r. I'm currently trying to make my Epson Perf 1250,
work with Stefan Nilsen's code.
Once I find the right register values for my scanner, I'll mail them to you.
Ludovic Drolez.
yone know where are the specs of the lm983x's USB interface ?
(not lm983x chips specs pdf).
Ludovic Drolez.
Stefan Nilsen wrote:
>>The problem is that the hp scanner uses:
>>- the lm9830 which is an parallel port chip
>>- + an usb to parallel chip
>>So it's quite different from lm 9831-9833 which are real USB chips.
>HP 2200c is a pure, USB LM9832 based scanner.
Sorry ! I was thinking of the HP42
Yves Duret wrote:
>"Karl Heinz Kremer" writes:
>>I don't think it's a good idea to write a backend for the Perfection 1250
>>from scratch. There are several scanners that are based on the LM 983x
>>chips, which all could use the same basic backend. Every scanner would
>>however need some "tweak
on SourceForge ... epson1250-backend ?
Best regards,
Ludovic Drolez.