I am wondering why only the first cell in the following is automatically
I have autoeval set to 'True' and notice that if I add
at the end, it is automatically evaluated.
Thanks in advan
Fixed: I removed the .jmol directory from my home directory (allowing a new
one to be formed the next time I ran jmol). I thought I had tried that
On Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:15:37 PM UTC-7, davidp wrote:
> In the following, I expect p+s to be a picture of a plane with th
Is there a way to increase the linewidth of lines appearing in the legend
of a plot without changing the linewidth in the plot, itself?
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"sage-support" group.
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In the following, I expect p+s to be a picture of a plane with the word
'hello' embedded at its center. Instead, I get the word 'hello' in the
corner of the frame (where the number -1) might be expected. Further, it
prints a number 2 way outside of the frame, and the axes labels are all in
On Thursday, July 25, 2013 10:58:56 AM UTC-7, William wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 9:16 AM, davidp >
> wrote:
> > I am using Sage to plot an arrangement of planes in 3-space. Each plane
> has
> > its own color, and I would like a legend in t
I am using Sage to plot an arrangement of planes in 3-space. Each plane
has its own color, and I would like a legend in the plot that associates
the equation of each plane with its color. This experiment seems to
indicate that legends are not available for 3d graphics:
sage: g = graphs.CycleGraph(4)
sage: list(g.depth_first_search(0))
[0, 3, 2, 1]
sage: g.relabel([0,3,2,1])
sage: list(g.depth_first_search(0))
[0, 1, 2, 3]
I was expecting to get [0,3,2,1] again after relabeling.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Yes! This looks right.
On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:30:09 PM UTC-7, John H Palmieri wrote:
> On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:53:56 AM UTC-7, davidp wrote:
>> I just installed Sage 5.8 and am running it from the command line. For
>> so
C-7, Dan Drake wrote:
> I've used attach and load for years without ever encountering this
> problem. So there must be something about the code in your
> threshold.sage file. Without seeing it, it's not likely we can help you.
> On Wed, 24 Apr 2013 at 10:57AM -0700
s behavior. The problem with the 'attach' command
seems like a bug to me. Shouldn't these extra files be stored in some tmp
file in the sage directory that get erased at the end of the session, or
something like that?
On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:53:56 AM UTC-7, d
I just installed Sage 5.8 and am running it from the command line. For
some reason, it is filling up my directory with what looks like temporary
files, e.g., threshold.sageJmarTS.py, threshold.sageR9Gfg9, and on and
on. (I attached code contained in a file called 'threshold.sage'. I get
I am still interested in this question, in case anyone happens to know the
On Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:19:54 PM UTC-7, davidp wrote:
> Is there a way to turn off the labels on the frame in a 3d plot? I
> was hoping something like this might work:
> var('x y
I had tried that, then got a further error, so I backtracked. After
reading your advice, I tried again, and everything worked.
On Saturday, July 28, 2012 1:00:57 PM UTC-7, P Purkayastha wrote:
> On 07/29/2012 03:29 AM, davidp wrote:
> > I just made a clean insta
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/davidp/ in ()
/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/Prompts.pyc in
__call__(self, arg)
551 # and now call a possibly user-defined print mechanism
--> 552 manipulated
Is there a way to turn off the labels on the frame in a 3d plot? I
was hoping something like this might work:
var('x y')
I know that I can set frame=false to get rid of the frame entirely,
but that is not what I am looking for. Is there some
My solution at the moment is to plot the graph setting save_pos=true.
Using the vertex positions determined by the plot, I create arrows for
the oriented edges. I then plot the original plot of the graph plus
the arrows.
On Jun 29, 7:18 pm, davidp wrote:
> Hi,
> I have found th
I have found the need to think about "partially oriented" graphs: some
edges have an orientation and others do not. It would be natural to
draw these with arrows for directed edges and lines for undirected
edges. What is the easiest way to do this with Sage?
To post to th
I would like to show my class a parametrized surface with mesh lines
(on Monday!).
