[SGE-discuss] SGE Installation on Centos 7

2017-04-27 Thread yasir
Hi SGE Admin's, This is first time when I want SGE on our infra. So I request you please help with installation guide of SGE on Centos 7.3 & before installation what prerequisite I've to install please confirm me. Thanks in advance. Thanks & Re

Re: [SGE-discuss] SGE Installation on Centos 7

2017-04-27 Thread yasir
Hi Max, Thread is not clearing that is SGE is fully supported with Centos 7.3 or not. Do anyone have implemented SGE on Centos 7.3 successfully without any issue. Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: Maximilian Friedersdorff [mailto:ma...@aber.ac.uk] Sent: 27 A

Re: [SGE-discuss] SGE Installation on Centos 7

2017-04-27 Thread yasir
I'm not using Active Directory. For Cluster centralize user management I'm using NIS. Will NIS work fine with SGE ? Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de [mailto:juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de] Sent: 27 April 2017 0

Re: [SGE-discuss] SGE Installation on Centos 7

2017-04-27 Thread yasir
Have you tried SGE 8.1.9 on Centos 7 https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/loveshack/SGE/ Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de [mailto:juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de] Sent: 27 April 2017 04:00 PM To: ya...@orionsolutions.c

Re: [SGE-discuss] SGE Installation on Centos 7

2017-04-27 Thread yasir
d getting above error. Can you please help here. Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de [mailto:juanesteban.jime...@mdc-berlin.de] Sent: 27 April 2017 04:57 PM To: ya...@orionsolutions.co.in; 'Maximilian Friedersdorff'; sge-

[SGE-discuss] {SPAM?} Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-04-29 Thread yasir
(Install from YUM) When check qconf -sp orte Error: orte is not a parallel environment Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr ___ SGE-discuss mailing list SGE-discuss@liv.ac.uk https://arc.liv.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/sge-discuss

[SGE-discuss] {SPAM?} RE: Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-04-29 Thread yasir
While running below command I'm getting gridware input but I can't able to load orte ompi_info | grep gridengine MCA ras: gridengine (MCA v2.0.0, API v2.0.0, Component v1.10.3) Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: Reuti [mailto:re...@staff.uni-marburg

Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-04-30 Thread yasir
le run #mpirun -np 4 a.out it work without any issue. qrsh -pe orte 4 -b y mpirun -np 4 a.out Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: Reuti [mailto:re...@staff.uni-marburg.de] Sent: 30 April 2017 02:22 PM To: Yasir Israr Cc: sge-disc...@liverpool.ac.uk Subject: Re: [SGE-dis

[SGE-discuss] {SPAM?} RE: Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-05-01 Thread yasir
Yes Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr -Original Message- From: Reuti [mailto:re...@staff.uni-marburg.de] Sent: 01 May 2017 01:29 PM To: ya...@orionsolutions.co.in Cc: sge-disc...@liverpool.ac.uk Subject: Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-

Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-04-29 Thread Yasir Israr
Hi Reuti Its is asking slot and many other option should I take default one or need to customize some option ?? Can u share any output file of orte ?. qconf -ap orte Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr > On 29-Apr-2017, at 10:58 PM, Reuti wrote: > > q

Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-04-30 Thread Yasir Israr
Yes that correct . Please share any output of orte or what should be parameter of orte like slot and other thing Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr > On 30-Apr-2017, at 2:22 PM, Reuti wrote: > > >> Am 30.04.2017 um 02:33 schrieb Yasir Israr: >> >> Hi Reuti >&

Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-05-01 Thread Yasir Israr
Yes, I'm having 9node and install openmpi in all machine using yum. Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr > On 01-May-2017, at 1:29 PM, Reuti wrote: > > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > >> Am 01.05.2017 um 03:53 schrieb : >> >> I'

Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

2017-05-02 Thread Yasir Israr
Qsub working fine. Everything working fine. Problem only with below command. Saying mpi not found. >>> qrsh -pe orte 4 -b y mpirun -np 4 a.out >> Thanks & Regards Yasir Israr > On 02-May-2017, at 5:31 PM, Reuti wrote: > > Hi, > >> Am 01.05.2017 um 10: