On Dec 28, 2012, at 11:28 AM, Brian Roach <ro...@basho.com> wrote:

> Dietrich -
> I haven't seen this in testing or have had anyone report this; could I
> get some more info?
> What operations are timing out like this? Is that the complete message
> in the riak error.log? Which version of Riak are you running?

All socket operations. It looks as though those that open a new socket are 
especially impacted. We are running 1.2.1 with the leveldb backend. Same 9 node 
SSD cluster info I have posted to the list before but don't have access to all 
of the details at the moment.

I suspect that there are additional timeouts to be configured and the previous 
default values have been lowered. I tried bumping the requestTimeout to no 
avail. This wouldn't explain the strange latency spikes (via /stats) seen as we 
began rolling out the new driver. 

> Do you see this simply dropping in the 1.0.6 client to your existing
> application, or is this after changing your code to use the new
> 'withoutFetch()' ?

1.0.6 with the inclusion of withoutFetch(). Haven't tried with just the driver 

> Thanks,
> Brian Roach
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Dietrich Featherston <d...@d2fn.com> wrote:
>> I had rolled out an upgrade to a JVM app that uses rjc 1.0.5. We had
>> upgraded to 1.0.6 to take advantage of newly added abilities to do a
>> put without preceding it with a fetch in order to reduce operational
>> load on the cluster. However, after rolling out this change we
>> frequently see large rises in latency across the cluster (up to the
>> gen_fsm limit of 60s) and see the following in the riak logs
>> [error] Unrecognized message {74392380,{error,timeout}}
>> This is accompanied by repeated socket timeouts as seen by the 
>> riak-java-client.
>> Also worth mentioning, one of our nodes got into a state that the rjc
>> was unable to establish a tcp connection on the protobuf port to riak
>> on localhost. We were only able to fix this by restarting the riak
>> process on that node and inducing a fair amount of handoff.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> D
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