The following Sage code
integrate(-1/8*(u - 2*min_symbolic(-1/2*u - 1/2, 1/2*u - 1/2) - 1)^2 +
1/2*(min_symbolic(0, u) + 1)^2,u,-1,1)
produces 1/2 as a (correct) result with SageMath 8.3 (running with Software
Environment Ubuntu 18.04 @ 2018-08-27 in CoCalc).
With SageMath 9.3 (ru
I take it this is failing because Maxima can't determine that my upper
bound is real. Is there some way to make it do what I want?
> sage: B0 = SR.symbol('B0', domain='real')
> sage: B1 = SR.symbol('B1', domain='real')
> sage: B2 = SR.symbol('B2', domain='real')
> sage: B3 = SR.symbol('B3', domain
To debug ticket #11653, I am trying to see the integral of the sing
For that I do:
sage: t=var('=t')
sage: v=function('v',t)
sage: myode = diff(v,t) - ( sign(t) ) == 0
sage: mysol = desolve(de=myose, ivar=t, dvar=y) # do not add ics
argument, cause it fails, see ticket #11653
> Unfortunately, I know little about symbolic
> integration techniques. Does anybody have suggestions for references?
there are basically two techniques for symbolic integration:
1) table lookup in some classes of integrals. Maple is quite good at this.
2) recognition of some inputs that (may) ad