Good job on finding and fixing so fast.
I have to ask. What's with the naming scheme? Why not 2.9.2 instead of
On 28/06/2019 10:24, Martin Sumner wrote:
We saw that Riak was using much more memory than was expected at the
end of the handoffs. Using `riak-ad
Congratulations all! Great news!
On 17/05/2019 16:04, Nicholas Adams wrote:
Dear All,
I am extremely pleased to announce with Martin Sumner at Code BEAM STO
2019 that Riak KV 2.9.0 has officially been released!
a lot!
-Original Message-
*From:* "Russell Brown"
*To:* "ジョハンガル";
*Sent:* 2019-04-15 (月) 19:10:24 (GMT+09:00)
*Subject:* Re: riak 2.2.3, allow_mult=false but still siblings
I'm sorry, I don't know, I've not worked much on that code.
Here is how I ass
Can you let us see the bucket type definition, please?
Can you show me the headers from the curl command that returns siblings,
I want to say that what you are seeing is unpossible (from what I
remember of the code.) But I don't remember the 2.2.3 release process,
and I'd like to s
Just a quick post to share some work we’ve been doing at the NHS on Riak tail
latencies for PUTS.
Here’s a blog post:
And here are the PRs:
t;>>>>> ** exception error: undefined function riak_search_vnode:repair/1
Does not work. This I would expect, and I was asking, why do you run this? Are
you using legacy search?
If you run
> • [riak_kv_vnode:repair(P) || P <- Partitions].
>> Guido.
>> On 01/06/18 09:16, Russell Brown wrote:
>>> riak_search has been removed from riak-2.2.5. Looks like some vestige
>>> survived.
>>> Can you tell me what command you ran, it looks to me from th
riak_search has been removed from riak-2.2.5. Looks like some vestige survived.
Can you tell me what command you ran, it looks to me from the output below that
you’re connected to node and typing commands in the console?
Is this some snippet that you attach and run?
> On 1 Jun
Riak-2.2.6 has been tagged and will be/is available from the usual
outlets (see follow up from Nicholas Adams.)
Riak-2.2.6 has no changes/diffences from riak-2.2.5.
When I tagged riak-2.2.5 I did not notice that there already existed a
tag `2.1.7-225` for riak_kv. I created a new tag with th
But why isn’t read repair “working”?
> On 18 May 2018, at 11:07, Bryan Hunt wrote:
> Of course, AAE will eventually repair the missing object replicas but it
> seems like you need something more immediate.
>> On 18 May 2018, at 11:00, Bryan Hunt wrote:
>> Hi Guido,
>> You should
Thanks all for your patience and hard work. I just pushed the tag
riak-2.2.5 to the basho repo. Packages are being made.
Release notes are here
riak-users mailing
2018, at 18:18, Bryan Hunt wrote:
> From our side, it’s bank holiday weekend now, so we shall start building
> packages on Monday/Tuesday and share them out via package cloud.
> Will keep you updated.
> B
>> On 29 Mar 2018, at 16:15,
C and share results
>> when completed - probably in the following week.
>> Cheers
>> ________
>> From: riak-users [] on behalf of
>> Russell Brown []
>> Sent: 27 March 2018 19
for `current`, `previous`, and `legacy`
> to test against?
> Always the :bane: of riak_test
> -Fred
>> On Mar 27, 2018, at 1:47 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
>> Giddyup died when basho was shuttered. These test runs have all been on
>> private inf
unless absolutely necessary.
On 27 Mar 2018, at 18:43, Bryan Hunt wrote:
> Could you share URL for those outstanding failures please. B
>> On 27 Mar 2018, at 16:37, Russell Brown wrote:
>> Hi Again,
>> More progress update. All the PRs are me
2018, at 09:44, Russell Brown wrote:
> Hi,
> Just an update on the progress of riak-2.2.5 release. I realize we said
> "end of 2017" and then "end of Jan" and then "end of Feb" and here we
> are, 1st March, spring is upon us, and still no 2.2.5. I
Just an update on the progress of riak-2.2.5 release. I realize we said
"end of 2017" and then "end of Jan" and then "end of Feb" and here we
are, 1st March, spring is upon us, and still no 2.2.5. I thought it best
to at least keep you posted.
