In the following, I expect p+s to be a picture of a plane with the word 
'hello' embedded at its center.  Instead, I get the word 'hello' in the 
corner of the frame (where the number -1) might be expected.  Further, it 
prints a number 2 way outside of the frame, and the axes labels are all in 
the wrong order.  It is as if there is an off-by-one error in some labeling 
code somewhere.  When I print p+s+t, I get 'hello' embedded in the center 
as expected, and 'goodbye' is shifted to the corner of the frame now.

sage: var('x y')
(x, y)
sage: p = plot3d(1,(x,-1,1),(y,-1,1))
sage: s = text3d('hello',(0,0,1))  # hello appears in the wrong place
sage: p + s

sage: t = text3d('goodbye',(0,0,1))  # same coordinates as s
sage: p + s + t   # hello now appears in the right place, but goodbye does 

I am running sage-5.10 under Ubuntu 13.04 on a laptop.  The *same* setup on 
my desktop does not produce this error.  I tried re-installing sage, 
removing my old .sage, .jmol, and .java directories.  Same problem. 
 Further, when I try the same code after logging in as guest on my laptop, 
the code runs with no problem.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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