On 11/04/2018 18:40, Paul Hodges wrote:
I wonder how the capsules will compare with those on the SPS-200, given
that the projected cost is a mere fraction of that (if the price quoted
in the video is in Australian dollars, then it's only a quarter of the
price of the SPS-200!).

While I have been sceptical in the past about Rode products I have to admit that many of their more recent ones have been remarkably good for the price. The company's willingness to commit to a lot of capital expenditure in automating manufacture, on the presumption of being able to sell high volumes, has made low cost manufacture possible. They seem able to compete with Far East pricing, yet maintain Western engineering values - a scary feat.

They've also bought Peter Schillebeeckx with the Soundfield remnants, so they do have some proper expertise too.

Only time will tell if the product really works, but it can't be dismissed out of hand now.

Chris Woolf

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