Why no release? Well, we're not quite finished ye
It _really_ needs doing. And a whole host of people have said they’re keen to
work on it.
Ted Burghart did a lot of work on this at Basho (talk here: and of course Heinz Gies has made
riak_core_ng available for some time.
At least 3 organisations ha
Luckily some riak_tests failed when upgrading from riak_ee to riak OS next. JMX
config was why.
Basho's old Riak EE came with replication, JMX, and SNMP. bet365 opensourced
all these, and have added replication to open source Riak. Running the
replication riak_test suite leads to node start
Hi Raghu,
At present Riak is still stuck on the r16 basho OTP. This will change next
year. For now, and the next release of riak, r16 is the compiler you need.
If you want to use riak_repl with open source riak, there are a couple of
options. There is the 2.2.4 tag in the basho riak repo, which
Ted Burghart did a lot of this work already. It would be great if we could
re-use some of the work.
He talks about it here -
The NHS commissioned a report on this work a while back, and I’ll ask and see
if they are willing to share it.
Hi all,
It looks like we’re moving toward shipping the open source repl code with the
next release of Riak.
I’m canvassing for opinions about the riak_snmp and riak_jmx portions of the
enterprise code. Is there anyone out there that depends on these features? I’d
like to deprecate them in the n
I’ve spent a little time lately getting Riak’s `make test` command to work. I
wrote about it here
It includes my take on what I think we agreed the immediate road map is.
Let me know if you find problems with
TL:DR - is the
fork/branch that I’ve been making progress on.
>From my understanding of what we discussed, or at least my view: in order that
>we generate momentum and show signs of life, the best thing to do is release a
>new Riak,
Interesting to hear about forks out there running in production.
WRT the meet-up, things we’d be happy to talk about/like to discuss if there’s
time on the agenda. We’d be able to give talks/lead discussions on these topics:
- Repl, Rabl, AAE, and Fullsync
- Leveled
- New indexing and queryi
lside (Technology) Limited
> -Original Message-
> From: Russell Brown []
> Sent: 22 September 2017 17:54
> To: Andrew Deane
> Cc: riak-users
> Subject: Re: RIAK Roadmap Workshop
> Hi,
> I
Before I knew about bet365's acquisition of Basho's assets I started
work for the NHS on an open source realtime replication application
for Riak. It's called rabl, and uses RabbitMQ. I wrote an introductory
blog post, which you can read here:
Great idea Heinz, I think speaking together is the right start.
I’m free next week, but a key member of our team is not. I know we’re never
going to get everyone to agree on a time, but if we could do it early the
following week it would suit more. Otherwise, I will attend and pass info
I wrote up a blog post about two fixes to riak_core_claim made by/with
This work follows on from Martin Sumner's post to the list about the
discovery of these issues and some potential fi
Not sure how great an idea is it to inject an unfinished solution into the
conversation, but Scott Fritchie and a small team were working on Machi, before
it was short-sightedly shelved by management.
Maybe the world could use another blob store after all?
On 1
t;... can you please
> list them? I'm also interested on a CS alternative.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 9:27 PM, Russell Brown
> wrote:
> Hi Stefan
> On the one hand, even before the demise of Basho, they’d stopped supporting
> Riak CS. On th
Hi Stefan
On the one hand, even before the demise of Basho, they’d stopped supporting
Riak CS. On the other, there is an organisation based in Japan, but with an
international remote team, that supports other CS customers, so may well be a
choice of support.
The CS code base has not had a huge
he core users is a large part of what did for Basho.
>> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
>>> On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:36, Dave King wrote:
>>> You asked what difference the tm made. The tm invokes clause 6. So ye
worst case is:
“No, but potentially the name could be some time in the future”, right?
I asked rhetorically what difference the TM made. I’ve also read the license,
and taken legal advice. This was not in any way a surprise.
> - Peace
> Dave
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017
On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:28, Dave King wrote:
> No, but I can read.
I read it too. I’m not sure what your point is. A day may come when the name
has to change?
