return true;
So my other question is if this still holds true for the current Riak
Java client 2.1.1?
On 22/06/17 09:49, Guido Medina wrote:
I see now there is support for 2i which we needed in order to migrate
to 2.x, there was another issue with
I see now there is support for 2i which we needed in order to migrate to
2.x, there was another issue with the old client which forced us to
modify the client, such issue was related to the following, let me put
an example:
public class POJO {
public String getKey() {
Hi Pratik,
>From exception msg you are missing joda time jar, download one and put in
your classpath.
If you use maven it will download the dependency for you automatically.
Hope this help.
On Friday, 28 October 2016, Pratik Kulkarni wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am working on a distributed file
Hi All,
I am working on a distributed file storage system using the Java Netty
framework. For this purpose i have Raik KV as an in memory storage solution.
Following jar dependencies are present in my build path :
API docs: http://basho.github.io/riak-java-client/
Tag: https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/releases/tag/
- This will be the last planned version of Riak Java Client that
supports Java 7.
- Some of the changes are binary-incompatible with RJC
Hi Guido,
I see that you opened up this PR, thanks -
Would you mind filing these questions in an issue on GitHub to
continue the discussion there?
Luke Bakken
Are there any plans on releasing a Riak Java client with Netty-4.1.x?
The reasoning for this is that some projects like Vert.x 3.3.0 for
example are already on Netty-4.1.x and AFAIK Netty's 4.1.x isn't just a
drop in replacement for 4.0.x
Would it make sense to support another
n write some fairly
> detailed code in riak-java-client to realize that's the configuration and
> count that there are enough healthy nodes. However, if I'm using something
> like haproxy, I'm not sure there's a great spot to put that logic.
> Is there a w
Thanks for this. I think in the end I'm going to assume there's
sufficient traffic that the node state that riak-java-client keeps track
of is up to date enough.
Of course I have yet another question. Even if I assume the state of
each node is correct, how do I know if the clust
avid Byron wrote:
>> I'm implementing a health check for a service of mine that uses riak.
>> I've seen this code from
>> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/456:
>> RiakCluster cluster = clientInstance.getRiakCluster();
>> List nodes = cl
7;ve seen this code from
RiakCluster cluster = clientInstance.getRiakCluster();
List nodes = cluster.getNodes();
for (RiakNode node : nodes)
State state = node.getNodeState();
and it's great. From what I can tell, it depends on some bac
I'm implementing a health check for a service of mine that uses riak.
I've seen this code from
RiakCluster cluster = clientInstance.getRiakCluster();
List nodes = cluster.getNodes();
for (RiakNode node : nodes)
Hi All,
I just pushed the blue button and released Riak Java Client 2.0.2.
Get it here: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/basho/riak/riak-client/2.0.2/
It should be synced to Maven Central within the hour. Just update your pom
dependency to 2.0.2.
Special thanks to Justin Plock, Cesar Alvernaz
Hi Santi,
Riak's Protocol Buffers interface doesn't currently support the full range
of Solr queries, this was done to keep it compatible with the old Riak 1.x
search interface.
If you need to use any search properties beyond those provided by Riak
clients, you'll need to query with a Solr driver
Thanks Alex
Will do. The https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/512 is causing
issues on several platforms at the moment
On Tuesday, 28 April 2015 at 03:39, Alex Moore wrote:
> Hi Cos,
> We will continue to support and develop the Java client.
if there's no one on this right now, I'm happy to help out
with current and future issues as my time allows it.
We're happy for any of your help, if you've got any issues / bugs / great
ideas just submit an issue on GitHub
One quick question on the Riak Java Client.
Brian Roach seemed to have been the only active contributor to this. Recently
he mentioned that he's leaving Basho though, so I was wondering if he'll be
maintaining this moving forward.
Since the Riak Java client is now a fundamental p
Hi All,
I am currently using the Riak java client v1.4.4, but have also encountered
this issue in 2.0.x.
I am experiencing an issue where the underlying Riak load balancer IP
changes (AWS load balancer) but the DNS cache in the Java app does get
updated, even when the connection fails. I have
I'm need to use faceting for some of the data in Riak, I know we can use it
with Search.Options, but I couldn't find a decent way to use that. I was
looking at any test cases, but couldn't find any. If some body used it, can
you please post a gist or sample here.
I just need to use enable face
Yes found that after a while.
