If I guarantee that the same key is only written with a 5 second interval,
is last_write_wins=true profitable?
On 27 January 2014 23:25, Edgar Veiga wrote:
> Hi there everyone!
> I would like to know, if my current application is a good use case to set
> last_write_wins to true.
> Ba
On 29 Jan 2014, at 09:57, Edgar Veiga wrote:
> tl;dr
> If I guarantee that the same key is only written with a 5 second interval, is
> last_write_wins=true profitable?
It depends. Does the value you write depend in anyway on the value you read, or
is it always that you are just getting a t
Hi Russel,
No, it doesn't depend. It's always a new value.
Best regards
On 29 January 2014 10:10, Russell Brown wrote:
> On 29 Jan 2014, at 09:57, Edgar Veiga wrote:
> tl;dr
> If I guarantee that the same key is only written with a 5 second interval,
> is last_write_wins=true profitabl
We are using Riak Java client 1.4.x and we want to copy all counters
from cluster A to cluster B (all counters will be stored on a single to
very few buckets), if I list the keys using special 2i bucket index and
then treat each key as IRiakObject, will that be enough to copy
counters, or
On 29 Jan 2014, at 11:27, Guido Medina wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using Riak Java client 1.4.x and we want to copy all counters from
> cluster A to cluster B (all counters will be stored on a single to very few
> buckets), if I list the keys using special 2i bucket index and then treat
> each k
Oh damn, wait. You said 1.4.*. There might, therefore be siblings, do a counter
increment before the copy to ensure siblings are resolved (if you can.) Or use
On 29 Jan 2014, at 11:27, Guido Medina wrote:
> Hi,
> We are using Riak Java client 1.4.x and we want to copy all counte
Russell Brown wrote, On 29/01/14 11:43:
However, since you've mentioned copying from cluster to cluster,
expect a sales call any minute…to preempt that, let me tell you about
a wonderful piece of software we sell at Basho that could solve this
very problem for you…
Got it, do a counter fetch (CounterObject) from source which internally
does the sibling resolution, do a counter fetch from dest and increase
that counter by source-dest (if dest is null then 0) :D
I wish I could setCounter(n) instead of increase (only in this case) to
avoid extra fetch.
Hi All
I have 5 node cluster of riak database. I have take backup of this database
& trying to restore it with riak-admin. But it take too much much already
7days has passed & still restoration process is running. I want to know is
their any command or way to restore it quickly.
I am trying to re
Basho Engineering has uncovered a bug in the Active Anti-Entropy (AAE) code
in Riak versions 1.4.4 through 1.4.7, inclusive. This code incorrectly
generates hashes resulting in AAE failing to repair data. Data will
continue to be repaired via the standard read repair mechanisms. As the
Greetings all. We are working on our product with embedded Riak. One
question that came up is what does Riak do when/if we start seeing this in
the logs:
Is this just informational, or does Riak act on this alarm in some way to
try to reduce its own memory use?
While nowhere near as important, does this bug also exist in the current
2.0 pre-releases?
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Tom Santero wrote:
> Hello,
> Basho Engineering has uncovered a bug in the Active Anti-Entropy (AAE)
> code in Riak versions 1.4.4 through 1.4.7, inclusi
Hi Dave,
This bug only affects 1.4.4 thru 1.4.8. The pre-releases of Riak 2.0 are
not affected. That said, remember that Riak 2.0-pre5 and pre11 are not
recommended for production use, and have only been released as a technical
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Dave Martora
This is just a warning, one that your monitoring system should take note
of. If Riak runs out of RAM it will stop and leave a core dump.
On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Matthew MacClary <> wrote:
> Greetings all. We are working on our product with embedded Ria
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