> - Peace
> Dave
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:27 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
> On 14 Jul 2017,
gt; Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
> So At minimum I read that as there would need to be a new product name, and
> the docs for that product could say formerly known as Riak.
You are lawyer?
> - Peace
> Dave
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Russell B
On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> > On Jul 14, 2017, at 11:32, Russell Brown wrote:
> >
> > What do you mean “encumbered”? Riak is the name of an Apache2 licensed open
> > source database, so it can continue to be used to describe tha
On 14 Jul 2017, at 23:08, Alexander Sicular wrote:
>> On Jul 14, 2017, at 11:32, Russell Brown wrote:
>> What do you mean “encumbered”? Riak is the name of an Apache2 licensed open
>> source database, so it can continue to be used to describe that
ere to there:
>> 1. Is there enough interest on the mailing list?
>> 2. How can we pin down an agenda?
>> 3. Can we get corporate sponsorships to minimize registration?
>> 4. How can we most widely promote the event?
>> 5. What e
> LETS DO THIS SHIT! Ive got cloud resources I own... servers/VMS/XEN
> Ill do it myself if I need tooo.
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> > Abandon hope all ye who enter here.
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM, Tom Sante
oo great not to be worth deep thought and prudent action.
All the best,
-Original Message-From: "Russell Brown" Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 12:40pmTo: "Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti" Cc: "riak-users" Subject: Re: Is Riak dead?
Hi Senthilkumar,No Ri
n case this one dissappears
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 12:40 PM, Russell Brown
> wrote:
>> Hi Senthilkumar,
>> No Riak is not dead. It’s parent company, Basho is dead. And they kept the
>> keys. There are numerous forks that are being worked on. Hopefully something
Hi Senthilkumar,
No Riak is not dead. It’s parent company, Basho is dead. And they kept the
keys. There are numerous forks that are being worked on. Hopefully something
that is a canonical, community backed fork will emerge. Past mailing list posts
show strong support from large commercial and g
On 9 Jul 2017, at 21:54, Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:
> Hello,
> Just finished viewing Mark Allen's excellent 2015 Riak Core presentation and
> have been reviewing his Udon code on GitHub.
> Now I have two Micky-the-Dunce questions:
> 1. Assuming a web-base
Good news.
No problem.
On 26 Jun 2017, at 12:48, Mark Richard Thomas wrote:
> Thanks Russell.
> You're a star.
> Right again - dvv_enabled property on a bucket.
> My cluster is finally looking stable.
> Mark
> Equifax Limited is registered in England with Registered
> [riak_kv_get_fsm_sj_4,riak_kv_get_fsm_sj_worker_sup,riak_kv_get_fsm_sj,sidejob_sup,<0.372.0>]
> [{'$gen_event',{r,{ok,{r_object,{<<"commercial">>,<<"commercial_danda">>},<<"02565069">>,[{r_content,{dict,7,16,16
The crash report is for the same reason, the 3rd argument to
riak_object:merge_contents/3 is <<"false”>> when it should be the atom ‘false’.
Is that crash report from _after_ you updated the bucket properties?
On 26 Jun 2017, at 10:50, Mark Richard Thomas wrote:
> Hello
> R
inary long before this point. How did
you set that bucket property on this bucket?
On 26 Jun 2017, at 10:03, Russell Brown wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> It’s an error that means there is no function clause in
> riak_object:merge_contents that matches the given arguments. It i
Hi Mark,
It’s an error that means there is no function clause in
riak_object:merge_contents that matches the given arguments. It is hard to tell
from the snippet of log you posted what the issue is here since the arguments
are truncated. Is this related to you cluster restore from a backup? It l
Hi Mark,
The docs suggest you do. I don’t know what bad things happen if you don’t
include it though. Cluster meta data is the gossip and storage subsystem for
things like bucket-types and other internal riak metadata, you probably want it.
On 23 Jun 2017, at 09:04, Mark Richar
Hi Lloyd,
On 9 Jun 2017, at 19:16, Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:
> Hello,
> A number of definitions and explanations of VNodes can be found in various
> sites on the web. I think I have a somewhat fuzzy understanding of VNodes
> and how they are replicated around the ring in a Riak Core cluste
munity can pitch in and help?
