Dear all

I would appreciate some statistical advice. We are measuring cell parameters variations in-situ of some structures using in-house diffractometers. Because the in-situ variations also causes sample displacement, we have been using an added internal standard (Si) and corrected the 2-theta axis so that the silicon lines are in correct positions. Because we wanted to be sure that our method is reproducible, we have repeated our experiments 5-10 times, and that has given us a standard deviation for the unit cell parameters.

The standard deviation for the Si cell parameters is of course very small, in the order of 10^-5 Å, whereas for the samples it is in the order of 10^-2 Å. That is also the accuracy we can reasonably report our data at.

I would like to know how to report a single statistical variation from our values. We have the deviation of the IS, deviation of the samples, and then the error of the refinement itself (multiplied by a number given in the output files). How to put it all together? Our software is FullProf 2k.

Thank you in advance,
Arto Ojuva
Stockholm University
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