Re: [sage-devel] Units in Orders

2012-08-12 Thread David Roe
> Thanks for the pointer to that ticket, which explains the change in the the > "is_unit()" behavior. > > Why should the inverse of "four" succeed when the result is not in K? > > sage: four^-1 in K > False The order K is analogous to the ring of integers inside QQ. So even though the inverse of

Re: [sage-devel] Re: sage startup time hasn't improved...

2012-08-12 Thread Mike Hansen
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Volker Braun wrote: > For comparison, here is sage-5.1.rc1. It looks like the notebook update > pulled in two slow modules: flaskext.babel and pytz. And we now have a > longer sys.path (from 26 to 39 entries), which makes module loading overall > slower. Especiall

[sage-devel] Re: sage startup time hasn't improved...

2012-08-12 Thread Volker Braun
For comparison, here is sage-5.1.rc1. It looks like the notebook update pulled in two slow modules: flaskext.babel and pytz. And we now have a longer sys.path (from 26 to 39 entries), which makes module loading overall slower. Especially since the filesystem is 4x slower than on my laptop for s

Re: [sage-devel] New Singular spkg (#13237) needs review

2012-08-12 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
This still needs review. I would like to point out that this fixes no less than 6 other tickets, so I think it would be really good to get this into sage-5.3. On 2012-08-03 08:42, Jeroen Demeyer wrote: > In ticket #13237, I have upgraded Singular to version 3-1-5 (with > various upstream patches)

[sage-devel] Re: please remove coercion of polynomials to the symbolic ring

2012-08-12 Thread Andrey Novoseltsev
I want to point out that the ticket also makes certain explicit CONVERSIONS to SR impossible, which in my opinion is bad. (And backward incompatible so it may break existing user code.) It would be nice to hear more thoughts and opinions on that ticket. Thank you, Andrey On Aug 11, 2:44 pm, Timo

Re: [sage-devel] sage startup time hasn't improved...

2012-08-12 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
Second measurement, best-out-of-10 on sage.math (less loaded than previous time), using /home: sage-4.6: 2.4s sage-4.7: 2.5s sage-4.8: 2.4s sage-5.0.1: 2.0s sage-5.1: 2.1s sage-5.2: 2.7s So, I would say there was a measurable speed-up in sage-5.0 and a more serious slow-down in sage-5.2

Re: [sage-devel] Units in Orders

2012-08-12 Thread Rob Beezer
On Saturday, August 11, 2012 1:22:05 PM UTC-7, Marco Streng wrote: > > These outputs look fine to me. See also > > Dear Marco, Thanks for the pointer to that ticket, which explains the change in the the "is_unit()" behavior. Why should the inv

[sage-devel] Two easy package upgrades (MPC and PARI) need review

2012-08-12 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
I have created updated versions of the MPC and PARI packages. Both upgrades are fairly straight-forward, and they both have been tested successfully on the buildbots. So the review is just a matter of looking at the patches and (hopefully) approving them. Please review: MPC: http://trac.sagemath

[sage-devel] Re: sage startup time hasn't improved...

2012-08-12 Thread Volker Braun
I've patched sage -startuptime to report and sort by time excluding children, see (needs review): == Slowest module imports (excluding / including children) == exclude/ms include/ms #parents module name 1.737 1.795 2 sage.libs.ppl 1.749

Re: [sage-devel] sage startup time hasn't improved...

2012-08-12 Thread Jeroen Demeyer
Best-out-of-30 startup times for various versions on sage.math in /home (mounted over NFS): sage-4.6: 2.4s sage-4.7: 2.5s sage-4.8: 2.5s sage-5.0.1: 2.2s sage-5.2: 2.7s It seems sage-5.0 saw an improvement (I guess due to Python-2.7), but it got worse again. I'll try to add some data points betw

Re: [sage-devel] sage 5.1 compilation problem (mpir-2.4.0.p5)

2012-08-12 Thread Ingo Stefani
I also tried to replace core2-*-* with core*-*-* in configure:4494 (of v. 2.5.1) and add "core | " to various cases in the following two "case $host_cpu in" statements so that the configure step works, but then I always get errors like these $ ABI=32 ../../repos/mpir-2.5.1/configure --... ... (

Re: [sage-devel] sage 5.1 compilation problem (mpir-2.4.0.p5)

2012-08-12 Thread Ingo Stefani
Am Freitag, 13. Juli 2012 09:37:25 UTC+2 schrieb Jeroen Demeyer: > On 2012-07-12 22:56, Jeremy Fehr wrote: > > > Trying to build sage 5.1 on Debian Wheezy i686, Intel Core Duo T2400 (32 > > > bit). Relevant log files are attached. > > I have no idea how this happened: > > configure: error: ABI=

[sage-devel] Re: CTRL-C crashes the notebook in 5.2

2012-08-12 Thread Daniel Smertnig
On Sunday, August 12, 2012 3:29:16 AM UTC+2, ancienthart wrote: > > Daniel, on the old version of sage (5.2 before I replaced pyOpenSSL), when > I try this, I get: Hm, right, it keeps 0.12 for me too, I must have tested this after deleting 0.12 from $SAGE_ROOT/local. However `easy_install -U