Hi All,

The following is about leveldb, riak (1.1.1 2012-03-07) RedHat x86_64, and one 
riak newbie known as me!

I had this problem over the weekend whereby two nodes are leaving and they are 
both stuck trying to send transfers from one to the other.

I had backed them up with tar, and after they became stuck, I tried launching 
new instances with those levedb tar file backups.  But those new hosts, 
although listed in connected_nodes,  are not in the ring_members.

Are there any work arounds to resolving the stuck ownership handoff between the 
two leaving nodes?   I tried different scenarios of marking them as down.  That 
didn't seem to help.  ring_status indicated it wanted them down, then it wanted 
them back online.  etc.

I don't really need either one.  I'd like to eject them both from the cluster 
and have it rebalance onto the new nodes.

Both these were asked to leave:
Owner:      riak@<mailto:riak@>
Next Owner: riak@<mailto:riak@>

ring_status output:

[root@ip-10-0-0-171 riak]# riak-admin ring_status
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
================================== Claimant ===================================
Claimant:  'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
Status:     up
Ring Ready: false

============================== Ownership Handoff ==============================
Owner:      riak@<mailto:riak@>
Next Owner: riak@<mailto:riak@>

Index: 727896323280039539339725844419242519555200778240
  Waiting on: [riak_kv_vnode]
  Complete:   [riak_pipe_vnode,riak_search_vnode]

Index: 876330083321459366969787585241990013739006427136
  Waiting on: [riak_kv_vnode]
  Complete:   [riak_pipe_vnode,riak_search_vnode]


============================== Unreachable Nodes ==============================
All nodes are up and reachable

And member_status output:

[root@ip-10-0-0-168 ~]# riak-admin member_status
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
================================= Membership ==================================
Status     Ring    Pending    Node
down       16.6%     16.6%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
leaving     0.2%      0.0%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
leaving    15.6%     15.8%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid       0.0%      0.0%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid       0.0%      0.0%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid      18.0%     18.0%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid      17.4%     17.4%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid      15.4%     15.4%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
valid      16.8%     16.8%    'riak@<mailto:riak@>'
Valid:6 / Leaving:1 / Exiting:0 / Joining:1 / Down:1

Thanks for your input!


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