
This is just a quick reply since this is somewhat a current  topic on the ML.

On 24 May 2017, at 12:57, Denis Gudtsov <dg.65...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello
> We have 6-nodes cluster with ring size 128 configured. The problem is that
> two partitions has replicas only on two nodes rather than three as required
> (n_val=3). We have tried several times to clean leveldb and ring directories
> and then rebuild cluster, but this issue is still present. 

There was a fairly long discussion about this very issue recently (see 

I ran a little code and the following {RingSize, NodeCount, IsViolated} tuples 
were the result. If you built any of these clusters from scratch (i.e. you 
started NodeCount nodes, and used riak-admin cluster join, riak-admin cluster 
plan, riak-admin cluster commit to create a cluster of NodeCount from scratch) 
then you have tail violations in your ring.


> How can we diagnose where the issue is and fix it?

WRT your problem, a quick experiment looks like adding 2 new nodes will solve 
your problem, just adding one doesn’t look like it does. I tried just adding 
one new node and still had a single violated preflist, but I have just thrown a 
little experiment together so I could well be wrong. It doesn’t actually build 
any clusters, and uses the claim code out of context, ymmv

> Is there any way how we
> can assign partition to node manually? 

I don’t know of a way, but that would be very useful.

Do you remember if this cluster was built all at once as a 6-node cluster, or 
has it grown over time? Have you run the command riak-admin diag ring_preflists 
as documented here 

Sorry I can’t be more help



> Please find output of member-status below and screen from riak control ring
> status:
> [root@riak01 ~]# riak-admin  member-status
> ================================= Membership
> ==================================
> Status     Ring    Pending    Node
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> valid      17.2%      --      'riak@riak01.
> valid      17.2%      --      'riak@riak02.
> valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak03.
> valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak04.
> valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak05.
> valid      16.4%      --      'riak@riak06.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Valid:6 / Leaving:0 / Exiting:0 / Joining:0 / Down:0
> <http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/file/n4035179/10.png> 
> Thank you.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Issues-with-partition-distribution-across-nodes-tp4035179.html
> Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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