Thank you
On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 14:45, Brian Roach wrote:
> Cosmin,
> To use links with a POJO, there's an annotation:
> http://basho.github.io/riak-java-client/2.0.0/com/basho/riak/client/api/annotations/RiakLink
To use links with a POJO, there's an annotation:
- Roach
On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:29 AM, Cosmin Marginean wrote:
> I am implementing a custom way to handle Riak Links usin
I am implementing a custom way to handle Riak Links using a Java Client.
Looking at the samples available
(https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/wiki/Using-links which is outdated)
it seems that it’s not entirely straightforward to use RiakLinks with POJOs and
automatic conversion. More
Hi Guido,
Yes, you can run the 1.4.x java client against riak 2.0 as long as you
don't activate the newer features like security and bucket types.
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Guido Medina
> Hi,
> Is it possible to run the Riak Java client 1.4.x ag
Is it possible to run the Riak Java client 1.4.x against Riak 2.x? At
the moment we would have to do a major refactor in our application to
support Riak Java client v2.x so I'm wondering if it is possible to
first migrate to Riak v2.x before we start our refactor.
Best regards,
in context:
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
riak-users mailing list
feel free to check-out the current
pre-release [1]. The pre-release covers the low level API we have built on top
of the PB interface. There is a start to a friendlier API in the develop branch
of riak-java-client [2].
If you would like to get started with the low level API to begin getting a
meantime, please feel free to
check-out the current pre-release [1]. The pre-release covers the low
level API we have built on top of the PB interface. There is a start
to a friendlier API in the develop branch of riak-java-client [2].
If you would like to get started with the low level API to
friendlier API in the develop branch
of riak-java-client [2].
If you would like to get started with the low level API to begin getting a feel
for Riak datatypes, I have included a few snippets that will hopefully help.
The counters (and the data structures in general) are implemented as two
Is there any small doc that could explain its usage a little bit:
From the Java perspective it would be nice if it point out its counter
part methods with Atomic Integer like:
* How to create it? Does incrementing a counter will just create it
with zero as initial value and then incre
aster branch in the github repo will now build the core preview
of the new client.
The README has more info and an example of how to get it up and running.
I've also generated and posted the Javadocs online
t; we are using the Riak Java client and need to support high availability
> Currently I am connection the pbc to a specific node in our cluster,
> I would like to pass a list of IP's so that in case the connect fails on one
> we will try the operation again on the other
I meant "Hi Shimon", sorry for the wrong spelling.
On 09/12/13 12:12, Guido Medina wrote:
Hi Simon,
We use HA proxy for that matter, set up HA proxy to at localhost:8087
and then your Riak Java client pointing to it, this is a sample HA
proxy config: https://gist.github
Hi Simon,
We use HA proxy for that matter, set up HA proxy to at localhost:8087
and then your Riak Java client pointing to it, this is a sample HA proxy
config: https://gist.github.com/gburd/1507077
On 09/12/13 12:05, Shimon Benattar wrote:
Hi Riak users,
we are using the
Hi Riak users,
we are using the Riak Java client and need to support high availability
Currently I am connection the pbc to a specific node in our cluster,
I would like to pass a list of IP's so that in case the connect fails on
one we will try the operation again on the other node (Also
Aren't you missing the new operator?
PBClientConfig pbcc = *new*
On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Ari King wrote:
> I'm following the java client
> wiki<https://github.com/basho/riak-java-cli
I'm following the java client
Riak Java Client 1.4.2) to create a client from PBClientConfig.
However, I'm consistently getting the following error: object
I still did not figure it out what's happening.
I wrote a simple test that uses 3 Riak Java clients running on single
machine. Each client connects to a different Riak node and uses the same
converters, mutators etc
as original code. I'm explicitly setting clientId and started updating
single key.
I tested that with curl. Should've mentioned that.
The output shows there is no siblings for the key and returned header looks
like this:
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< X-Riak-Vclock:
< x-riak-index-oid_bin: 2a9691be-2f70-11e3-b746-c91c3800
Daniel -
Unfortunately returning the body from a store operation may not
reflect all the replicas (and in the case of a concurrent write on two
different nodes "may not" really means "probably doesn't").
If you do a subsequent fetch after sending both your writes you'll get
back a single vclock
Hi Brian
Thanks for update.
I'm using 1.1.3 now and still have some issues sibling related
Two clients are updating the same key.
Updated is my custom meta field, which should be merged to contain values
from both clients (set)
I see both client are doing fetch, resolving sibling (only 1 i.e. no
Daniel -
I'll get 1.1.3 out today; I'll post to the list. There's actually a
couple other small things I need to squeeze in since we're going to do
a release.
