembly

2012-02-27 Thread Richard Lee
Would any of you who have used or have a ST450 Soundfield know if it uses the "new" stronger capsule assembly introduced in the ST350 or if they have gone back to the Mk4, Mk5, SP422, ST250 assembly You can check without dismantling the mike by shining a strong light through grille. The "old"

Re: [Sursound] ST450 capsule assembly

2012-02-28 Thread Richard Lee
Svein Berge shows the ST350 capsule assembly at My thanks to him. I want to know if this "new" stronger assembly, with the capsules secured by screw on rings, is used in the ST450 or if they have gone back to the "old" assembly using screws as in the Mk4, Mk5, ST250, SP422.

Re: [Sursound] blindly identifying matrix encodings

2012-03-07 Thread Richard Lee
> This is especially difficult with acoustic recordings, .. I find it much easier to identify UHJ with natural recordings made with a single properly aligned tetrahedral mike; especially if there is a nice acoustic. Many of the early recordings by Music for York and the original Ambisonic team

Re: [Sursound] blindly identifying matrix encodings

2012-03-08 Thread Richard Lee
>> I find it much easier to identify UHJ with natural recordings > By this, do you mean recordings that you _know_ in beforehand? > If I gave you 5-7 recordings, would you be able to pick up the UHJ encoded > recordings from them? Some of my examples would include audibly and > measureably simi

Re: [Sursound] question about simple equation

2012-03-16 Thread Richard Lee
> cardioid = 1/2 ( sqrt2 W + X ) > but for Mid-Side decoding from B-Format, where M is the same cardioid > component, I often find this equation: > M = sqrt2 W + X This is an instance of a patented Microsoft software invention called a Volume Control. There are also ancient hardware implement

Re: [Sursound] question about simple equation

2012-03-21 Thread Richard Lee
> Richard, you gave me quite a chuckle there Microsoft software invention > indeed! You think I'm joking? IIRC it was GV Malham, in 2006, who pointed out that Redmond did indeed have such a patent application. Giuseppe, you should know that inscrutable Orientals have no sense of humour !

Re: [Sursound] OT: Spatial music

2012-04-13 Thread Richard Lee
> I've recorded with Tetramics and I've set up an HSD 3D system Mark, what is this HSD 3D system? Can it play Aaron's B-format recordings? If you have been following the BLaH series, what we've found is that hardly any software decoders do plain FOA properly. ___ I tend to agree wi

Re: [Sursound] OT: Spatial music

2012-04-14 Thread Richard Lee
> can a tetrahedral mic be used to create a room (correction) impulse response > in B format? and how? Yes. I can make a sensible attempt today for an Ambi rig spaced away from the walls as the HiFi pundits and other gurus have mandated for years. This however has near zero Wife Acceptance Fa

Re: [Sursound] any idea's on the background of the stereo equations in

2012-07-21 Thread Richard Lee
You can't make naive predictions on what ambi stereo decode will sound like that; especially when you have j terms. You have to apply the full General Metatheory ... It should be in Sampo's motherlode too. - Decode the W' X' Y' signals to a spea

Re: [Sursound] Super Stereo emulation (UHJ)

2012-07-25 Thread Richard Lee
No. Ambi Super Stereo isn't just feeding the stereo into a UHJ decoder. This is a post from 2006. I'd recommend a "Width" control so you can decide how wide you want your stereo. All the decodes here are basically the same with different "Width" settings. Only minor differences, with prefere

Re: [Sursound] Question about plane waves, and the precedence effect

2012-09-28 Thread Richard Lee
>> except its not quite the same effect. If I hear a plan(ish) wave in nature such as in thunder or a very distant giant waterfall Distant thunder is often an extreme case of Proximity effect. Velocity components are boosted at LF compared omni components. You encounter this if you are using Tetr

Re: [Sursound] Somting for the Weekend - Commerisal 3D sound

2012-10-13 Thread Richard Lee
> well, depends. iirc, theile's argument is that a two-speaker phantom source > should be a mess in terms of spectrum, but isn't (as two-speaker stereophony > demonstrates). so for some reason, the brain is able to sort it out. more > than two correlated sources, and things go awry, e.g. L/C/R

[Sursound] CF spectrum vs L & R in stereo etc

2012-10-15 Thread Richard Lee
.. was Somting for the Weekend - Commerisal 3D sound > Sure, the center phantom image generated as a sum of two identical L/R > signals sounds a little different. But little is the operative word. ... Most > people do not notice this at all. It's not that we don't notice but that we are so used

Re: [Sursound] Spherical speakers ?

