                Universita' di Milano
Two-Years Post-Doctoral Position in Mineralogy/Crystallography

The Department of the Earth Sciences of the University of Milano
is offering a post-doctoral two-years position in mineralogy/
crystallography under the supervision of Prof. G. Artioli.

Experience in diffraction and structural crystallography is
an asset, but not required. Main focus of the research during
the first year will be high temperature in situ X-ray diffraction.
The Department supports a range of modern instrumentation, including: 
electron microprobe, single-crystal and powder X-ray diffractometers, 
XRF, multianvil press for HP/HT synthesis, etc.  

The position is funded for 1 year, with possibility of renewal.
Deadline for application is March 9, 2000. Details can be found
on the University webpage: 


or by contacting Prof. G. Artioli at:

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Universita' degli Studi di Milano
Sezione di Mineralogia
Via Botticelli 23
I-20133 Milano

tel: 39-02-23698320
fax: 39-02-70638681
url: http://iummix.terra.unimi.it/~artioli/start.html

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