Re: Setting the vclock on the tombstone in JSONConverter, you're
right. It would only be an issue if you only had a tombstone, but it
Thanks Brian for putting fix together so quickly.
I think I found something else though.
In JSONConverter I don't see vclock being set in toDomain() when converting
deleted sibling?
That vclock should be used for following delete if I understood it
Also where can I download latest buil
On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Daniel Iwan wrote:
> Thanks Brian for quick response.
> As a side question, what is the best way to delete such an object i.e. once
> I know one of the siblings has 'deleted' flag true because I fetched it?
> Should I just use DomainBucket.delete(key) without pro
Thanks Brian for quick response.
As a side question, what is the best way to delete such an object i.e. once
I know one of the siblings has 'deleted' flag true because I fetched it?
Should I just use DomainBucket.delete(key) without providing any vclock?
Would it wipe it from Riak or create yet an
Daniel -
Yeah, that is the case. When the ability to pass fetch/store/delete
meta was added to DomainBucket way back when it appears that was
I'll add it and forward-port to 1.4.x as well and cut new jars. Should
be avail by tomorrow morning at the latest.
- Roach
On Thu, Oct 3,
Hi I'm using Riak 1.3.1 and Java client 1.1.2
Using http and curl I see 4 siblings for an object one of which
has X-Riak-Deleted: true
but when I'm using Java client with DomainBucket my Converter's method
toDomain is called only 3 times.
I have set the property
fetching it using
> the Riak Java client? It would be nice to have one for quick checks without
> fetching the key:
> interface Bucket {
> public boolean isKeyPresent(String key);
> }
> Of course, that would have to be supported
Is there a way to quick check if a key is present without fetching it
using the Riak Java client? It would be nice to have one for quick
checks without fetching the key:
/interface Bucket {//
// //
// public boolean isKeyPresent(String key);//
// //
Of course, that
To ease the situation we have done some redesign to avoid locks
contention (Internal to our app), cause we were writing too often in
very short time to the same key (no siblings), so it might be a
combination of LevelDB+AAE+2i streaming, tomorrow hopefully things are
back to normal, the crash.l
That option is for the connection timeout (i.e. when the connection
pool makes a new connection to Riak).
You can set the read timeout on the socket with the aforementioned
The default is the Java default, which is to say it'll block on the
socket read until either ther
Like this: withConnectionTimeoutMillis(5000).build();
On 25/09/13 18:08, Brian Roach wrote:
Guido -
When you say "the client is configured to time out" do you mean you're
using PB and you set the SO_TIMEOUT on the socket via the
PBClientConfig's withRequestTimeoutMillis()?
- Roach
Guido -
When you say "the client is configured to time out" do you mean you're
using PB and you set the SO_TIMEOUT on the socket via the
PBClientConfig's withRequestTimeoutMillis()?
- Roach
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Guido Medina wrote:
> Hi,
> Streaming 2i indexes is not timing out, ev
Streaming 2i indexes is not timing out, even though the client is
configured to timeout, this coincidentally is causing the writes to fail
(or or the opposite?), is there anything elemental that could "lock" (I
know the locking concept in Erlang is out of the equation so LevelDB?)
2.5.0 that make code generated with 2.4.1 incompatible.
To solve this problem we've decided to use the maven `shade` plugin to
repackage 2.4.1 and include it in the Riak Java Client jar. This is
the only difference between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1.
With the release of v2.0 we will be moving to Pro
t looks like
> there's some permissions issue (get an access denied).
> Thanks.
> YN shared this with you.
> Riak Java Client 1.1.2 and 1.4.0
> Via Nabble - Riak Users
> Greetings!
> The Riak Java client versions 1.1.2 and 1.4.0 have been released and
> are now avai
Riak Java Client 1.1.2 and 1.4.0
Via Nabble - Riak Users
The Riak Java client versions 1.1.2 and 1.4.0 have been released and
are now available from maven central. For non-maven users a bundled
jar including all dependencies can be found for these versio
ommunicate with Riak.
I've posted an RFC here:
https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/268 and encourage
everyone to participate.
Brian Roach
riak-users mailing list
The Riak Java client versions 1.1.2 and 1.4.0 have been released and
are now available from maven central. For non-maven users a bundled
jar including all dependencies can be found for these versions at:
nce I'm
> getting AccessDenied on that 1.1.0 jar
> Daniel
> On 14 February 2013 17:22, Brian Roach wrote:
>> Daniel -
>> Yes, sorry about that. This has been corrected in the current master
>> on github and version 1.1.0 of the cl
bout that. This has been corrected in the current master
> on github and version 1.1.0 of the client will be released today.
