Hey all,

I'm new to riak and I'm working on an ETL script that needs to pull data
from a riak cluster.

My client has sent me a backup from one of their cluster nodes. bitcask
data,. rings and config.

Here is what I am doing:   on OSX

# Install riak on my local OSX development box
brew install riak

#goto the default data directory setup by brew
cd ~/Developer/Cellar/riak/1.3.1-x86_64/libexec/data/

# create a bitcask directory and copy the bitcask data into it
mkdir bitcask
cd bitcask
cp -r ~/Downloads/riak/var/lib/riak/bitcask/* ./

#goto the ring directory and copy the ring data into it
cd ../ring
cp -r ~/Downloads/riak/var/lib/riak/ring/* ./

#goto the etc directory, delete pem files, copy over the pem files from
cd ../../etc/
rm *.pem
cp ~/Downloads/riak/etc/riak/*.pem ./

I do not believe I need to make any changes to the default vm.args or
app.config files installed by brew.

#run the riak-admin reip command since the hostname is different
riak-admin reip r...@staging1.sjc1.xxxxx.net riak@

At this point I believe I should be able to start riak and browse the data.
  Is this correct?
How can I verify, that riak see's the data?
I have no idea of the structure of the data how can I determine the

Thanks for your help,


Mark Wagner, Web & Mobile Developer
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