To debug ticket #11653, I am trying to see the integral of the sing
For that I do:
sage: t=var('=t')
sage: v=function('v',t)
sage: myode = diff(v,t) - ( sign(t) ) == 0
sage: mysol = desolve(de=myose, ivar=t, dvar=y) # do not add ics
argument, cause it fails, see ticket #11653
it returns c + integrate(sgn(t), t)
Is it possible to plot this function? I tryed:
sage: plot(mysol.subs(c=0))
but it retuns
74 # Check for x
75 if not is_SymbolicVariable(x):
---> 76 if len(x.variables()) == 1:
77 nx = x.variables()[0]
78 f = f*x.diff(nx)
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'variables'
Note that other integrals are easy to plot
sage: plot(integrate(sin(t),t), 0, 2*pi)
Is this a bug (i.e the integral of the sign function is not
implemented), or am I missing something here.
Thanks a lot in advance!
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