2012-10-19 Thread Richard Lee
> I mean that instead of a cone there is a sphere, and able to emit sound in > all directions I'm guessing if it hasn't been done its because it presents > considerable technical difficulties - still ... There are no serious difficulties as long as size & $$ are not constraints. But apart from

Re: [Sursound] Patent application: Data structure for HOA

2012-10-27 Thread Richard Lee
As I've said ad nauseum, the guy who first integrates an Ambi decoder into VLC, getting around the evil Windoz mixer etc. gets to choose the data structure for next important Ambi format. This will be a lossy compressed format probably based on the public domain Vorbis. Ambisonia was the 1st m

Re: [Sursound] Patent application: Data structure for HOA

2012-10-30 Thread Richard Lee
> Unless things have changed a lot, last I checked lossy compression messes up > phase relationships, and that would be an issue for things like UHJ, which as > long as portable stereo players with limited battery life (and thus limited > CPUs), is the only viable, because stereo compatible, dis

[Sursound] anyone in Gran Sasso region able to record an impulse response?

2013-02-08 Thread Richard Lee
> I;ve a suspicion that a Soundfield mic wouldn't behave well in such a weirdly > reactive environment - i seem to remember chatting with Angelo Farina about > this some years ago - anyone shed light on that? There's quite a lot of work being done on using TetraMic for Sound Intensity stuff. I

[Sursound] anyone in Gran Sasso region able to record an impulse response?

2013-02-08 Thread Richard Lee
> I;ve a suspicion that a Soundfield mic wouldn't behave well in such a weirdly > reactive environment - i seem to remember chatting with Angelo Farina about > this some years ago - anyone shed light on that? There's quite a lot of work being done on using TetraMic for Sound Intensity stuff.  I

Re: [Sursound] Eigenmike

2013-06-14 Thread Richard Lee
I must agree with Fons on Eigenmike. IMHO, Angelo's software for Eigenmike is loads better than what's supplied by the makers. Its nea...aarly good enough for recording music but certainly not there yet. There's a paper on the new software on Angelo's website. I'm not sure if there is a

Re: [Sursound] Eigenmike

2013-06-18 Thread Richard Lee
> that's the main problem with the eigenmike: the higher the order, the > narrower the bandwidth and the higher the lower boundary. which means that an > eigenmike signal set will not usually be downwards-compatible - if you aim > for a correct amplitude response for the full 4th order set, it w

[Sursound] Core Sound TetraMic

2013-11-04 Thread Richard Lee
Just a short note about noise. While the ST450 is slightly quieter than TetraMic, in practice, TetraMic noise has never been a problem when Recording Music .. even in very quiet studios. Paul Hodges recorded his son in the Warehouse, a well known studio in London, so you can judge for yourself

Re: [Sursound] New Ambisonic VST Plugins

2013-11-25 Thread Richard Lee
> It's certainly true that some decoding methods can become highly unstable when provided with an inadequate number of speakers and/or an uneven distribution. > However, the Rapture3D decoders (including the TOA ones) do NOT have this problem. One of the core features of the Rapture3D decoder g

Re: [Sursound] Brendan Hearne

2013-11-26 Thread Richard Lee
I'm so sorry to hear that. In my younger days, I always thought of him as the handsome dashing young Prince of Ambisonia, a foil for Grand Vizier Malham. Ken Farrar was Chief of the Dwarves with Clem Beaumont his resident Sorceror. Michael was a Yoda type character with Geoffrey Barton sorta l

[Sursound] practical HOA encoding

2019-06-11 Thread Richard Lee
.. a reply to stuff on the "Anyone had experience with AllRAD decoding to physical loudspeakers?" thread where Aaron brought up the topic of NFC. " A practical problem is that forward NFC filters have infinite gain at DC. Jerome Daniel's solution is to have a reference decoding distance for Ambis

[Sursound] The birth of Ambisonics & the Soundfield Mike

2020-05-23 Thread Richard Lee The Calrec Soundfield mike, the practical implementation of Michael Gerzon & Peter Craven's invention, was how I got involved in microphone design. It was incredible just being with Michael .. a guy with a brain truly the size of a planet. The Mk4 wa

