I've setup PE orte and done entry in all.q now when I'm running below
command its showing ORTE.

# qconf -spl
make mpi smp orte

# qconf -sp all.q |grep pe_
Make mpi smp orte

But when I'm running job using below command it's showing mpirun not found,
meanwhile when I simple run #mpirun -np 4 a.out it work without any issue. 
qrsh -pe orte 4 -b y mpirun -np 4 a.out

Thanks & Regards
Yasir Israr

-----Original Message-----
From: Reuti [mailto:re...@staff.uni-marburg.de] 
Sent: 30 April 2017 02:22 PM
To: Yasir Israr
Cc: sge-disc...@liverpool.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [SGE-discuss] Couldnt able to PE orte

Am 30.04.2017 um 02:33 schrieb Yasir Israr:

> Hi Reuti
> Its is asking slot and many other option should I take default one or need
to customize some option ?? Can u share any output file of orte ?. 

Please check the explanation in the link I posted before:


-- Reuti

> qconf -ap orte
> Thanks & Regards
> Yasir Israr
>> On 29-Apr-2017, at 10:58 PM, Reuti <re...@staff.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
>> qconf -ap orte

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