I've patched sage -startuptime to report and sort by time excluding children, see http://trac.sagemath.org/13361 (needs review):
== Slowest module imports (excluding / including children) == exclude/ms include/ms #parents module name 1.737 1.795 2 sage.libs.ppl 1.749 1.752 9 urlparse 1.835 15.190 8 sage.calculus.calculus 1.844 2.506 1 email.utils 1.850 1.976 1 sage.sandpiles.sandpile 1.861 1.917 2 sage.combinat.sf.macdonald 1.869 1.873 4 pickle 1.909 9.049 13 sage.rings.number_field.number_field 1.935 8.447 5 sage.libs.singular.singular 1.985 1.990 1 Cookie 1.994 65.088 1 sagenb.notebook 2.050 2.410 10 jinja2.utils 2.079 15.447 8 jinja2 2.164 3.237 3 zmq.core 2.214 2.229 4 sage.interfaces.maxima 2.226 2.238 2 jinja2.lexer 2.470 2.657 9 sage.interfaces.singular 2.494 9.581 10 sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_libsingular 2.562 3.764 2 werkzeug.routing 2.604 2.645 1 sage.combinat.words.paths 2.607 41.060 2 sage.graphs.generic_graph 2.709 16.778 12 sage.functions.other 2.799 2.799 2 _ssl 3.181 19.026 26 inspect 3.211 3.592 3 sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.heegner 3.271 3.271 1 sage.ext.c_lib 3.279 47.423 14 IPython 3.349 19.990 8 sage.rings.quotient_ring 3.358 3.594 6 sage.interacts.library 3.596 7.450 25 sage.libs.pari.gen 3.618 3.634 1 doctest 3.627 3.711 1 sage.libs.cremona.newforms 3.914 5.606 218 sage.misc.sageinspect 4.003 4.055 1 sage.combinat.sloane_functions 4.075 49.647 12 sage.rings.complex_double 4.225 4.229 2 platform 4.274 4.378 2 sage.libs.linbox.linbox 4.318 4.887 3 sage.matrix.matrix_mod2_dense 4.441 5.168 1 decimal 4.685 4.978 1 sage.misc.latex_macros 5.224 8.063 218 sage.structure.element 5.744 8.285 4 sage.rings.polynomial.pbori 7.909 17.876 4 sage.rings.qqbar 10.937 11.211 6 tokenize 11.508 12.061 3 pytz 16.608 29.729 15 sage.groups.perm_gps.permgroup 43.575 43.648 6 pkg_resources 45.088 45.090 4 flaskext.babel 50.665 741.180 4 sage.all 53.833 342.815 239 sage Total time (sum over exclusive time): 786.690ms -- -- To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to sage-devel+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URL: http://www.sagemath.org