Yves Duret wrote:

>"Karl Heinz Kremer" <k...@khk.net> writes:
>>I don't think it's a good idea to write a backend for the Perfection 1250
>>from scratch. There are several scanners that are based on the LM 983x
>>chips, which all could use the same basic backend. Every scanner would
>>however need some "tweaking" so that all the vendor specific stuff would
>>As far as I know there is at least one project already underway to 
>>develop a 983x backend. Check the archives of this list (or wait for
>>the project maintainer to participate in this discussion). 
>>Karl Heinz
>yep it is for the hp scanjet 2200c (at least)
>see http://scanjet2200c.sourceforge.net/ for more info
>perhaps you could write a unique lm983x backend that suppoorts differents
>manufacturers.. but sure you can reuse their work.
The problem is that the hp scanner uses:
- the lm9830 which is an parallel port chip
- + an usb to parallel chip
So it's quite different from lm 9831-9833 which are real USB chips.


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