I think I figured it out.

I followed this guide: 

The first Riak node (changed with riak-admin reip) kept it's Solr index.  
However, the other nodes when joined via riak-admin cluster force-replace, 
dropped their Solr indexes.

Is this expected?  If so, it should really be in the docs, and there should be 
another way to restore a cluster keeping Solr intact.

Also, is there a way to rebuild a Solr index?


> On 24 Apr 2015, at 15:16, Jason Campbell <xia...@xiaclo.net> wrote:
> I've just done a backup and restore of our production Riak cluster, and 
> Yokozuna has dropped from around 125 million records to 25million.  Obviously 
> the IPs have changed, and although the Riak cluster is stable, I'm not sure 
> Solr handled the transition as nicely.
> Is there a way to force Solr to rebuild the indexes, or at least get back to 
> the state it was in before the backup?
> Also, is this expected behaviour?
> Thanks,
> Jason
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