Jaeger, Gerhard wrote:

> If the stuff works, we can discuss about a better place or even name.
> ASAP I will make a tar-ball available, that will contain the code.
> Please guys be patient, but I think we're on a good way ;-)

Is there a CVS repository available ?

> If you already have a LM983x based device, you might can send me the
> Vendor and Product ID the the scanner. AFAIR I've the configuration 
> stuff 
> for almost all Plustek and Genius devices.

http://scanjet2200c.sourceforge.net/ has also nearly working code for
a LM9832 based scanner. I'm currently trying to make my Epson Perf 1250,
work with Stefan Nilsen's code.
Once I find the right register values for my scanner, I'll mail them to you.


    Ludovic Drolez.

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