Re: Riak behind a Load Balancer

2012-06-25 Thread Swinney, Austin
I use the Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) on my ec2 riak cluster. I understand the concerns of LB fail, but for me, using Riak is largely about ease of use. Easy to deploy, grow, shrink, replace, etc. Using an the ELB allows me to do those things without consulting those who manage the ser

Re: Cannot Install Riak

2012-06-21 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hey Nick, Not solving your problem, but I known the excited-why-wont-this-work-right-now sentiment. I had a riak cluster up and running in very little time using Centos 5.6 and the rpm's from basho (riak-1.1.1-1.el5.x86_64.rpm). No errors, and as I recall, no requirements. Adding addition no

Re: devrel remote ip help

2012-06-12 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi Marv, I don't recall having your problem specifically, but if it happened to me, I would ask myself: * did you reip your node using `riak-admin reip`? * on ec2, is your security group configured to allow inbound and outbound traffic within the security group? Also, by 'hangs' I guess you m

Re: Node will not leave cluster

2012-06-06 Thread Swinney, Austin
I had a similar issue the other day with similar symptoms. One node just seeming to be stuck. It turned out after much frustration looking at the Riak Control interface and the member_status from other nodes, that the node that was leaving didn't known it was supposed to be leaving. It thoug

Re: Node will not leave cluster

2012-06-06 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi Dave, I'm no expert, however, I using riak (1.1.1 2012-03-07) RedHat x86_64. I typically issue the leave command for the node. When: -- all it's Ownership Handoffs (riak-admin ring_status) are done -- it is at 0.0% in both Ring and Pending in `riak-admin member_status` -- tailing the log

Re: two nodes stuck leaving / transferring data to each other, jamming up cluster

2012-06-04 Thread Swinney, Austin
e both of these things before (marking as down, restarting, etc), but I guess the time wasn't right. That is fine. At least the cluster is blowing chunks back and forth again like a good little party animal. Best Regards, Austin On Jun 4, 2012, at 2:16 PM, Swinney, Austin wrote: Hi

two nodes stuck leaving / transferring data to each other, jamming up cluster

2012-06-04 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi All, The following is about leveldb, riak (1.1.1 2012-03-07) RedHat x86_64, and one riak newbie known as me! I had this problem over the weekend whereby two nodes are leaving and they are both stuck trying to send transfers from one to the other. I had backed them up with tar, and after the

Re: Backing up riak

2012-04-25 Thread Swinney, Austin
I'd like to preface my comments by saying we love your product! We've really got high hopes for Riak at Vimeo! Also, my interest in backups has mainly to do with data corruption/loss from developers doing something bad. Hence, a node loss is one scenario, but having to restore all data from b

Backing up riak

2012-04-24 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi, I'm using leveldb on a 5 node ec2 cluster. I've read about the basic tar zipping of leveldb and ring files per node. Also, I read about riak-admin backup all. I'm curious about a couple things. 1) is the `riak-admin backup all` command non-blocking? 2) is it a consistent backup or is

Re: advice on debugging OOM?

2012-04-23 Thread Swinney, Austin
Ouch… This presentation has some good info about OOM, swapiness, (and other stuff) But as it points out, OOM-proofing your process would probably lead to system death anyway. And if you set a memory usage limit for the pro

Re: Riak Adoption - What can we do better?

2012-04-19 Thread Swinney, Austin
Hi Mark, The developers I work with would really like to see protocol buffers worked into the PHP client library. The release of the PB enabled C client made them happy as they could use that to upgrade the PHP client. Who knows how long before they can get to that. Until then, it is difficu