[Sursound] ST350 phase

2010-11-26 Thread Richard Lee
>As to the polarity issue, L,R are indeed inverted w.r.t. X,Y,Z >for front, left, up respectively. It could be the Lemo to XLR >breakout cable - did you check the wiring ? The Mk4 had WXYZ inverted wrt stereo outputs. I think the stereo outputs are "correct". (pressure increase -> Omni increase)

[Sursound] Repent, yus pseudo pontificating prophets

2010-11-27 Thread Richard Lee
Ay haf seen the light! Repent yus sinners, unscrupulous profiteers, snake oil salesmen, deceivers and evildoers! Fall on your knees and beg forgiveness for what you have done to the US of A in the false name of progress !! >F

[Sursound] Early tetrahedral experiments

2010-12-03 Thread Richard Lee 60699856275?pt=UK_Music_Instruments_Microphones_MJ&hash=item3cb2ec1d93 is a piece of history up for sale. It also has a link to which is a fascinating portrait of a in

Re: [Sursound] Early tetrahedral experiments

2010-12-07 Thread Richard Lee
> As far as I was aware, the only example of this SFM version (a very early one) was at Peter Fellgett's house and I was hoping this and other Ambisonics memorabilia would eventually find a place in a museum somewhere. I have contacted his family to ask if they still have this array. I certainly

Re: [Sursound] cross-talk cancellation used in binaural sound reproduction

2011-02-28 Thread Richard Lee
I had a page on with a lot of what has been discussed and was trying to find it before Jerry, who provided much of the info, noticed our discourse. Unfortunately seems to be unobtainium. I know this has been asked before but is archived anywhere and wi

Re: [Sursound] Death of

2011-03-09 Thread Richard Lee
I hope all of you will join BLaH in thanking Etienne for the immense efforts and huge amount of time money that resulted in Ambisonia. It must have seemed thankless at times. I am certain it has been a major factor in the resurgence of interest and much new work on Ambisonics and surround soun

[Sursound] horizontal-only decoder design for line sources

2011-03-20 Thread Richard Lee
When I was R&D tea-boy at Wharfedale, I spent time trailing around the country with Barry Fox our Promotions Manager, putting on lectures/demos & shows. Part of the stuff we carted around was the Wharfedale Ambi rig which was - 12 x TSR110 speakers

Re: [Sursound] horizontal-only decoder design for line sources

2011-03-22 Thread Richard Lee
I think this is a virgin field of research. On the practical design of "line sources" for large venues, it may be that we can only achieve "..more even coverage, as you increase the distance from a speaker system to the nearest listener. This also makes it rather more comfortable for the neares

Re: [Sursound] horizontal-only decoder design for line sources

2011-03-23 Thread Richard Lee
> [1] Loudspeakers and the Stereo Seat - G Millward, HFN, 1981? > It's > Millward, G; Loudspeakers and the Stereo Image, Hi-Fi News 29, nov84, > according to > by a certain R.L and A.H. ;-) Thanks to Grand Vizier, Don Malh

[Sursound] Reflections from the wooden floor on an ambisonic room

2011-03-25 Thread Richard Lee
When I was the R&D teaboy at Wharfedale in the late 70's, I tried stereo in our anechoic chamber; expecting great things w/o pesky room reflections. The results were terrible; poor stereo sound as well as formal localisation which was the reason for the experiment. Both much poorer than in a nor

Re: [Sursound] rf interference

2011-04-17 Thread Richard Lee
RFI protection is a complex & little understood subject. "Pro" mikes differ hugely in their susceptibility. There are famous mikes from famous names which are terrible. The preamp input also needs to be RFI proofed. Though I lust after a SD 788, Jim Brown says its input socket shells may not b

[Sursound] distance perception in virtual environments

2011-04-17 Thread Richard Lee
You must simulate at least 2 things. At close range, you must simulate the curvature of the soundfield. This is simply proximity for 1st order and the effect is, if anything, exaggerated. see the Appendix of "Is My Decoder Ambisonic", Heller et al, AES San Francisco 1980 aka BLaH3 See Daniel

[Sursound] distance perception in virtual environments

2011-04-17 Thread Richard Lee
I hope you have a control where you measure "real" distance perception too. Not having a "real" control is a fault in many localisation experiments. ___ Sursound mailing list