ty of Milano
is offering a post-doctoral two-years position in mineralogy/
crystallography under the supervision of Prof. G. Artioli.
Experience in diffraction and structural crystallography is
an asset, but not required. Main focus of the research during
the first year will be high temperature in s
anyone out there knows an original reference for the Guinier-Lenne camera?
Is there any old paper describing the first use of the translating
film cassette ?
I will greatly appreciate any information.
G. Artioli
data, will be
published in the proccedings
G. Artioli
Hallo everybody
we are desperately seeking the high temperature thermal expansion
coefficients for PdO (and metallic Pd).
Any information and reference is warmly welcome!!!
G. Artioli
be careful
NAC is a great standard, but it is not certified, and different
batches of the material have different broadening
Nice to calibrate the angles, pay attention to calibrate
the FWHM.
Prof. Gilberto Artioli
Dipartimento di
perties of materials as seen by diffraction and spectroscopy, and the
characterization of structural properties using in situ conditions.
Preliminary list of Speakers:
Convenor: Gilberto Artioli (Milano, Italy)
Invited: Simon Redfern (Cambridge, UK), Richard Ibberson (ISIS-RAL, UK)
Workshop announcement
Place: Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy
Dates: March 16-18, 2005
information, programme, and registration details are available at the web
An information