Fabrizio Guzzetta
Ph.D. student, Dept. Quimica Inorganica y Organica, UJI
Castellon de la Plana

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Fabrizio Guzzetta <guzze...@uji.es>
Date: mer 25 lug 2018 alle ore 15:17
Subject: Fwd: Re-Watch the Live Launch of the New Empyrean X-ray
To: Fabrizio Guzzetta <fabrizio.guzze...@gmail.com>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Matt Rafferty <mattraffe...@azonetwork.com>
Date: mié., 25 jul. 2018 15:13
Subject: Re-Watch the Live Launch of the New Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer
To: Fabrizio <guzze...@uji.es>

XRD & Crystallography - Sample Preparation for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
with the XRD-Mill McCrone
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  July 25, 2018
  XRD & Crystallography
  The latest crystallography and x-ray diffraction news from across the

[image: #ALT#]
the Live Launch of the New Empyrean X-ray Diffractometer

*Be among the first to understand the difference an intelligent
diffractometer with new MultiCore Optics can make, both to your workflows
and your data quality.*

In developing this ground-breaking new flagship instrument, Malvern
Panalytical have focused on speeding, simplifying and automating analysis,
to make XRD more accessible and efficient.

Watch Now

      [image: Sample Preparation for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis with the
XRD-Mill McCrone]
Preparation for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis with the XRD-Mill McCrone

With natural resources continuing to be difficult to obtain, the rise of
innovative technologies that provide for the sustainable use of raw
materials are increasingly sought after.
      [image: Cutting Edge Small Molecule XRD System Installed at the
University of Melbourne]
Edge Small Molecule XRD System Installed at the University of Melbourne

Crystallographers at the University of Melbourne received a boost following
the installation of a state-of-the-art small molecule X-ray diffraction
(XRD) machine. The XtaLAB Synergy-S from Rigaku Oxford Diffraction (ROD) is
a class-leading instrument that marries cutting edge technologies that will
enable their researchers to generate world-class data. The system was
installed by AXT Pty. Ltd. ROD’s distributor in Australia and New Zealand.
  Enhanced Structural Analysis Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction

[image: Enhanced Structural Analysis Using X-Ray Powder Diffraction]
in methodology, instrumentation, and computational power has guaranteed
easy and rapid structural analysis using X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD)
data. While the method has virtually become a standard process, its results
can differ in terms of accuracy.

  Free demo at your desk: Aeris benchtop X-ray diffractometer

[image: Free demo at your desk: Aeris benchtop X-ray diffractometer]
Panalytical, a global leader in high-performance analytical instrumentation
and materials analysis solutions, announces their free webinar on the Aeris
benchtop X-ray diffractometer, presented by Olga Narygina Ph.D., Product
manager XRD at Malvern Panalytical.

  Analysis of Polycrystalline Materials with Benchtop XRD Instrument -

[image: Analysis of Polycrystalline Materials with Benchtop XRD Instrument
- MiniFlex]
MiniFlex X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) is a powerful instrument for the
quantitative and qualitative analysis of polycrystalline materials. With
its various range of functions, including phase identification and
quantification, determination of percent crystallinity, crystallite size
and strain and lattice parameter and Rietveld refinement;

  Rigaku Introduces Newest SmartLab Intelligent X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

[image: Rigaku Introduces Newest SmartLab Intelligent X-ray Diffraction
(XRD) System]
Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the new next-generation
Rigaku SmartLab intelligent multipurpose X-ray diffractometer.

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