about modelling of montmorillonite and the use of the model in quantitative analysis: Gualtieri et al. "Quantitative phase analysis of natural raw materials containing montmorillonite". PC01, EPDIC-7 abstract volume, p.84, 2000. The full article (with actual fitting of experimental data, will be published in the proccedings.... G. Artioli
- structure for montmorillonite Nicki Agron-Olshina
- Re: structure for montmorill... Armel Le Bail
- Re: structure for montmo... Alan Hewat
- Re: structure for mo... Armel Le Bail
- Re: structure fo... Alan Hewat
- Re: structure for montmorill... artioli
- Re: structure for montmo... Armel Le Bail
- Re: structure for mo... Alan Hewat
- RE: structure for montmorill... Agron-Olshina, Nicki (Minerals, Clayton)
- RE: structure for montmorill... Matulis, Chris