On 30 May 2017, at 07:26, Russell Brown wrote:
> On 29 May 2017, at 10:11, Magnus Kessler wrote:
>> On 27 May 2017 at 10:43, Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti
>> wrote:
>> Any timeline for upgrading Riak to OTP 19? OTP 20 is expected in
On 29 May 2017, at 10:11, Magnus Kessler wrote:
> On 27 May 2017 at 10:43, Senthilkumar Peelikkampatti
> wrote:
> Any timeline for upgrading Riak to OTP 19? OTP 20 is expected in few weeks.
> It is holding us back niceties like improved maps etc. from the upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Senthil
nsfer to end each time.
Or add two more nodes in one go, might be quicker, and if time is money,
> 2017-05-24 15:44 GMT+03:00 Russell Brown :
> Hi,
> This is just a quick reply since this is somewhat a current topic on the ML.
> On 24 May 2017, at 12:57, D
This is just a quick reply since this is somewhat a current topic on the ML.
On 24 May 2017, at 12:57, Denis Gudtsov wrote:
> Hello
> We have 6-nodes cluster with ring size 128 configured. The problem is that
> two partitions has replicas only on two nodes rather than three as required
Also, this issue suggests that
adding the property `riak_kv.retry_put_coordinator_failure=false` may help in
future. But won’t help with your keys with too many siblings.
On 24 May 2017, at 09:22, Russell Brown wrote:
> On 24 May 2017, at
_version" : "Erlang R16B02_basho8 (erts-5.10.3) [source] [64-bit]
> [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true] [frame-pointer]",
> "basho_stats_version" : "1.0.3",
> "crypto_version" : "3.1",
> "merge_index_version" : &q
Back to the original post, the important point for me is that this is not
really about riak-core, but Riak, the database.
The OP in TL;DR form:
1. A thorough report of a long lived bug in claim that means many node/ring
combos end up with multiple replicas on one physical node, silently!
2. A p
Which client are you using?
On 6 Apr 2017, at 12:48, ジョハンガル wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a simple question regarding FetchValue.Response/getValue,
> FetchValue.Response/getValues and conflict resolution.
> In the documentation
lt. I haven't changed it.
> > Also, is there multi-datacentre replication involved?
> no
> > Do you re-use your keys, for example, have the keys in question been
> > created, deleted, and then re-created?
> no
> Thank you for the
Would be good to know the riak version, and why the dvv_enabled bucket property
is set to false, please? Also, is there multi-datacentre replication involved?
Do you re-use your keys, for example, have the keys in question been created,
deleted, and then re-created?
On 6 Ma
You’re using internal details of the CRDT implementation, I’m not sure that is
such a great idea. You always have your `Context` set to `undefined` but if
your ops are all adds that shouldn’t matter in this case.
The issue is that you’re calling `riak_kv_crdt:update` that needs to be called
Hi Andrey,
The register inside a map is a LWW-register.
Long story: When we added CRDTs to Riak we did it for those users who wanted to
avoid writing custom sibling resolution code, following on from that decision
we decided not to add the MVRegister type. Riak’s default object is an
> secret function, do not use, or I come to your house and keeel you.
> cs_opt() = {timeout, timeout()} | {continuation, binary()} | {max_results,
> non_neg_integer() | all} | {start_key, binary()} | {start_incl, boolean()} |
> {end_key, binary()} | {end_incl, boolean()}
s easy to run into
> some issues most of the time. Any suggestion here ?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Br,
> Alex
> 2017-02-06 19:02 GMT+08:00 Alex Feng :
> Hi Russell,
> It is really helpful, thank you a lot.
> We are suffering from solr crash now,
ble thing and that still fails, it helps.
IMO the simplest possible thing is to start with a new, empty key and use
modify_type to update a single register.
Many thanks
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:18 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
> So in you’re updating all those regist
> {update,{<<"id">>,register},
> {assign,<<"menufe89488afa948875cab6b0b18d579f21">>}},
> {update,{<<"end_time">>,register},{assign,<<"dont_use">>}},{update,{<<"currency">>,register},{assign,<<"cad">>
On 7 Feb 2017, at 08:17, my hue wrote:
> Dear John and Russell Brown,
> * How fast is your turnaround time between an update and a fetch?
