Fwd: Re-Watch the Live Launch of the New Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer

2018-07-25 Thread Fabrizio Guzzetta
Fabrizio Guzzetta Ph.D. student, Dept. Quimica Inorganica y Organica, UJI Castellon de la Plana Spain -- Forwarded message - From: Fabrizio Guzzetta Date: mer 25 lug 2018 alle ore 15:17 Subject: Fwd: Re-Watch the Live Launch of the New Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer To: Fabrizio

[SUSPECTED SPAM] [SUSPECTED SPAM] Re: Fwd: RE: Tsubota's paper

2017-11-15 Thread TSUBOTA Masami
Dear Antonio and Norberto, Thank you, both of you. It uses a single SRM and a single instrument, and a single geometry, (snip) if you consider thermal expansion of the detector box for Delta T <~ 1 deg. I strongly agree with Antonio's plan. If I had budget, I should performed them. (FYI, w

Fwd: RE: Tsubota's paper

2017-11-15 Thread Norberto Masciocchi
Sent on behalf of Antonio Cervellino (SLS), who's not in the rietveld list. Best Norberto I have read quickly the paper (not attached but I found it) It uses a single SRM and a single instrument, and a single geometry, without reference to the accuracy of its angular calibration. Therefore I

Fwd: RE: FullProf

2015-01-29 Thread Maxim V. Lobanov (MSU)
Dear Josh, Just in case some more clarification is needed: the problem arises because of parameter correlations: the (2-theta independent) zero shift and parameters describing angle dependent shifts (displacement and transparency) are very strongly correlated. So, simple advice: never refine th

[Fwd: Re: GSAS data formats]

2009-03-16 Thread Robert Von Dreele
--- Begin Message --- I don't think this went to the mailing list On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:44 AM, Robert Von Dreele wrote: Hi, Brian is correct in that the 'FXYE' format is "best" as it is the simplest to implement. It requires 3 columns of data in free format (either floating point or expon

(Fwd) Re: Preferred orientation?

2008-05-08 Thread gregor
I very much agree with Luca in that graininess is not given the importance it actually has. Older textbooks like Klug-Alexander or Peiser considered graininess to some depth, and simple estimations show that in a usual BB sample, the number of grains in Bragg condition may be as low as 1 for a

Fwd: Re: [sdpd] Pt cell parameters versus temperature

2007-01-09 Thread Andy Fitch
The thermal evolution of the lattice parameters of Pt was discussed in 2005 on the SDPD list. One of the replies follows. Andy Subject: Re: [sdpd] Pt cell parameters versus temperature Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nof

[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Question]]

2006-09-29 Thread Simon Billinge
s are very hard to see though, even when they are there. S Original Message Subject: [Fwd: Re: Question] Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:14:00 -0400 From: Xiangyun Qiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Organization: Cornell University To: Simon Billinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Hi Simon, I

FwD: Re:

2005-05-05 Thread alex . yokochi
-- Virus Warning Message (on madrid) Found virus WORM_SOBER.S in file Winzipped-Text_Data.txt .pif (in our_secret.zip) The uncleanable file our_secret.zip is moved to /opt/trend/virus/virykc8EH. - ok ok ok, he