> https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/pull/212
> Thanks!
> Brian Roach
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Daniel Iwan
> wrote:
> > I see
rrent Javadocs have been published and are available via
- Brian Roach
riak-users mailing list
Daniel -
Yes, sorry about that. This has been corrected in the current master
on github and version 1.1.0 of the client will be released today.
Brian Roach
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Daniel Iwan wrote:
> I see 100% CPU v
I see 100% CPU very regularly on one of the Riak client (v1.0.7) threads.
I think the place where it spins is connection reaper in RiakConnectionPool
I looked at it briefly and it seems that when it finds first connection
using peek but that does not expired it can spin in tight while loop.
I gues
Thanks, Guido. :)
Brian and the crew couldn't do it without your usage and feedback, so
keep it coming.
Thanks for being a part of Riak.
On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Guido Medina wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just dropping a short note; thanks for the hard work done at the Riak
Hi all,
Just dropping a short note; thanks for the hard work done at the Riak
Java client, specially to /Brian Roach/, the client is becoming more and
more stable and very professional.
Have a nice weekend,
riak-users mailing list
We now believe this to be fixed in the following commit to rjc. Socket
timeouts were not resulting in permits being released -
The content of the byte[]s indicated that multiple threads were
reading from the
ing that, according to /stats,
> get_fsm_objsize_100 is consistently under 1MB so there is no reason to
> think that our objects are actually this large.
> At this point I'm suspicious of the following code creating too large
> a byte[] from possibly too large a return from dis.re
ts are actually this large.
At this point I'm suspicious of the following code creating too large
a byte[] from possibly too large a return from dis.readInt()
Unsure if that indica
I don't believe allow_mult is enabled. It shouldn't be at least!
On Dec 28, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Brian Roach wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Dietrich Featherston
> wrote:
>> Primarily stores but I did see one case of socket timeouts simply building a
>> new connection pool using the rj
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Dietrich Featherston
> Primarily stores but I did see one case of socket timeouts simply building a
> new connection pool using the rjc.
This should be simply a result of attempting to bring up another
instance of the client when the node can't accept mor
On Dec 28, 2012, at 11:57 AM, Brian Roach wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Dietrich Featherston
> wrote:
>> All socket operations. It looks as though those that open a new socket are
>> especially
>> impacted. We are running 1.2.1 with the leveldb backend. Same 9 node SSD
>> cl
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Dietrich Featherston
> All socket operations. It looks as though those that open a new socket are
> especially
> impacted. We are running 1.2.1 with the leveldb backend. Same 9 node SSD
> cluster info I
> have posted to the list before but don't have ac
following in the riak logs
>> [error] Unrecognized message {74392380,{error,timeout}}
>> This is accompanied by repeated socket timeouts as seen by the
>> riak-java-client.
>> Also worth mentioning, one of our nodes got into a state that the rj
>> load on the cluster. However, after rolling out this change we
>> frequently see large rises in latency across the cluster (up to the
>> gen_fsm limit of 60s) and see the following in the riak logs
>> [error] Unrecognized message {74392380,{error,timeout}}
owing in the riak logs
> [error] Unrecognized message {74392380,{error,timeout}}
> This is accompanied by repeated socket timeouts as seen by the
> riak-java-client.
> Also worth mentioning, one of our nodes got into a state that the rjc
> was unable to establish a tcp c
in latency across the cluster (up to the
gen_fsm limit of 60s) and see the following in the riak logs
[error] Unrecognized message {74392380,{error,timeout}}
This is accompanied by repeated socket timeouts as seen by the riak-java-client.
Also worth mentioning, one of our nodes got into a state
public class MyPOJO{
Hope that helps,
On 14/12/12 17:16, Ingo Rockel wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store attributes
with a null value into riak? I currently have a json object looking
like this:
Hope that helps,
On 14/12/12 17:16, Ingo Rockel wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store attributes
with a null value into riak? I currently have a json object looking
like this:
Thats more related to Jackson object mapper, annotate your POJO like this:
public class MyPOJO{
Hope that helps,
On 14/12/12 17:16, Ingo Rockel wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store
Hi all,
Is there a way to tell the riak-java-client to not store attributes with
a null value into riak? I currently have a json object looking like this:
"content":"some text",
to upgrade Jackson libraries to version 1.9.9 and later to 1.9.10 with
no avail, I'm not sure how important it is for Riak java client team to
keep the POM healthy. That's why we keep our Riak java client copy,
merge from master and keep our customized changes.
