[SAtalk] SpamAssassin 2.61 wont install from CPAN on RHEL ES 3

2004-01-02 Thread Peter Kiem
t with ExtUtils::MakeMaker but does anyone have any ideas how I can proceed? -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consult

RE: [SAtalk] First spam directed to me at my SA email alias

2003-12-30 Thread Peter Kiem
-- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Internet Services ^^-^^

Re: [SAtalk] First spam directed to me at my SA email alias

2003-12-30 Thread Peter Kiem
Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Internet Services ^^-^^ | ICQ

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-29 Thread Peter Kiem
> Once you realise this, you can see how whitelisting is easy to fool... Which is exactly why I didn't want a whitelisting solution, just a reduction in spam scoring. -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^.

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
; system is FUBAR, so you cannot use it. Ahh ok, I'll have a closer look at that one then. Thanks for your assistance :) -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT

Re: [SAtalk] Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
Hi David, > So you either need to change your rule to match the header from address or > code it to look for the envelope from address. What is the rule for matching envelope from address? -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Pete

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
> What makes you think the envelope sender isn't easily forged? OK point taken, but from what I have seen the From headers are *usually* what are forged and not the envelope address. -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
h a local rule. -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Internet

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
hrough... Thanks for your help. -- Regards, +-----+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | |

[SAtalk] Having trouble coding a local rule

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
HTML_MESSAGE, HTML_RELAYING_FRAME, MIME_HTML_ONLY, NO_REAL_NAME X-Spam-Level: * Why isn't the local rule being activated? -- Regards, +-----+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah I

[SAtalk] Sitewide bayes keeps expiring/corrupting and needs rebuild

2003-12-28 Thread Peter Kiem
g Ham" sa-learn --no-rebuild --showdots --ham /home/mail/amavis/maildir/.ham/cur/ echo "Learning Spam" sa-learn --no-rebuild --showdots --spam /home/mail/amavis/maildir/.spam/cur/ echo "Rebuilding" sa-learn --rebuild -- Regards, +-----+--

Re: [SAtalk] Eeek! Bayes expired itself out of existance!

2003-12-13 Thread Peter Kiem
Upgraded to SA 2.61, deleted the bayes_* files and relearnt from my spam and ham collections. sa-learn --dump now reports 1513 spams and 195 hams so looks like it is happy again. Thanks Theo :) -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem

Re: [SAtalk] Eeek! Bayes expired itself out of existance!

2003-12-12 Thread Peter Kiem
ection? Or would just deleting bayes_seen be enough? Might be a good time to upgrade to 2.61 :) -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile:

[SAtalk] Eeek! Bayes expired itself out of existance!

2003-12-12 Thread Peter Kiem
that it no longer can work (<200 messages) or has my Bayes DB corrupted itself? I guess I should delete the bayes_seen and bayes_toks files and retrain it from my ham/spam corpus? -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail

Re: [SAtalk] META: Does spamassassin-talk have a working mail archive?

2003-12-10 Thread Peter Kiem
Hi, > work, and if not, is there a better place to peruse the archives? Try http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=spamassassin-talk&r=1&w=2 -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&

RE: [SAtalk] bigevil.cf + rsync?

2003-12-07 Thread Peter Kiem
rds, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Internet Services ^^-^^ | ICQ : &q

Re: [SAtalk] sa-learn: what happened to --dir ?

2003-12-05 Thread Peter Kiem
sa-learn --spam /var/tmp/spam and it should work as 2.54 did -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Co

Re: [SAtalk] sa-learn: what happened to --dir ?

2003-12-05 Thread Peter Kiem
t and you have to use --mbox to change that behaviour? -- Regards, +-----+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.

RE: [SAtalk] bigevil.cf + rsync?

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Kiem
> Thanks, > > I learn something new every day. That's what mailing lists are about. And thank you for your script. Very helpful :) -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTE

RE: [SAtalk] bigevil.cf + rsync?

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Kiem
> cmp /tmp/bigevil.cf /etc/mail/spamassassin/bigevil.cf >/dev/null > 2>&1 cmp -s will not produce any output so you don't need the /dev/null redirect if fact you can do cmp -s /tmp/bigevil.cf /etc/mail/spamassassin/bigevil.cf || { # do the mv's and emails here

[SAtalk] bigevil.cf + rsync?

2003-12-04 Thread Peter Kiem
Hi, Any chance we can get rsync access to bigevil.cf so we can autoupdate whenever you change your rules? -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ |

Re: [SAtalk] False Positives with sorbs.net

2003-11-30 Thread Peter Kiem
ing only dnsbl.sorbs.net for a couple of hours but I stopped using it due to the bigpond.net.au blocks and switched to the individual zones above. So far so good :) -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAI

Re: [SAtalk] X-Transfer-number and X-Transfer-stamp ?

2003-10-13 Thread Peter Kiem
Does ANYONE know if X-Transfer-number and X-Transfer-stamp are 1) Valid in normal email use? 2) Worth coding rules for? On Sat, 2003-10-11 at 11:04, Peter Kiem wrote: > Hi, > > Just had a spam get through that had an absolute bucketload of headers > all of type x-transfer-number an

[SAtalk] X-Transfer-number and X-Transfer-stamp ?

2003-10-10 Thread Peter Kiem
number: 27138641262684380 etc etc etc -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW

[SAtalk] Recognising dynamic rr.com IPs

2003-09-17 Thread Peter Kiem
or 2) the legal rr.com mailservers for whitelisting? -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy &

[SAtalk] Seed site without another site's Bayes database?

2003-09-13 Thread Peter Kiem
provide a seed to get them started. How about as an ongoing action until I set them up and train them with spam and ham folders for manual nightly learning? -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [SAtalk] Ham and Spam script

2003-09-11 Thread Peter Kiem
ild -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Inte

Re: [SAtalk] sa-learn says it learnt from 134 messages but check_bayes__db only reports 19 as nspam?

2003-09-07 Thread Peter Kiem
-- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.net | | Internet S

RE: [SAtalk] sa-learn says it learnt from 134 messages butcheck_bayes__db only reports 19 as nspam?

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Kiem
> Feed it 1400 more? -- Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : w

Re: [SAtalk] sa-learn says it learnt from 134 messages but check_bayes__db only reports 19 as nspam?

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Kiem
ys it only learned 19? -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : www.zordah.n

[SAtalk] sa-learn says it learnt from 134 messages but check_bayes__db only reports 19 as nspam?

2003-09-05 Thread Peter Kiem
WTF is happening here? Regards, +-+-+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW :

Re: [SAtalk] Moved into the ex-ip of a spammer

2003-08-14 Thread Peter Kiem
pire entries after a set time period. -- Regards, +-+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )

Re: [SAtalk] Vexira antivirus

2003-07-17 Thread Peter Kiem
Amavisd-new/Vexira/SA setup now. -- Regards, +-----+-----+ | Peter Kiem.^. | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | | Zordah IT /V\ | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766| | IT Consultancy & /( )\ | WWW : ww