> The turnaround time between an update and a fetch about 1 second.
> During my team and I debug, we adjusted haproxy with the
What operation are you performing? It looks like the map is a single level map
of last-write-wins registers. Are you updating a value? Is there a chance that
the time on the node handling the update is behind the value in the
Have you tried using the `modify_type` operation in ria
It’s worth noting that secondary indexes (2i) has some other advantages over
solr search. If you _can_ model your queries in 2i then I'd recommend it.
Secondary indexes have a richer API than is currently documented, if you look
at you’ll see that
IF you use leveldb, there is a function in the riak-erlang-client that gets all
objects in a bucket, I don’t know if it has been implemented in the java client
as it was written specifically for riak-cs.
> 2017-01-28 13:33 GMT+03:00 Russell Brown :
> IF you use leveldb, there is a function in the riak-erlang-client that gets
> all objects in a bucket, I don’t know if it has been implemented in the java
> client as it was written specifically for riak-cs.
> https:/
> 2017-01-28 13:33 GMT+03:00 Russell Brown :
> IF you use leveldb, there is a function in the riak-erlang-client that gets
> all objects in a bucket, I don’t know if it has been implemented in the java
> client as it was written specifically for riak-cs.
> https:/
IF you use leveldb, there is a function in the riak-erlang-client that gets all
objects in a bucket, I don’t know if it has been implemented in the java client
as it was written specifically for riak-cs.
or others solr makes more sense. I
personally disagree with the statement at the top of
> andrew
> From: Russell Brown
> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 3:45:34 PM
> To: Andy leu
Riak's secondary indexes require a sorted backend, either of the memory or
leveldb backends will work, bitcask does not support secondary indexes.
More details here
On Jan 17, 2017, at 07:13 AM, Andy l
Depends on what backend you are running, no? If leveldb then this list keys
operation can be pretty cheap.
It’s a coverage query, but if it’s leveldb at least you will seek to the start
of the bucket and iterate over only the keys in that bucket.
On 8 Dec 2016, at 21:19, John D
But I still don’t understand _why_? What is the aim, ‘cos I’m not sure it’s
For quorum reads on indexes then Sargun’s “roll your own” idea is the better
answer at the moment.
On 25 Jul 2016, at 11:25, DeadZen wrote:
> Hinted handoff from adding a node, removing a node or failing a n
On 22 Jul 2016, at 09:12, Henning Verbeek wrote:
> Alex,
> thanks for the very quick response.
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 5:36 PM, Alex Moore wrote:
>>> I'm beginning to think that I'll need to remodel my data and use CRDTs
>>> for individual fields such as the `TreeMap`. Would that be a bett
What version of riak_kv is behind this riak_cs install, please? Is it really
2.1.3 as stated below? This looks and sounds like sibling explosion, which is
fixed in riak 2.0 and above. Are you sure that you are using the DVV enabled
setting for riak_cs bucket properties? Can you post your bucket
On 17 May 2016, at 09:19, Benoit Chesneau wrote:
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:15 AM Russell Brown wrote:
> There’ll still be the need of a version vector, yes. Any advice/contribution
> on optimisations there greatly appreciated, thanks.
> maybe moving to SWC?
actor entries (1000s).
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:55 AM, Russell Brown wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Riak DT[1] is in need of some love. I know that some of you on this list
>> (Sargun, are you here? Heinz?) have expressed opinions on the work that
>> needs doing. Here is
opy algorithm would allow our system to scale from 1000s of
> > keys to 100ks of keys.
> >
> > Nonetheless, Riak_dt is an awesome library, and we're probably
> > planning on contributing back to it soonish, especially if any of the
> > other comments on this t
On 5 May 2016, at 15:11, alexc155 wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply.
> I don't think that write_once is going to work for us as we have to
> periodically update the data (although if we remove the data before
> re-inserting it, would that work?)
