the samples,
and then the error of the refinement itself (multiplied by a number
given in the output files). How to put it all together? Our software is
FullProf 2k.
Thank you in advance,
Arto Ojuva
Stockholm University
Please do
s a useful discusion and
correction to my proposition if wrong.
Best regards,
2013/9/13 arto ojuva>>
Dear all
I would appreciate some statistical advice. We are measuring cell
parameters variations in-situ of some structures using in-house
Just a general warning about using Excel with trigonometric functions:
=sin(0) gives 0
=sin(90) gives 0.893997
=sin(180) gives -0.80115
In other words, I haven't gotten sine and cosine to work reliably with
Excel. It might be a good idea to check the calculations using some
other software,
Hi Kotaro
ATZ is the Z*Mw*f that you were calculating. You can find it described in the
FullProf manual .pdf file around page 91 (or search for “ATZ”), and it is given
for each phase in the line :
!Nat Dis Ang Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Jbt Irf Isy Str Furth ATZNvk Npr More
You can calculate it you
I too enjoy reading the discussions that emerge every now and then in this
group, and I hope to see more of them in the future. Speaking of that, could
you change my e-mail to My employment ended and with it,
the mail account will be gone soon as well.
Hi Josh
Do you mean a standard for the peak positions, to correct for the sample
shift? If so, then I'd say it depends on whether the mesh and sample are
exactly on the same plane. And what type of in-situ? If it is temperature,
then they should ideally have similar thermal expansion behavior as