And yes, indeed, there is no
I see I'm not the only one that spot it, I have insisted several times
to upgrade Jackson libraries to version 1.9.9 and later to 1.9.10 with
no avail, I'm not sure how important it is for Riak java client team to
keep the POM healthy. That's why we keep our Riak java client co
FYI: I just filed this jackson issue:
Removing the mentioned "InternCache" improved the riak-java-client
performance a lot, at least for my case :)
Software Architect
Blue Lion mobile GmbH
Tel. +49 (0) 221 788 797 1
Hi Brian,
I know what you mean about
https://github.com/basho/riak-java-client/issues/175 which by modifying
the current *Mutation* interface will break existing code, what about
adding a *CriteriaMutation* or *OptionalMutation* interface that
*extends* the *Mutation* interface?
That way
Thanks. It is very useful information.
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 6:48 AM, Brian Roach wrote:
> Some points about how the Java client works:
> You use a single instance of the client and share it across threads.
> The client holds a connection pool. It grows as necessary. You can
> speci
Some points about how the Java client works:
You use a single instance of the client and share it across threads.
The client holds a connection pool. It grows as necessary. You can
specify the starting size of the pool and the max size (default is
unlimited). There is an idle reaper thread in tha
Hi Pavel,
I'm not an expert with the pool size, but depending on your average
key size and nodes you could tune it to your needs, regarding the
client, a single shared client instance will suffice, there is a retrier
parameter which says how many times Riak will retry your operation
Thanks Guido, Pawel,
I will try using HAProxy + holding N concurrent connections on the client
I want clear for myself some point about concurrent connections:
1) What is reasonable limit of concurrent connections?
2) Concurrent connections = separate generated pbc clients or single shared
From that perspective, for now it is better to treat the client as you
would treat a JDBC DataSource pool, the tidy up comes when connecting
the client, either one node or many, the client will behave better if it
has no knowledge of whats going on at the cluster side, of course,
that's as of 1
ok, you have 100% point here, on the other hand I think pavel looks
for some guidance how to improve performance on client side, so he can
be 100% sure he is not wasting time on something. this is maybe
premature optimization but it maybe also good position to understand
library and enter new world
In fact, as more nodes, you might be surprised it that it might be
fastersee my point? Riak is a lot of things, 1st you have to be
aware of the hashing, hashmap, how a key gets copied into different
nodes, how one or more nodes are responsible for a key, etc...so it is
not that simple.
That's why I keep pushing to one answer, Riak is not meant to be in one
cluster, you are removing the external factors and CAP settings you will
be using, and it won't be linear, you could get the same results with
RW=2 with 3, 4 and 5 nodes, there are several factors that will
influence your b
I understand that load balancing is a final solution, but I want to
benchmark single node.
If I knew that I can load single node with N requests / sec, I could assume
that after load balancing over 5 nodes my throughput limit will increase
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Guido Me
The answer is there, create a client config with N pooled connections to
your load balancer whatever you are using, I know HA proxy supports the
PBC config (TCP based) which is faster than HTTP client, and hence my
Say, a non-clustered client config with N connections to balanc
The node is OK and not down.
I have a way to do load balancing externally to JAVA Client.
I am evaluating Riak for using in my company and want to measure maximal
throughput vs single node.
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 2:13 PM, Guido Medina wrote:
> That question has been answe
That question has been answered few times, here is my old answer:
It is the Java client which to be honest, doesn't handle well one node
going down, so, for example, in my company we use HA proxy for that, here is
a starting configuration:https://gist.github.com/1507077
Once we switched
I will try this solution.
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 1:51 PM, kamiseq wrote:
> well I asked same question few days ago (maybe 2 weeks form now) and
> the answer was that yes sharing client is thread safe and all you
> should do is to create new bucket instance on every request
> p
well I asked same question few days ago (maybe 2 weeks form now) and
the answer was that yes sharing client is thread safe and all you
should do is to create new bucket instance on every request
Paweł Kamiński
On 10 Oct
1) Is it ok to share a single pbc client object between 50 threads? Should
it be protected by lock ?
2) I didn't do load balancing between nodes yet, cause I want to understand
better throughput limit. I am planning to do it for much higher throughput.
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 9:21 AM, kamis
maybe the good start is to share pbclient object and only create
bucket per request, you will save few steps on client configuration.
have you tried balancing requests to cluster and distribute them over all nodes?
Paweł Kamiński
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