On 29 Jan 2014, at 11:27, Guido Medina <guido.med...@temetra.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using Riak Java client 1.4.x and we want to copy all counters from 
> cluster A to cluster B (all counters will be stored on a single to very few 
> buckets), if I list the keys using special 2i bucket index and then treat 
> each key as IRiakObject, will that be enough to copy counters, or will 
> counter siblings stop me from doing that?

There shouldn’t ever be a sibling in a counter object, so that _should_ work.

However, since you've mentioned copying from cluster to cluster, expect a sales 
call any minute…to preempt that, let me tell you about a wonderful piece of 
software we sell at Basho that could solve this very problem for 



>  Since at Riak Java client CounterObject is not an IRiakObject, it is instead 
> an operation.
> Comments at a working method:
> Source bucket: Bucket from Riak client pointing to source cluster.
> Dest bucket: Bucket from Riak client pointing to dest bucket.
>   protected void copyOneItem(final Bucket sourceBucket, final Bucket 
> destBucket, final String key) throws RiakRetryFailedException
>   {
>     final IRiakObject riakObject=sourceBucket.fetch(key).execute();
>     if(riakObject!=null){
>       destBucket.store(riakObject).withoutFetch().execute();
>     }
>   }
> Regards,
> Guido.
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