1. The following code produces no mesh lines:
sage: var('x y')
sage: parametric_plot3d((x,x^2+y,x*y),(x,0,1),(y,
That seems odd to me.
2. The following code produces mesh lines, but
No problem. I wrote a function to create what I wanted using
'polygon'. It is useful to know that colormaps were not the answer.
On Aug 12, 3:47 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:38 PM, davidp wrote:
> > I am using Sage Version 4.3, Relea
I am using Sage Version 4.3, Release Date: 2009-12-24. The two plots:
look the same to me. I tried various cmaps with the same result. Is
there a way to set a cmap so that the plots
Thanks a lot!
On Aug 6, 7:29 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> On 8/6/10 11:56 AM, davidp wrote:
> > Sage has no trouble finding the eigenvectors of the 3x3 matrix below
> > but something is wrong in the 4x4 example. Am I doing something
> > silly?
> >
Sage has no trouble finding the eigenvectors of the 3x3 matrix below
but something is wrong in the 4x4 example. Am I doing something
sage: version()
'Sage Version 4.3, Release Date: 2009-12-24'
sage: m=matrix(CC,[[1,0,I],[1,1,0],[I,0,1]])
sage: m.eigenvectors_right()
[(1.00 + 1
For a class I am teaching, I would like to display an image in the
plane---say a png-file--- and show how it is transformed under a
complex function f: C --> C. What is the best way to do this?
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emicolons and does not parse line
breaks correctly? (Cutting and pasting the code in the examples into
sage produces no errors.)
| Sage Version 4.0.alpha0, Release Date: 2009-05-15
sage -t "test.py"
Same problem:
sage -t "sandpile.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./sandpile.py", line 18, in
from sandpile import *
File "/home/davidp/math/sandpile/sage/sage-sandpile1.4/sandpile.py",
line 167, in
class Sandpile(DiGraph):
9 at 10:10 PM, davidp wrote:
> > I might be going down the wrong path, but is seems like I would want
> > to add a
> > copy_mpz_vector_init
> > function to vector_integer_sparse_c.pxi that would make a copy of an
> > mpz_vector. Is that overkill?
v + mul*w, but let mul = 0. However
add_mpz_vector_init returns the zero vector when mul = 0 !
On Jun 2, 9:06 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 8:45 PM, davidp wrote:
> > I can't figure out how to create a new sparse matrix (see below).
> > S
e "/usr/local/sage-devel/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Cython/
Compiler/ExprNodes.py", line 2532, in analyse_types
if hasattr(self.function, 'entry') and not
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'as_variable'
(most recent call last):
File "./sandpile.py", line 18, in
from sandpile import *
File "/home/davidp/math/sandpile/sage/sage-sandpile1.4/sandpile.py",
line 167, in
class Sandpile(DiGraph):
NameError: name 'DiGraph
fied sage library code.
I might have to actually read the Cython documentation!
On Jun 2, 5:43 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> William Stein wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 5:16 PM, davidp wrote:
> >> I
Is there a fast way to create a submatrix?
sage: version()
'Sage Version 4.0.alpha0, Release Date: 2009-05-15'
sage: G = graphs.GridGraph([100,100])
sage: L = G.laplacian_matrix()
sage: L
1 x 1 sparse matrix over Integer Ring
sage: time
I guess I figured it out. In the conf.py file:
# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
default_role = 'math'
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I am writing a manual for a Sage package I am developing. It seems
natural to use Sphinx/reST. I made an independent installation of
Sphinx and eventually realized that to typeset mathematics, I need to
write, for example, :math:`\Gamma` instead of Sage's cleaner version: `
\Gamma`. The latter
TypeError Traceback (most recent call
/home/davidp/ in ()
site-packages/sage/misc/functional.pyc in integral(x, *args
I am running Sage 3.4 under Fedora 10. I am having trouble inserting
a cell (of any type) right before a text cell in a worksheet.
