Re: [Sursound] Rode VideoMic SoundField

2017-01-22 Thread Chris Woolf
ly to be a good market - but it make take a few more months. Chris Woolf On 21/01/2017 07:49, Bob Burton wrote: The introduction was done at a press event at NAMM. Yet neither Rode nor Freedman exhibited at NAMM. Curious. On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 8:16 PM, Gary Gallagher wrote: The propagand

Re: [Sursound] Rode Soundfield NT-SF1

2018-04-12 Thread Chris Woolf
if the product really works, but it can't be dismissed out of hand now. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing list https

Re: [Sursound] Rode Soundfield NT-SF1

2018-04-14 Thread Chris Woolf
I'd be very interested to know the argument behind that. Although bass response is affected by size in speakers I don't know of any reason for that in microphones. Chris Woolf On 13/04/2018 18:58, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano wrote: On 04/13/2018 10:23 AM, Jack Reynolds wrote: Tha

Re: [Sursound] Multi-channel Dante Mic Pre?

2018-08-09 Thread Chris Woolf
Grace Design M108 with a Dante card? Not cheap but mic amps that behave very nicely. Chris Woolf On 09/08/2018 14:45, Len Moskowitz wrote: Does anyone know of an 8 (or more than 8) channel mic pre that operates over Dante networks? All leads appreciated! Len Moskowitz (mosko...@core

Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice

2018-08-11 Thread Chris Woolf
ieter Shillebeeckx and have given him freedom and budget to develop stuff. I suspect the NT-SF1 will be a lot more intersting as well as inexpensive. Chris Woolf On 10/08/2018 19:37, Søren Bendixen wrote: Hi I´m in the same situation, want to record nature (and other things) in ambisonics. and I ha

Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice

2018-08-11 Thread Chris Woolf
On 11/08/2018 10:59, Axel Drioli wrote: ... I use a prototype made by Reynolds Microphones. ... This mic has much lower self-noise than any other ambi mic you find around. But is that done using large diaphragm capsules? With the inevitable consequences in terms of coincidence? Chris

Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice

2018-08-12 Thread Chris Woolf
On 11/08/2018 18:16, jack reynolds wrote: I use 14mm electrets, so you can still get them pretty close together. They naturally have a lower noise floor and wide dynamic range. Thanks for the clarification - I'd only seen your large diaphragm mics. 14mm capsules sounds fine. Chris

Re: [Sursound] MEMS SNR Specifications

2018-08-18 Thread Chris Woolf
ure of 3 or 5%). Chris Woolf (ex editor of Microphone Data) On 18/08/2018 08:41, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote: According to the document linked to below that relates self noise values to real world applications 110 SNR cannot be related to the commonly used reference sound level. 110 dBA SNR would be

Re: [Sursound] Zoom H3-VR

2018-09-15 Thread Chris Woolf
del, to avoid making reverse engineering too easy... and therefore losing the mass market that their product has to be based on. None of this appeals to the artisan in most of us, but the reality of it cannot be ignored either. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avas

Re: [Sursound] Zoom H3-VR

2018-09-15 Thread Chris Woolf
On 15/09/2018 16:12, hacklava wrote: On Sat, 15 Sep 2018 14:52:03 +0100 Chris Woolf wrote: How open these sort of products can be in terms of internal architecture and calibration is another (commercial) problem. At least some secrecy is essential to their business model, to avoid making

Re: [Sursound] Soundfield by Rode plugin

2018-12-17 Thread Chris Woolf
e of doing this. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe here, e

Re: [Sursound] Soundfield by Rode plugin

2018-12-17 Thread Chris Woolf
can sound pretty good. The Schoeps SuperCMIT produces excellent sound quality with gentle processing help, and only starts to show faint artefacts when things are pushed very hard indeed. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: [Sursound] wifi audio (was Re: Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.)

2019-05-29 Thread Chris Woolf
tilted conversation. A target figure ~has~ to be <10ms to avoid disturbing speech, and for most people/environments must be <<5ms. I find it laughable that "low latency" frequently seems to mean 30-50ms. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Av

Re: [Sursound] wifi audio (was Re: Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.)

2019-05-30 Thread Chris Woolf
e? And I can't imaging that there is any spectrum clear in the 30-400MHz region. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing list Sursoun

Re: [Sursound] wifi audio (was Re: Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.)

2019-05-31 Thread Chris Woolf
remain happy for long. Which also means that the statement "the RF issue of range, carrier frequency, channel width is quite separate from the deliverable audio path" must be very carefully qualified - it is only correct in very specific circumstances. Chris Woolf --- This

Re: [Sursound] Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.

