On 7 August 2015 at 18:47, Hao wrote:
> Single node with search=on, I previously indexed 2 map objects. Then I did
> a restore of my previous bitcask folder. I can see newly created bucket
> type still there. And when I search by index, the index data are also
> there. So I remov
Single node with search=on, I previously indexed 2 map objects. Then I did a
restore of my previous bitcask folder. I can see newly created bucket type
still there. And when I search by index, the index data are also there. So I
removed the index folder (under /var/lib/riak/yz
1. Stop Riak process on all nodes (on freshly restored nodes, Riak refuses to
2. Restore Riak nodes (via any filesystem-level backup)
3. Change the Riak nodename in all configs
4. ReIP a single node
5. Start riak on the rei
directories missing from the nodes
>> that were force-replaced? Unless someone else wants to chime in, I’ll gather
>> more info on what occurred from the reip vs the force-replace.
>> Zeeshan Lakhani
>> programmer |
>> software engineer at @basho |
t; @zeeshanlakhani
>> On Apr 24, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Jason Campbell wrote:
>> Is there a way to do a restore without rebuilding these indexes though?
>> Obviously this could take a long time depending on the amount of indexed
>> data in the cluster. It's a f
programmer |
software engineer at @basho |
org. member/founder of @papers_we_love | paperswelove.org
twitter => @zeeshanlakhani
> On Apr 24, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Jason Campbell wrote:
> Is there a way to do a restore without rebuilding these indexes though?
> Obviously th
Is there a way to do a restore without rebuilding these indexes though?
Obviously this could take a long time depending on the amount of indexed data
in the cluster. It's a fairly big gotcha to say that Yokozuna fixes a lot of
the data access issues that Riak has, but if you restore f
irst Riak node (changed with riak-admin reip) kept it's Solr index.
> However, the other nodes when joined via riak-admin cluster force-replace,
> dropped their Solr indexes.
> Is this expected? If so, it should really be in the docs, and there should
> be another way to r
opped their Solr indexes.
Is this expected? If so, it should really be in the docs, and there should be
another way to restore a cluster keeping Solr intact.
Also, is there a way to rebuild a Solr index?
> On 24 Apr 2015, at 15:16, Jason Campbell wrote:
> I've jus
I've just done a backup and restore of our production Riak cluster, and
Yokozuna has dropped from around 125 million records to 25million. Obviously
the IPs have changed, and although the Riak cluster is stable, I'm not sure
Solr handled the transition as nicely.
Is there a way to
kup and restore of a
> Riak instance. I am currently using version riak_2.0.0beta1-1 and
> whenever we run the riak-admin backup command I receive the following error
> below. If this is not the proper way to backup an instance then I need to
> know the process of restoring the data onc
I am looking for some information regarding the backup and restore of a
Riak instance. I am currently using version riak_2.0.0beta1-1 and whenever
we run the riak-admin backup command I receive the following error below.
If this is not the proper way to backup an instance then I need to know the
Hi All
I have 5 node cluster of riak database. I have take backup of this database
& trying to restore it with riak-admin. But it take too much much already
7days has passed & still restoration process is running. I want to know is
their any command or way to restore it quickly.
I am t
The schema file is stored in a special bucket '_rs_schema' as well as
cached in memory.
On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Jon Debonis wrote:
> Hello,
> Riak includes these commands:
> search-cmd set-schema [INDEX] SCHEMAFILE
> search-cmd show-schema [INDEX]
> Once imported
Riak includes these commands:
search-cmd set-schema [INDEX] SCHEMAFILE
search-cmd show-schema [INDEX]
Once imported/loaded, where is this schema file stored? Is it in a bucket,
or on the filesystem?
riak-users mailing lis
Hi All,
Also just tried to restore production data on testing cluster. As you can
see on image - http://s8.postimg.org/eu201p9d1/riak_rstore.png - it starts
at 480 op/sec and quickly drops to asymptotical 50... We have several
millions of keys, so, it will literally takes ages to restore all data
Having the same problem. Still running a restore of 2.7 gb. In my case is
1M keys of 1kb average, and a dump file of 2.7Gb.