I have tried the following:
1. Hovering the mouse just above the text cell.
2. Going to a calculation cell just above the text cell and trying
shift-click, alt-clic
In the sage notebook, how can I open (display) a file I saved in jmol
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have written
sage: G = DiGraph({1:{2: 2}, 2:{1:1}}, weighted=True)
so that the Laplacian comes out correctly. However, this doesn't help
with my problem.)
On Mar 19, 6:01 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
> davidp wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I was a bit surprised by the difference ex
I was a bit surprised by the difference exhibited below:
sage: G = DiGraph({1:{2: 2}, 2:{1:1}})
sage: G.show()
sage: DiGraph(G.laplacian_matrix()).show()
The latter draws multiple edges.
To post to this group, send email to sage-su
Suppose G is a DiGraph. Is there a way to change the vertex labels of
G so that they are shown when G.show() is called? The method,
G.set_vertex() does not seem to do that.
Sample code
sage: G = DiGraph({1:{2: 2}, 2:{1:1}})
sage: G.show()
sage: G.set_vertex(1,4)
sage: G.show()
please email me.
> Thanks.
> On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 6:50 PM, davidp wrote:
> > I have just installed Sage 3.4, database_gap-4.4.10, and
> > gap_packages-4.4.10_6. It seems that I can't access '
Traceback (most recent call
/home/davidp/download/ in ()
site-packages/sage/interfaces/gap.pyc in eval(self, x, newlines,
strip, **kwds)
477 input_line += ';'
--> 479
On Mar 14, 11:19 am, mabshoff wrote:
> Ok, there is now a 32 bit FC9 binary - I had it on sage.math all along
> and it did get lost in the shuffle when putting things in the various
> directories.
> Cheers,
> Michael
To post to th
Is it strange, then, to list this binary under 32bit:
Also, I don't see a release for i686. Perhaps that will come later.
On Mar 14, 8:37 am, Jaap Spies wrote:
> davidp wrote:
> > I am having trouble starting S
tebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
sage.bin: /home/davidp/download/sage-3.4-Fedora_release_9-x86_64-Linux/
;ll be jumping for joy if/when the Singular people fix the bug
> that's breaking the potentially super-useful variety() command.
> On Feb 27, 5:54 am,davidp wrote:
> > Thanks for your response. I tried what you suggested and got the
> > error you anticipated. So i
> for more details. Problem is, variety() sometimes
> fails:http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/4622.
> Alex
> On Feb 25, 7:27 am,davidp wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have the following homogeneous Singula
I have the following homogeneous Singular ideal defining a finite set
of points in projective space. I would like to get numerical
approximations for these points.
sage: S.ring()
// characteristic : 0
// number of vars : 4
//block 1 : ordering dp
// : names
Singular's hilb command does not work as expected:
sage: R = singular.ring(0,'(x,y,z)','dp')
sage: I = singular.ideal(['x^3-y^2*z','z^2-x*y'])
sage: I.hilb()
Could someone please explain this?
To post to this group
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call
/home/davidp/math/sandpile/sage/sage-sandpile1.2/ in
AttributeError: 'GraphDatabase' object has no attribute 'get_list'
I have also trie
I will be teaching abstract algebra this semester and want to
introduce my students to Sage and GAP. I have installed
gap_packages-4.4.10_6, but I am still having trouble with
| Sage Version 3.2.3, Release Date
patch? I am travelling non-stop
between semesters now and have not had time to learn how to do this.
On Jan 7, 6:06 pm, mabshoff wrote:
> On Jan 7, 3:38 pm, davidp wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> > Oops. I take back my last post. Running Sage 3.2.2, I got the
File "", line 1
[ [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ], [ 3, 4 ] ]
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Thanks for any s
Thanks. By problem went away with Sage 3.2.2.
On Dec 27 2008, 10:55 am, mabshoff wrote:
> On Dec 27, 9:11 am,DavidPerkinson wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> > Here is a typical error when I try to run a combinatorial function:
> > sage: combinations([1,2],3)
> > -
53 matches
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