> Why does read-before-write slow down
On 5 May 2016, at 14:42, Sanket Agrawal wrote:
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Russell Brown wrote:
> CRDTs are all about mutation, why would you use a CRDT for immutable data? I
> think write-once is what you need.
> No particular reason - most likely ignorance o
CRDTs are all about mutation, why would you use a CRDT for immutable data? I
think write-once is what you need.
On 5 May 2016, at 14:14, Sanket Agrawal wrote:
> Two questions about write-once bucket:
> - is it useful from performance-perspective for immutable CRDTs as well?
> - If the objects
Riak DT[1] is in need of some love. I know that some of you on this list
(Sargun, are you here? Heinz?) have expressed opinions on the work that needs
doing. Here is my short list, I would love to hear opinions on priority, and
any additions to this list:
1. merger smaller map branch
2. del
thought $bucket index is some kind of special internal index?
> On 11 March 2016 at 18:28, Russell Brown wrote:
> You can’t…can you? I mean, 2i requires level. It requires ordered keys. Which
> explains your problem, but you should have failed a lot earlier.
> On 11 Mar 2016,
no logging
> so when I enabled debugging this was the first bucket to replicate the
> problem. I have a lot of buckets of the same type, some have many thousands
> keys some are small. My task is to iterate the keys (once only) of all
> buckets. Either with 2i or with Yokozuna.
> On F
e keys (once only) of all
> buckets. Either with 2i or with Yokozuna.
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 15:32 Russell Brown wrote:
> Not the answer, by why pagination for 200 keys? Why the cost of doing the
> query 20 times vs once?
> On 11 Mar 2016, at 13:28, Oleksiy Krivoshey wro
7;ll try to
> replicate this with a bigger bucket.
> On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 15:21 Russell Brown wrote:
> That seems very wrong. Can you do me a favour and try with a larger
> max_results. I remember a bug with small results set, I thought it was fixed,
> I’m looking into the pa
That seems very wrong. Can you do me a favour and try with a larger
max_results. I remember a bug with small results set, I thought it was fixed,
I’m looking into the past issues, but can you try “max_results=1000” or
something, and let me know what you see?
On 11 Mar 2016, at 13:03, Oleksiy Kr
I wonder if you have some keys that are hanging around on one of the N
partitions but are deleted elsewhere (and the tombstones reaped?). 2i uses
coverage which is essentially r=1 on a covering set of vnodes. But you think
read-repair/AAE would bring convergence, so it is perplexing. I wonder if
On 5 Mar 2016, at 19:04, Qiang Cao wrote:
> Thanks, Russell! I do a GET immediately after a POST is done. I use apache
> httpclient, which handles requests synchronously. On the client, POSTs and
> GETs are sent out sequentially.
> On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 1:57 PM,
On 5 Mar 2016, at 18:43, Qiang Cao wrote:
> Just curious. The POSTs are sent out sequentially and a quorum is set up on
> Riak. I wonder how would it happen that Riak still considers the POST
> requests concurrent?
Did you read the result of POST 1 before sending POST 2? If not, and you don’t
> Friday, January 29, 2016 2:06 PM UTC from Russell Brown
> :
> With leveldb you can use the special $bucket index. You can also stream the
> keys, and paginate them, meaning you can get them in smaller lumps, hopefully
> this will appear faster and avoid the
Not yet. I think that would be cool too.
Right now, a map is just a riak object.
I guess with Riak Search indexing though, you could get something similar,
On 25 Feb 2016, at 19:40, Cosmin Marginean wrote:
> On 25 Feb 2016, at 19:26, Cosmin Marginean wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn’t fi
mention that.
> Monday, January 25, 2016 10:10 AM UTC from Russell Brown
> :
> Hi Markus,
> Are you using leveldb backend?
> Russell
> On 22 Jan 2016, at 19:05, Markus Geck wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > is there any way to get a
Hi Markus,
Are you using leveldb backend?
On 22 Jan 2016, at 19:05, Markus Geck wrote:
> Hello,
> is there any way to get all keys from an bucket?
> I've already tried this guide:
> But riak
> always wents unres
1 - 100 of 365 matches
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