Hi Mark,

The developers I work with would really like to see protocol buffers worked 
into the PHP client library.  The release of the PB enabled C client made them 
happy as they could use that to upgrade the PHP client.  Who knows how long 
before they can get to that.  Until then, it is difficult for us to move Riak 
from back-end tasks to front-end work.  They feel a protocol buffer interface 
would be more efficient, so it seems like an area for improvement.

Thanks for asking!


On Apr 19, 2012, at 1:31 PM, Mark Phillips wrote:

At this point Riak has been deployed thousands of times. This is excellent, but 
as you can imagine we here at Basho feel this is just the tip of the iceberg. 
We want everyone to be running Riak. The software obviously needs to solve 
enough problems for people to want to deploy it. However, we need to get the 
software into developers' hands before this happens.  So the question is:

What can we be doing better?

I'm not talking so much about features in Riak itself. I'm more interested in 
the other resources, tools, docs, processes, etc., that you think we need to 
put in place or refine to take the Riak community from 1000s of users to 
100,000s of users. By virtue of being on this list, you've all spent some time 
using or investigating Riak. As such, you're opinions and experiences would be 
very valuable.

Any comments, ideas, or thoughts you had would be great. On or off-list will 

Thanks for your time. Long live the vnode!


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