Was running for at least one day already.
The cpu in that node is 100% (seems like only one core being used).
The backup was done in another cluster with smaller instances
Would you expect a restore of this size to take this long?
My cluster is comprised of 6 nodes, bitcask, and ring size of 128.
Total of 1.2 million keys/objects in a single bucket.
I have some fairly large objects. A few, less than 10, are around if not
greater than 1GB. Less than 1000 are
> Mark
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 2:46 PM, Justin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Is there any way to determine progress/percent complete?
>> This has been running for 3 days now. I figured it would finish over the
>> weekend but it hasn
kend but it hasn't.
> # riak-admin restore riak@ riak
> /var/lib/riak/backups/all_nodes.20130725.bak
> Restoring from '/var/lib/riak/backups/all_nodes.20130725.bak' to cluster
> to which 'riak@ belongs.
> I'm reluctant to kill it. It could be nearly complete
Hello all,
Is there any way to determine progress/percent complete?
This has been running for 3 days now. I figured it would finish over the
weekend but it hasn't.
# riak-admin restore riak@ riak
Restoring from '/var/lib/riak/backups
Per http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Backups/, you need not only
Bitcask data but also ring data and configuration.
On Jul 18, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Mark Wagner wrote:
> Here is what I am doing: on OSX
> # Install riak on my local OSX development box
> brew install riak
Here is what I am doing: on OSX
# Install riak on my local OSX development box
brew install riak
riak start
riak-admin test
Successfully completed 1 read/write cycle to 'riak@'
riak stop
#goto the default data directory setup by brew
cd ~/Developer/Cellar/riak/1.3.1-x86_64/libexec/dat
Hi Mark,
If you need to get the structure the data, your best bet is to pull the
content type. You'll need to list-keys [1] on that bucket and then parse
the header for each key with a HEAD request, paying special attention to
the content-type for the key [2]. Keep in mind we don't recommend using
Thanks for the info!!! I appreciate the help and I am glad to know that it
should just work!
I don't really need the data from the whole cluster while developing the
script. I just need to get my queries working etc...
One issue I am facing is I don't know the structure of the data. So I am
Hi, Mark.
You've already received a little advice generally so I won't pile on that part,
but one thing stood out to me:
> My client has sent me a backup from one of their cluster nodes. bitcask
> data,. rings and config.
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're doing, what you're working on wi
On 09/07/13 22:24, Mark Wagner wrote:
Hey all,
I'm new to riak and I'm working on an ETL script that needs to pull data
from a riak cluster.
My client has sent me a backup from one of their cluster nodes. bitcask
data,. rings and config.
At this point I believe I should be able to star
Hey all,
I'm new to riak and I'm working on an ETL script that needs to pull data
from a riak cluster.
My client has sent me a backup from one of their cluster nodes. bitcask
data,. rings and config.
Here is what I am doing: on OSX
# Install riak on my local OSX development box
brew install r
p new data from your 1.0 cluster to 1.2 to see if
you can reproduce the error?
On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 7:47 AM, Jorge Garrido
> Hi,
> I create a file backup with command backup in riak version 1.0.2
> When I try restore command with this file in
I create a file backup with command backup in riak version 1.0.2
When I try restore command with this file in the riak version 1.2.1, show me
this error:
$ sh dev1/bin/riak-admin restore dev1@ riak /root/rbackup-102.backup
Restoring from '/root/rbackup-102.backup' to
Unfortunately I got the same error message. Any more ideas?
file permissions:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 riak riak 12812804 Apr 8 06:14 geodata.bck
error message:
{"init terminating in
server using
> backup/restore operation.
> $ sudo riak-admin restore riak@ riak /home/ec2-user/geodata.bck
> Above command generates following error message. Seems like permission error,
> however I execute the command with sudo. I did chown to 'riak'
I am trying to transfer data from my local machine to a server using
backup/restore operation.
$ sudo riak-admin restore riak@ riak /home/ec2-user/geodata.bck
Above command generates following error message. Seems like permission error,
however I execute the command with
33 matches
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