2019-05-31 Thread Chris Woolf
ppose that either are compromised. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing list

Re: [Sursound] Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.

2019-06-01 Thread Chris Woolf
cting round objects. Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing list - unsubscribe

Re: [Sursound] Deconstructing soundbar marketing B.S.

2019-06-02 Thread Chris Woolf
heric nitrogen atoms - just needs a few million dollars (payable directly to me) to commercialise the concept;} Chris Woolf --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. ___ Sursound mailing

Re: [Sursound] the facebook group

2022-01-02 Thread Chris Woolf
I heartily agree. Facebook is at best a terrible nuisance, and I do everything I can to avoid being mired in it. Chris Woolf On 02/01/2022 09:13, Fons Adriaensen wrote: On Sun, Jan 02, 2022 at 06:19:03AM +0200, Sampo Syreeni wrote: Hi. How about if you all also join the Facebook-group

Re: [Sursound] Reynolds mics

2022-03-25 Thread Chris Woolf
A friend asked me about this mic. Have to admit I have never heard of it, or of the company. Does anyone on the list have any knowledge, thoughts or comments? Chris Woolf ___ Sursound mailing list

Re: [Sursound] Reynolds mics

2022-03-25 Thread Chris Woolf
He may well do! But I was intrigued by the use of 3D printing for what are always going to be very low sales numbers, and how efficient the electrostatic screening was likely to be. I also wondered about the pop screening efficiency too. Chris Woolf On 25/03/2022 12:55, Tim Cowlishaw

Re: [Sursound] Reynolds mics

2022-03-25 Thread Chris Woolf
made Rycote BBGs that sit the array at the centre of the windshield. I have some demo mics available if you want to try one out. Cheers Jack Sent from my iPhone On 25 Mar 2022, at 12:58, Chris Woolf wrote: He may well do! But I was intrigued by the use of 3D printing for what are always goi

Re: [Sursound] Reynolds mics

2022-03-26 Thread Chris Woolf
early managed a bit of unintentional promo on his behalf! Good to hear how many of you are using his kit and how favourable so many reactions are. I'm not in the world of making recordings nowadays but I do feel a little more up-to-date - such are the benefits of this list. Chris Woolf

Re: [Sursound] 3 point XY - Anyone ever heard about this?

2022-12-05 Thread Chris Woolf
Michael Williams is undoubtedly an oddity in our audio world, but he is a great experimenter and his ideas are all grounded in solid science. I've known him for a great many years and he's never come up with hogwash or snake-oil in all that time. Chris Woolf On 05/12/2022 1

Re: [Sursound] Dave Malham

2022-12-10 Thread Chris Woolf
Does anyone have a current email address for Dave Malham, please? I have someone who wants to contact him about an old article in Microphone Data. Chris Woolf ___ Sursound mailing list

Re: [Sursound] So long CIPIC HRTF?

2022-12-31 Thread Chris Woolf
thick collar, or a heavy scarf - all objects that should wreck the accuracy of a static HTRF - have only the most limited of effects on positional accuracy. So how much precision is really needed for an HRTF? And how inaccurate can it be for our normal correction ability to deal with it? Chris

Re: [Sursound] So long CIPIC HRTF?

2023-01-01 Thread Chris Woolf
Such a good point. Thank you. I'm too rooted in the film and TV world, where a visual anchor invariably exists. Chris Woolf On 01/01/2023 09:21, Bo-Erik Sandholm wrote: The   problem for us with ambisonics is in most cases we do not have any visual reference to confirm or adjus

Re: [Sursound] So long CIPIC HRTF?

2023-02-15 Thread Chris Woolf
isual cue, which can subsequently be dropped, because our neural correction system retains the re-calibration until something else occurs to convince our brain that it needs to correct again. No idea how you might experiment with that Chris Woolf On 15/02/2023 13:43, Sampo Syreeni wrote:

Re: [Sursound] [off-topic] Spirals

2023-03-08 Thread Chris Woolf
would need rather more than just that. This is just coffee-time thoughts - I'm not planning to go flying any time soon;} Chris Woolf On 08/03/2023 13:23, wrote: Hi Panos! First of all: Welcome! Second: YES you are definitely in the right place. Third: If you hav

Re: [Sursound] [off-topic] Spirals

2023-03-08 Thread Chris Woolf
Ta - looks interesting - there's always someone who's been there before;} Chris Woolf On 08/03/2023 16:21, Marc Lavallée wrote: The article is freely available here: Marc Le 2023-03-08 à 11 h 15, Picinali, Lorenzo a écrit : Hello Ch